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  1. Article on disappearing Monarch butterflies
  2. Awesome Book for Green Christians (and others)
  3. What's your response to the naysayers?
  4. Solar generator?
  5. Impact of diet soda on the environment
  6. Ice storm.?
  7. Jaguar Ambassadors Gang?
  8. Spotted owls........what do you think about this...........from NPR
  9. Where does all this salt go?
  10. Enough snow already!!!!!
  11. Asbestos laying on the ground dangerous?
  12. 'Earth Hour' Tonight - switch off 8:30-9:30
  13. Zoning myopia: Staten Island to lose an environmental jewel
  14. Years of Living Dangerously
  15. Beautiful 3D video of swimming in coral
  16. Speak out against air dropping 1080 poison your help needed
  17. Another crazy weather thread!
  18. White house report on climate change
  19. CA drought
  20. Anyone missing toads this year?
  21. Good article
  22. Indianapolis plans a single stream trash/recycling effort
  23. Skip the cheeseburger, save the planet
  24. Wetlands instead of industrial filtration
  25. Global Climate Action - THIS WEEKEND - what are you doing?
  26. The Fire Retardant being used in California fires
  27. Water is way too cheap!
  28. Disposing of latex paint
  29. Clothes from China?
  30. California bans plastic shopping bags.
  31. EPA approves new crop herbicide
  32. Dog Poo Bags - What's better for the environment?
  33. Not Depressing
  34. Wood stoves: Yea or nay?
  35. The Draggies
  36. What dishwashing detergent?
  37. 7 Things You Should Know About Permaculture
  38. The Pope speaks out on climate change
  39. 1-Gallon pickle jars
  40. And it changes again
  41. Donating anonymously?
  42. Recycling refrigerators and freezers
  43. Sustainability & Political/Economic Systems
  44. Where do the recycling bags get sorted?
  45. Pope Francis: Care of the Earth
  46. Never Reboil Water
  47. This is disconcerting
  48. Your definition of sustainability...?
  49. My fire have been reignited
  50. What is your hot button on environmental issues?
  51. Going green in the classroom
  52. Electronic recycling event
  53. Little Ice Age?
  54. 5.4 Earths!? Environmental footprint calculator results
  55. North West Earth Institute discussion courses?
  56. Don't forget to watch the moon tonight! (Sept. 27)
  57. How to Dispose of Latex Paint Cans
  58. You know that old story about the kid and the starfish on the beach....
  59. Hard to find places that recycle alkaline batteries
  60. If this is El Nino, I'm scared
  61. Obama Rejects Keystone XL Pipeline!
  62. CathyA (and other nature photographers)
  63. Where GDP and the Sustainability Clash: Forget Shorter Showers
  64. Climate change advice from the NYT
  65. Iris lilies...........is the flooding near you?
  66. Bae....did you feel the earthquake?
  67. Anyone thinking of eating a plant-based diet
  68. Where are all those water bottles in Flint, MI going?
  69. Farmers.......why do they hate trees so much?
  70. Recycling once again
  71. Trashing stuff
  72. Scientists Warn of Perilous Climate Shift Within Decades, Not Centuries
  73. Leo may regret this pledge before long...
  74. Recycling metal, electronics, etc., etc.
  75. Recycling DVDs or donating to people who don't recycle?
  76. Garbage: How much do you create?
  77. pushing the home eco-edge a little
  78. Al Jazeera documentary--solar power in Argentina
  79. Formaldehyde, what I did not know
  80. Energy consumption..
  81. I hear Flint is still not fixed
  82. Hurricane Matthew
  83. [B]Female MD in Germany sends message to world[/B]
  84. #NoDAPL
  85. Patagonia donates millions to environmental causes
  86. Where are the birds?.........still
  87. Hmmm....is this a fake news article??
  88. the long term benefits of energy efficiency
  89. Trump hostility to the environment
  90. Disassembling our 40 Encyclopedia Britannicas.........
  91. car key "fob" recycling?
  92. SLR "manual" cameras
  93. Zero (or minimal) waste
  94. Speaking of Climate Change.......
  95. doe won't leave our backyard - what to do
  96. how do you manage your energy consumption effectively?
  97. how do you achieve energy performance improvements
  98. Where to recycle leather?
  99. Using 32% less electricity than my most efficient neighbors
  100. Rob Greenfield vs Jeff Bezos
  101. Clean recyclables before disposal?
  102. The Flood in Texas
  103. Why Houston is more prone to flooding than ever
  104. Texas flood......where does all the trash go now?
  105. Air quality in Denver
  106. Don't depend on government to bail you out
  107. Junk mail - HELP!
  108. Concentrated smell from marijuana growing greenhouse?
  109. Crop circles out west......amazing on satellite
  110. Why I Don’t Recycle
  111. Interesting info about chemicals in underwear!
  112. Our world water supply is limited...
  113. Earth Day 4/22
  114. Plastics.........
  115. The volcano in Hawaii
  116. David Holmgren, permaculture pioneer
  117. Wildfires (Durango CO area for instance)
  118. How high is the temperature today in your part of the world?
  119. Where are the butterflies?
  120. Pruitt is out...
  121. Do you pick up litter?
  122. Yellowstone Supervolcano
  123. Thought of you, Float On, when I heard this........
  124. Raising a Child in a Doomed World
  125. Can this possibly be true?
  126. Plastic plastic everywhere, challenge
  127. Give me your up cycling ideas
  128. Over-crowded rats behave like humans
  129. Win win regarding food waste
  130. What to do with old down comforter?
  131. Screamed at in Whole Foods parking lot for where I parked
  132. There's a bear out there!
  133. The California Fires..........
  134. Employers & environmental issues
  135. Is there any good news on the environment?
  136. A Week's Worth of Plastics
  137. Cruise Ship Garbage
  138. Artificial noise and light bombardment
  139. waiting for snowmaggedon
  140. Wildfires already
  141. Interesting natural occurence I didn't know about.......
  142. Climate Dysphoria
  143. lawn chemicals at the park
  144. Human composting--something you'd do?
  145. Fully recyclable shoes
  146. Speaking of atrocities against children
  147. Denver, Now
  148. Garbage reduction challenge
  149. Flying Squirrels Found to Fluoresce
  150. Donate to protect America from Trump ... Sierra Club
  151. Old dish towels
  152. Reducing use of plastics?
  153. Water wars
  154. California fires
  155. Silly, but eye-opening info-graphic
  156. New U.N. climate report offers ‘bleak’ emissions forecast
  157. Scientists: Earth Endangered by New Strain of Fact-Resistant Humans
  158. Florida and rising seas
  159. Dark Waters
  160. Flying
  161. Recycling household waste when you don’t have the service
  162. California's solar mandate
  163. Tesla's new German factory
  164. Homero Gomez Gonzalez, defender of Monarch Butterfly habitat, R.I.P.
  165. Earth’s Ozone Layer Appears To Be Recovering, Experts Say
  166. Happy 50th Anniversary of Earth Day
  167. Migratory Bird Act Treaty
  168. Covid Winners
  169. Sequoia endangered
  170. Hurricane Laura and then Marco
  171. 2020 - just keeps getting crazier
  172. Migratory birds dying
  173. Neighbors and poison use
  174. From the Cornell Lab of Ornithology
  175. Far Bear competition - for fun
  176. "Anthropause" resulting from COVID-19
  177. Laundry detergent not in a bottle
  178. Recyclable Plastic Is A Lie!
  179. Repairing rather than throwaways
  180. Heard of ecopsychology? Healing with nature
  181. Review: Bright Green Lies
  182. Lawn care undergoing changes to meadows
  183. Chick culling
  184. Stay cool Pacific Northwest
  185. Explain today's weather in simple terms
  186. Wendell Berry
  187. Living with constant smoke
  188. Exhausted and without hope, East Asian youth are 'lying flat'
  189. Too close to home...
  190. My Yellow Jackets
  191. Water crisis
  192. Nature/Animal Cams
  193. Solutions for climate change
  194. Gray Wolf Tracks in the snow - 10 feet from my driveway
  195. Appropriate Use of Solar
  196. Weird weather - here we go again
  197. Best walk ever!
  198. Solar guy came out to the house...
  199. crazy weather
  200. Food Containers!
  201. UN C!imate Change Report
  202. Small Island Big Song
  203. Five inches of snow on April 11 here in SW WA
  204. Earth Day 2022
  205. Denver e-bike and renewable energy rebate
  206. Electric Vehicles
  207. how to solve global warming
  208. "sailing' from Alaska to the southern tip of South America
  209. Long-range (100+ years) forecast for the planet
  210. Electrify Everything
  211. Missed Opportunity
  212. Springfield Landfill
  213. Shopping bags
  214. Composting people
  215. Work asking for ideas to be more “green”
  216. Population 8 billion
  217. The line, Saudi Arabia
  218. Wasteful home deliveries
  219. Green people insisting you get rid of your car
  220. The Return of Doctor Doom
  221. Environmental Stewards
  222. Dryer Sheets
  223. Chemtrails
  224. American kestrels decline
  225. natural gas
  226. Decided to give recycling another try - nope!
  227. Reduce and reuse
  228. Biden Based Air Conditioning Issues Upcoming.....
  229. Maui wildfire
  230. Am I the only one who hasn't heard of Alexander von Humboldt?
  231. Solar eclipse tomorrow
  232. Bottled water?
  233. What happened when a couple tried to decarbonize their home
  234. The Great Honeybee Fallacy
  235. Northern lights
  236. Crazy Hailstorm Yesterday
  237. Huge Rain Event & Flash Flooding
  238. Night Sky Events Lately