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  1. I love the feel good posts
  2. Anniversary
  3. Hooray for Innovative Charter Schools!
  4. Struggling with back to school schedule.
  5. Was loaned something and owner being uncooperative about taking item back
  6. How Often Do You See Your Spouse?
  7. cooking date with really good friend?
  8. Trampolines - Opinions
  9. Diaper bags/diaper bag essentials.
  10. Parent/travel issue
  11. Feels so good to LISTEN
  12. Birth of new baby. (Care/support afterwards)?
  13. making decisions about elder care
  14. Discomfort with Relative Posting Pictures of Our Baby on You Tube
  15. To those of you who are single, a ?
  16. on being less critical
  17. I think I am proud of myself, raising older kids
  18. Complaining
  19. Camelot horse auction feedlots
  20. Old cats vs. young cats
  21. Heated Dog Bed?
  22. Article: How to Save Marriage – The Most Critical Ingredient in Saving a Marriage
  23. Going to a Celebration of one's life
  24. Happy Birthday, Alana!
  25. When Someone In Debt Passes Away?
  26. Ideas for a Special Weekend
  27. Grief counselors?
  28. Amazing baby shower for new friends
  29. Who is the WE?
  30. Amanda Knox is free!
  31. How to explain religious holidays to kids when the religion has changed
  32. Shower Gifts you've loved - or Childrens Books you love
  33. Avoiding Ivy League Preschool Syndrome
  34. Naming children, pets, etc.
  35. Woman w too much perfume in closed car - what would you do?
  36. Happy Anniversary!
  37. Feeling Left Out
  38. Drifting apart from a friend
  39. Our cat has personalized address labels...
  40. help-long
  41. DD and new dog
  42. The Chicken Has Crossed the Road
  43. Hi There!
  44. Crying Baby/Nursing Issue--Long
  45. Ill Coworker
  46. My dear husband is in Pallative Care with days to weeks to live...
  47. Could you live like it was the 1950's?
  48. Mom sick, travel anxiety, eek!
  49. Manners lessons for children
  50. Living in the 50's made better!
  51. Young men afraid of committment?
  52. Thanksgiving Solo
  53. Want to give my own "prayer" at Thanksgiving
  54. Sylvan Learning Centers
  55. Internet lotharios...and me
  56. Challenges ahead
  57. Family Feud (yes, the fun continues)
  58. Not all is bad
  59. What kind of stuff does your family do together for fun?
  60. sometimes I feel bad
  61. I'm not really sure how I should feel about this.
  62. foster parenting
  63. Blocked Cat--Have You Been Through This?
  64. DD's freaking out......she has bedbugs
  65. adult children living at home
  66. Would you let your child come home if they had bed bugs??
  67. Vacation
  68. conspiracy theories...again
  69. Picky Eaters
  70. Stepfamily BS - it just keeps happening...
  71. Happy Holidays to my Simply Online Friends
  72. Houseguests that say offensive things
  73. Dog people, am I out of line here
  74. Got engaged!!
  75. My Darling Red Boyz
  76. Witness to a train wreck
  77. Holding loving, impartial space for friends divorcing...
  78. I'm sad that my nephew eloped.
  79. Crying Baby/Nursing Issue--Update
  80. Feeling guilty about being happy
  81. Moms, dads, uncles, aunts, grandparents. (Surprise spot-checks).
  82. Really awesome kids
  83. Relative who is obsessed with gore
  84. What a weekend...
  85. Got a venue and a date, pissed off Mom
  86. Well, I THOUGHT I had seen the last of a certain toxic friend.....
  87. Toddler Silly
  88. Stepson update
  89. Why does the person with the least money have the grandest party ideas?
  90. how many times a day do you step over your cat?
  91. I survived snowgeddon in WA (long)
  92. Marriage Equality in Wa state - a very moving letter from a Senator.
  93. Aging Parents
  94. Child in Need
  95. MIL mad at DH (again)
  96. Question for all 12 steppers out there...
  97. Handling others' birthdays
  98. Commuter marriage stories
  99. Would you be comfortable with this?
  100. About to go boldly out on a limb
  101. What was your dinner table talk when you were growing up?
  102. Dealing with passive aggressive people (somewhat of a vent)
  103. Conservatives, liberals, & brain science
  104. How so you handle stress or feeling yucky?
  105. Parental Guiding or Just Being Overly Critical?
  106. Ah, siblings. . .and Facebook.
  107. Sad day
  108. A lament
  109. What is it about sexting?
  110. oops, I forgot to tell you all my really big news!
  111. Addicted nephew...
  112. "Nutritionism" and the Kitchen Table
  113. How to tell if your cat is trying to kill you...
  114. my cat is in hospital
  115. Fun social interlude ideas needed?
  116. My Cat is a bleach head!!!
  117. Thinking of trying unschooling the rest of the year
  118. What have you spent on vet bills?
  119. people and their i-phones
  120. Spouse: Don't tell me how much we have in savings.
  121. How to accept someone's independence when I think they are being exploited?
  122. Stepson got into college!
  123. beginning reading?
  124. for the single parents
  125. Article: American parenting
  126. How would you advise my son? Or how would you advise me? ;)
  127. So proud of my dgd and her team!
  128. Cry It Out--Longish
  129. In laws gave us $30000 and...
  130. kids and divorce
  131. A continuing train wreck
  132. A Bit of Grief, Sweetness sought
  133. Our dog Suzi is acting different..........
  134. Oh, little one, welcome to life!
  135. I said a prayer today to my dad. Or for my dad.
  136. Ryan Chicovsky, from Lopez Island
  137. Those fabulous teens!
  138. What would you tell them to do?
  139. Be careful what you give to old people...
  140. Graduate school
  141. Playpens (baby)...
  142. Worst trip ever
  143. Shoulld parents be expected to fund their kids college education?
  144. Those three little words
  145. I am broken and drowning
  146. Helping Your Loved Ones Deal With Your Anger Issues (long)
  147. Dog meets skunk
  148. Present suggestions for a 12 year old boy?
  149. Pini and Dudu have arrived!
  150. Adult picky eaters...
  151. Improving my conversation skills
  152. Dog might be hypothyroid..........
  153. One-Year-Old Not Making Transition to Solid/Finger Foods
  154. Finally...
  155. Mental Illness :(
  156. Who is my neighbour?
  157. On pins and needles
  158. A real inspiration
  159. Saying goodbye to a child and setting them free...
  160. Spoiling that Kid!
  161. Emotions
  162. Welcome home!!
  163. Sad day for a stray cat...........
  164. She is here!
  165. when relatives don't want to help themselves
  166. kids appointments, what do other parents do?
  167. Conflicting dispositions
  168. A day of big transitions
  169. My mom and dad...don't know how to deal with them.
  170. Who wears "THE PANTS" in your home?
  171. Graduation!
  172. Grandchildren melting the hearts of grandparents
  173. Books for elderly MIL
  174. A discussion about euthenasia
  175. Anyone sorry they got a divorce?
  176. How did you merge finances after marriage....
  177. He's done!
  178. Looking for ideas from people with small children
  179. Do you think people really change?
  180. The elderly parent dilemma
  181. Sort of funny update on the stray cat I buried.
  182. Good Mommy/Bad Mommy, setting yourself apart from other moms...
  183. Starter marriage?
  184. Old car seats - what to do?
  185. Issues with organization I'm president of
  186. Need legal advice for alcoholic family member
  187. popsicles and smoothies
  188. Brilliant talk on addictions
  189. People not canceling for study group with enough advance notice
  190. Tell Me About Your Failures and How You Survived Them (Long)
  191. Otterhounds?
  192. SIDS (Sudden Iinfant Death Syndrome)...
  193. Nursery/baby room lighting (night-time).
  194. Addicted nephew update
  195. Gift ideas for very preemie baby in incubator
  196. Mid Life Crisis
  197. Cloth diapering, & travel...
  198. Anyone use Inderal for performance anxiety?
  199. DD passed her Masters recital! YAY!
  200. Al-Anon
  201. Me and my shadow
  202. Please help a charity I volunteer for win $5K by voting online this week
  203. What set of rules would Emily Post have about Facebook?
  204. OMG my kid is funny!
  205. do you have cat/cats?
  206. I am a birth-grandma
  207. Hypothyroidism in dogs
  208. Pet Vaccinations ?
  209. What is your old age plan?
  210. Resource Recommendations?
  211. Concern for a friend. What would you do?
  212. My mom is in the hospital (again!)
  213. Helping an older kid learn to entertain himself
  214. Do other people's child (age 10) drive them crazy?
  215. Happy LGBT Pride Weekend!!!
  216. Update on my mom
  217. Miss Manners on E-Mail Invitations
  218. what support for seriously ill people?
  219. Why are American kids so spoiled? - NY Times
  220. Nearing the end
  221. Big Problem with Sibling--please advise
  222. Screaming Flea?
  223. Well, it finally came to pass.....
  224. How much do you feed your dog?
  225. Isn't it great when kids remember the GOOD stuff?
  226. Cats!
  227. your favorite eccentric neighbor?
  228. Training a dog....
  229. blessings
  230. A Death in the Family
  231. Volunteer ideas for kids
  232. Update: In Laws
  233. Do you raise your children with traditional gender roles?
  234. Baby Christening (it's complicated)
  235. Glad to be back
  236. can good parents raise messy kids
  237. If you are friends with any Tooth Faries
  238. Adopting a dog from India?!!!
  239. Early neuter of pets
  240. Nighttime eating
  241. What to feed cats?
  242. I don't know where my son is going to school in a few weeks.
  243. What an insane night!
  244. Men – processing of anger and grief? (sorry – very long, but I need your help!)
  245. How do you preserve photos for your kids?
  246. My Best Buddy has passed away
  247. School Shopping Tips?
  248. Education re-do
  249. Kids, exhaustion and the television set.
  250. Closing for emails?