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  1. INFP
  2. Do you ever feel like an oddball because you're frugal?
  3. Dog won't go outside.. anyone else have this experience?
  4. Irritating!
  5. maybe dating someone
  6. Experiment in simple living with girlfriend...
  7. Odd sign at food co-op
  8. people don't make sense, really
  9. cats, separating for food and scratching under doors
  10. The Good Neighbor ... from hell.
  11. my funny kid
  12. Misconception: Minimalists don't care about people.
  13. will we ever get progress on domestic violence issues?
  14. so frustrated for my kid
  15. My daughter came out...
  16. Small social security for those of us who were SAHMs...........
  17. Should I "downsize" my old friend...?
  18. Our dog is getting her teeth cleaned today
  19. Your Pivotal Moments
  20. How to convince my girlfriend she does not need to go on pricey dates?
  21. Rightsizing my Daughter's Expectations
  22. I'm moving north for a man.
  23. my son gave me a hug!
  24. do your cats go to the vet every year for a checkup
  25. getting a need met, relationships
  26. Building resident hitting buzzers of other units to be buzzed in.
  27. Noisy upstairs b
  28. delayed divorce grief
  29. Family event I don't want to attend
  30. Politely Saying No
  31. My husband has a problem with my adult son
  32. our meditation group, dwindling
  33. Helping an Adult Child
  34. Men May Like The Idea Of A Smart Woman, But They Don't Want To Date One
  35. how do you 'get' your meyers-briggs types
  36. When life smacks you in the heart
  37. Article: Why Most Men Don't Make Good Minimalists and Why It Matters
  38. finally doing the will stuff
  39. everything doesn't happen for a reason
  40. Have you ever changed your first name?
  41. What to get my DD who has chosen be alone on her 30th?
  42. Savings bonds for grandchildren?
  43. I am having a potluck
  44. My daughter just to engaged
  45. Sis and BIL decluttered today!
  46. Why do all the crazies find me???
  47. Furbabies
  48. Pet Zen
  49. anyone know about Mandalas?
  50. Neighbors update
  51. I should've known better....
  52. When your friends start dying off
  53. In those moments of feeling...
  54. Portrayals of Real Relationship in the Media
  55. The Consequences of being "the good child" to your parents
  56. Feeling thankful for happy news
  57. how do people deal with anxiety/depression
  58. Phobias and kids
  59. Thinking about renewing relationship
  60. New puppy!
  61. let go, let go, or say something and then let go?
  62. when the hoarder isn't home....
  63. "Boarding contract" for a purebred dog -- any thoughts pro or con?
  64. Teaching children
  65. the hoarder and Christmas
  66. talking to a new guy, hmmm
  67. Went to sister's party
  68. my daughter said she is not coming to Christmas
  69. quickest Christmas Eve ever
  70. Things became so mundane
  71. Dh parents arrive today
  72. Feeling a bit overwhelmed right now
  73. cat help ideas??
  74. Gift Suggestion for Friend in Germany
  75. Humour - speaker on aging
  76. Wow.. You just never know
  77. Woman Marries Herself -- But Not for the Reason You Think
  78. wow conversation with ex
  79. The DNA results are in...
  80. back to square one
  81. people who get things done
  82. apparently drinking is not for me
  83. Puppy biting
  84. CDC: Young women should avoid alcohol unless using birth control
  85. what we are encouraged/supported in
  86. Not enough money to divorce
  87. asking friends to help me practice mediation?
  88. "singles awareness day"
  89. My daughter made it into United World College
  90. Crappy complicated weekend I
  91. kids, frustration,
  92. This is soooooo cute..........
  93. has anyone changed their name back after a divorce?
  94. Any Scotts of the Stirling clan or Napier family?
  95. alternative cultures
  96. not really an introvert?
  97. Simple Sleeping with/without Partner
  98. What do you spend on pet meds?
  99. Never mind
  100. my big news
  101. raising kids without power and control
  102. What do you do for you spouse or partner birthday?
  103. Neighbours
  104. Lost a Friend
  105. Seeing through someone else's eyes...
  106. doing more for people, not working so well
  107. Fusion of the Vertebrae, Dog
  108. I think I did something right! And g-ma trepidation
  109. ULtralite, what did you want to know?
  110. From the Northwest Back to the Southwest
  111. introvert thing
  112. The slow fade?
  113. boundaries and mom, just fed up
  114. anger fever/sensitivity
  115. hit the wall,
  116. helping the hoarder in tiny bites
  117. teens
  118. oh, no the hoarder got an offer to organize her basement!
  119. Memo to parents: Your adult kids don't want your stuff
  120. coming up on 50
  121. my kids are like me!
  122. fabulous talk on loneliness
  123. How long will you live?
  124. Scientists are determined to take the fun out of everything
  125. Making a difference
  126. Do dogs get eye floaters?
  127. Middle School Memories?
  128. Seeking advice from asperger's people-esp if you got diagnosed/found out as an adult
  129. tomorrow is D day for my mom's hoarding and I am ambivalent
  130. Mother's Day
  131. Unwanted gifts
  132. Why kids are dropping out of sports
  133. i went to a singles social
  134. Financial and legal i,plications of non-married unions
  135. Elderly in-laws conundrum
  136. meetup fail
  137. Calico Cat Woes
  138. advice, please- wedding drama
  139. I want simpler relationships
  140. How do I handle this family negotiation?
  141. Oh Well For That Empty Nest: One-Third Of Millennials Now Live At Home
  142. Heroin
  143. Scary Stalkers
  144. How to Cope with A SHOUTER
  145. Life...
  146. You will marry the wrong person
  147. millennials can cook!
  148. got the best compliment about my kid
  149. Legal Medical Abortions Are Up In Texas, But So Are DIY Pills From Mexico
  150. drama-free wedding
  151. Don't even know where to begin...
  152. Women getting married in order to avoid figuring out what to do with their lives?
  153. Divorce 101
  154. Not-so-simple old family videos
  155. Finding new homes for unused family gifts?
  156. Anyone live on Bainbridge Island?
  157. And the skeletons came a tumbling out
  158. Are U.S. Millennial Men Just as Sexist as Their Dads?
  159. when to bring up old sh**, when to pass
  160. Grandson's birthday party
  161. oh dear, oldest kid
  162. observation on family dynamics
  163. A Big Decision Looming....
  164. 'Pronoia' and other emotions you never knew you had
  165. oh mother
  166. video gaming
  167. letting friendships go
  168. He said it was consensual. She was blacked out. U-Va. had to decide: Was it assault?
  169. I might have a beau!
  170. My Diving Experiences
  171. more connection with parents?
  172. The dog - what to do
  173. Tiny Stray Dog Finds Her Human When She Joins Him For 77 Miles In Race
  174. is this a middle age thing
  175. Mother and guilt
  176. My 15 year old daughter wants to visit her mom in jail. Could she handle it?
  177. Death of a friend...
  178. First Identical Twin Puppies!
  179. suggestions for a care package
  180. singleness
  181. Loss of a pet
  182. giving baby shower, eek
  183. my ex is suing me again
  184. My alcoholic uncle
  185. having a party finally
  186. the implications of a lift chair
  187. Surprise inheritance and crumbling family
  188. Good books on maintaining boundaries
  189. Thoughts on social work philosophy regarding family
  190. meetup options
  191. such sad news, friend lost grandbaby
  192. Fear of Having a Son
  193. baby almost here, and issues
  194. Inviting people to your house
  195. 50 songs for 50 years!
  196. Baby here!
  197. court did not go well
  198. the Great Clean Out starts Sat!
  199. The Honeymoon Is Starting to Fade?
  200. This just kind of...hurt
  201. People trying to make you do things you're not comfortable doing
  202. Cards Against Humanity
  203. Why do I do this? Flip out before birthdays, holidays, etc.
  204. Curmudgeon dog
  205. Financial abuse issues
  206. Predatory Marriages
  207. Sheldon Cooper?
  208. Oh, The Hermit In Me...
  209. christmas family tree
  210. Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind?
  211. Am I out of it?
  212. Drugs, death, disaster - and how were your holidays?
  213. How would you handle this?
  214. vent about the hoard
  215. Dear inlaws
  216. do people listen!
  217. my Trump friend
  218. depression check in
  219. who does this? (ex)
  220. such a good kid
  221. Best way to contribute financially to new grandchild?
  222. International Dating...?
  223. Shy Cat Help
  224. How to reassure BIL (and stay sane in the process)
  225. I signed up for online dating
  226. My husband has no friends
  227. how would you handle this?
  228. family venturing into the food industry business
  229. dating is so hard
  230. calling people out on understanding/social skills
  231. having a voice
  232. mom getting older,
  233. The biggest threat facing middle-age men isn’t smoking or obesity. It’s loneliness.
  234. My mailman died and I'm very sad
  235. Offer on BIL's house!
  236. 5 generation photo trip!
  237. Accepting people for what they are...
  238. Why cities tend to be blue and rural areas red
  239. saying 'this isn't simple' and listening!!
  240. Good News for Dogs with Cancer
  241. Canine cruciate ligament injury
  242. My uncle overdosed and is up in heaven now...
  243. support system
  244. liking the wrong guy?
  245. Ranting about the other mom
  246. The Modern Left?
  247. I don't understand people!
  248. Native American ancestry
  249. 59
  250. what loneliness makes you do