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  1. Colorado will have single payer health care on ballot
  2. Trump Memes
  3. Raising the minimum wage: Good for the economy and employment
  4. Universal Basic Income Vote
  5. America in decline? Stats say no!
  6. Police and taxes
  7. Just How Bad an Election Night Was It for California Republicans?
  8. Massacre in Orlando......
  9. Article: We’re 164 days into 2016. We’ve had 133 mass shootings.
  10. RIP Jo Cox
  11. Judging as the new political correctness?
  12. So, a nutty English man
  13. Gun grabbers are really, really sick of playing nice
  14. U.S. will spend $2.6 trillion less on health care than expected before Obamacare
  15. Brexit/Bremain
  16. Scotland is blessed
  17. Obama Names LGBTQ Landmark As National Monument
  18. After Brexit, what? U.S. secessionists hankering for 'Texit'
  19. Trump is born again recently?
  20. The Chilcot report has FINALLY been released
  21. How many more?
  22. I hope Trump chooses Pence for his VP!
  23. UK's secomd female Prime Minister
  24. The NRA’s internal split over Philando Castile
  25. 2,000 men allegedly assaulted 1,200 German women on New Year’s Eve.
  26. Good Lord, she is here in 15 minutes
  27. How many here just don't have much faith in either US candidate?
  28. New Jersey passes law regarding rescue animals
  29. France attacked again! WTF??
  30. Bbc reporting attemped military coup in Turke
  31. Baton Rouge Police shooting
  32. Anyone start an RNC discussion thread yet?
  33. More terror in Europe...?
  34. Anyone start a DNC discussion thread yet?
  35. Class in America: social vs. economic
  36. Always a Sandernista.
  37. Khan
  38. New Political Divide
  39. Campus carry?
  40. The Donald is dropping out...
  41. Peak Globalization? Inspiring jobs?
  42. Should Journalistic Objectivity Apply in Trump's Case?
  43. Gloom sets in for the GOP
  44. The definitive Trump thread
  45. suing over hijab (Muslim headscarf)
  46. Milwaukee...?
  47. Politically correct descriptions of perps
  48. First day back at school...
  49. okay privilege
  50. Caution: sharp cutting edge: money and politics
  51. "Basket of Deplorables"
  52. More financial interference from the Obama White House
  53. Edward Snowden Wants a Pardon
  54. So goes the nation...
  55. In Columbus...
  56. Presidential Debate
  57. Another white privilege thread: funny video!
  58. Ohio spanks Hillary
  59. St. Louis: best city to live in if you are a liberal
  60. What if he really wins??
  61. Odd gun buying experience yesterday...
  62. Trump and federal taxes, NYT
  63. VP Debate
  64. “Grab them by the p---y" -- The Donald
  65. SNL Skit, in case you missed it!
  66. More tales from Social Work class... Original Sin and Thoughtcrime
  67. Do we need consumerism?
  68. Political Humor
  69. Simple Political Opinions
  70. Thanks, Canadian friends!
  71. Republicans May Block All Supreme Court Nominees Of A President Clinton
  72. Voted
  73. The Third Debate
  74. WFB Remembered
  75. What are your local Propositions/ Measures/Whatchucallits to vote on?
  76. Trumps first 100 days
  77. Brexit question for Ishbel
  78. What's Next?
  79. The Lone Ranger can help
  80. Election predictions?
  81. Any other praying voters?
  82. Won't have to wear a condom and other state ballot initiatives
  83. The Media during the last days of this political circus
  84. Is it possible that Trump could do good??
  85. Electoral college versus the Popular vote?
  86. States' rights?
  87. Questions for Trump voters
  88. Browning of America
  89. who is really at the 'buddy bench'
  90. Trump's racism success
  91. The Rest of the Ballot
  92. Retaining human decency.
  93. States' rights spitballing...
  94. Trump - an opportunity for a change in political paradigm?
  95. How about that Dow!!!???
  96. How do you feel about Bannon?
  97. What About the Democrats?
  98. Will Trump's children get top security clearance?
  99. Keeping Trump Tower in NYC safe when he's there.......
  100. The SImple Living Network community in the last election
  101. Good article about The Great Paradox of Trump voters
  102. Something good from the Trump Years.....
  103. "We need a post-identity liberalism"
  104. My call from Planned Parenthood
  105. Someone needs to explain to Mr Trump how British Ambassadors are appointed
  106. So is Hillary Truly Done?
  107. Some hope from the 85006.....
  108. Trump Tweets
  109. Found a good site for news..........
  110. jury unable to decide in police shooting
  111. The senate and Trump's cabinet choices?
  112. So what's the deal with this whole Russia/election thing?
  113. Kanye meeting Trump
  114. Trump and the Techies
  115. Full page ad in local papers to Electoral College electors in WI
  116. Condolences for Germany
  117. Cause for (Guarded) Optimism
  118. Making America "great" again??
  119. Torturing of mentally disabled boy in Chicago
  120. How secure do you see airports as being?
  121. I, I, I, Me, Me, Me
  122. New Swiss laws...
  123. My fellow liberals have lost their D@mn minds!
  124. Obama Commutes Manning's Sentence
  125. Women's Marches
  126. Dawn of the Trump Era
  127. the homeless issue
  128. TPP DOA
  129. Brexit must be approved by Parliament
  130. An interesting description of Trump as a narcissist
  131. Trump And The Wall
  132. Giving up...
  133. Living outside Chicago -the Sanctuary city ......people leaving means higher taxes...
  134. so much is happening, I can't keep up
  135. Pence to speak at a Pro Life/anti abortion rally.
  136. Prime Minister Theresa May
  137. Lawmakers accuse Trump of breaking federal law!
  138. Quebec City Mosque...
  139. Mr Trump's State visit to London
  140. Possessing child pornography
  141. Muslim Ban - create bigger problems?
  142. Trump going on vacation
  143. Calexit, how realistic is this?
  144. Walker and Pence talking
  145. Commander in chief
  146. What's going on??????
  147. Legislation Introduced to Abolish the EPA
  148. It continues, sadly....
  149. Alt-Right
  150. Total chaos
  151. Based on Trump's behavior.....
  152. Now the Speaker of the House of Commons speaks out about Mr Trump's visit
  153. Devos chosen for Secretary of Education
  154. Creating new manufacturing jobs in US
  155. School choice:vouchers, charter schools, magnet schools
  156. The Jokkmokk Effect on Education everywhere
  157. Where will the refugees go?
  158. Sunday News Shows and Stephen Miller
  159. Question about Security Advisor Flynn
  160. Great time for an attack?
  161. Republicans have no respect for America (except McCain...)
  162. Fascinating Fox News poll
  163. Trump's Press Conference Thurs 2/16
  164. ICE meeting limited to Republicans?
  165. Trump and the Queen
  166. All the Attacks on Jewish Places....
  167. Yale's Conundrum
  168. Rep and Dem indivisible groups
  169. Papers, please.
  170. White House Barring Mainstream News from briefings
  171. New DNC Chair
  172. Trump not attending White House correspondents dinner....
  173. Presidential Address Tonight
  174. Hillary and The Donald are related.
  175. Trump invited the Pope to lunch
  176. And ACA dismantlement starts
  177. New travel ban
  178. Day Without a Woman General Strike
  179. Entering the US in trump's America
  180. Any Refugee Families Here?
  181. Trump's Taxes
  182. 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea?
  183. Trump's Budget
  184. Another stooshie
  185. No Facts
  186. Ex IRA man dies
  187. Benefits of a good job
  188. Tillerson, Russia, NATO
  189. Report of suspected terrorist incidents at Houses of Parliament
  190. If they don't pass the new health care plan today.................
  191. Tax reform....
  192. Book: Men Without Work: America’s Invisible Crisis
  193. "Can Republicans not be racist?"
  194. Article 50 was triggered yesterday
  195. The Nuclear Option
  196. The death of the democratic party
  197. Awful Syrian children images
  198. USA carries out air strikes on Syria
  199. China's president, chocolate cake, and missle launches
  200. Protesting is so good for the soul.....
  201. Prediction Prof predicts impeachment
  202. Someone quit whining and moved. Calexit part 2
  203. Prime Ninister May has called for. general Election
  204. The March for Science
  205. The Future is Chelsea
  206. Tiny House equals Appropriation
  207. What is middle class?
  208. "Nobody dies because they don't have acces to health care!" Says Raul Labrador
  209. Call Out Culture Caconophy of Calumny
  210. Fire comedy and escalate the war
  211. Who needs data?
  212. Trump's firing of James Comey......
  213. Potential new laptop and electronics ban.....
  214. Seriously, 45 has the intelligence of maybe a 12 year old-and not a very bright one
  215. It's beginning to look like obstruction of justice charges for Trump.....
  216. Anyone thinking impeachment is looking more and more likely?
  217. Trumps budget
  218. Trump is just plain rude.
  219. Memorial Days yet to come
  220. 43%! 43%! 43%!
  221. California's Government Run Health Care Proposal
  222. Young People and Capitalism
  223. What is a Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
  224. Dd and the cost of owning a car
  225. Another terrorist attack in London
  226. UK Election
  227. If you could reform welfare type benefits
  228. Trump's Full Cabinet meeting video
  229. Ballpark shooting
  230. When good disappear..
  231. Young man who dies after being in North Korean jail.
  232. Culture wars out of the closet
  233. Grenfell Towers
  234. Seattle Minumum Wage
  235. When minority ideologies collide
  236. Illinois Headed for Junk Status
  237. Flag protocol
  238. Will Trump behave himself at the G20 summit?
  239. Nyt chokes on reporting good job news
  240. The Beguiled--a film
  241. Hot Car Bill: Good Sense or Absurd?
  242. 58%! 58%! 58%!
  243. Would you rather have a clown for a president, or a comedian?
  244. And Now For Some Good News.....
  245. David Brooks and the Fable of the Sandwich Shop
  246. Article V: Convention of States
  247. So what do we do about the police after Minneapolis?
  248. Mostly for Rob: please explain the concept of social classes
  249. A Better Deal
  250. Military Trans ban