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  1. Farewell to the Mooch
  2. Manliness Then And Now
  3. Heresy at Google
  4. Persistent panhandling with a child
  5. The north korea problem
  6. Charlottesville
  7. Would you counter-protest?
  8. Buyer's remorse about Trump?
  9. "Neo-Nazis Should Not Have The Right To Rally"
  10. Why are there still Nazis, white supremacists etc?
  11. WH leaks source? - Bannon?
  12. From Make America Great Again to Make Afghanistan Great Again?
  13. Trump's visit very stressful.....
  14. LGBT rights in the USA today...
  15. Now for this I will protest.....
  16. A very deep sense of outrage.....
  17. Budget ceiling, disaster relief and wall funding
  18. County Fair political troubles....
  19. The Arpaio pardon may not hold up!!!!!
  20. Too many catastrophes....perfect time for a bomb?
  21. Elon Musk and his AI predictions of WWIII
  22. OSU refuses to allow white nationalist to speak on campus...
  23. Hillary Clinton Done Being A Candidate
  24. What's your take on Betsy DeVos overturning Title 9 policies at US universities?
  25. Bromance break-up?
  26. "We're all Israeilis now?"
  27. Iris Lilies.........are you back from your vacation yet?
  28. Huge settlements, to deter racial discrimination...
  29. Thoughts on Donald Trump's threat to destroy North Korea during his UN speech?
  30. Now taking a knee a big polo all deal
  31. North Korea now saying that the US has declared war.....
  32. A REAL problem - unfunded pension and health liabilities
  33. Puerto Rico
  34. GOP Dropping Latest ObamaCare repeal effort......
  35. "White Athletes Still Standing For The Anthem Are Standing For White Supremacy"
  36. "Drag Queen Story Time"at the public library
  37. Las Vegas
  38. Trump is just plain embarrassing
  39. Puerto Rico - good news possibility?
  40. Going to a public hearing
  41. We got approved!
  42. Speaking of Misogyny...
  43. Has Austria Turned Trumpward?
  44. Story about recently rescued hostages
  45. Military-Civilian Divide
  46. Expeditions to Trump Country
  47. Screaming at the Sky
  48. Students defrauded by for-profit colleges (including Trump University)
  49. Collusion or conspiracy?
  50. Just another day in the USA.
  51. Danica Roem
  52. 2016 Homicide Rates in NH, ME, MN
  53. Can My Children Be Friends With XXX People?
  54. Have you noticed that Trump...........
  55. Al Franken
  56. Tax Reform: Will You Pay MORE or LESS income tax?
  57. I don't get the big deal...
  58. the homeless and the ACLU
  59. “Capitals has a problem - is free money the answer?”
  60. Truth or starting a conversation more imoortant
  61. Tax cut bill full text
  62. In Texas I'm a second class citizen
  63. Simon Says-the policeman version
  64. Renewed Driver's License Onlin........
  65. Quoth the Voters, Never Moore
  66. CDC forbidden words
  67. The Republican Love Fest After the Tax Bill was passed.......
  68. Jury Duty January 9th......
  69. Oprah for President?
  70. Arpaio's Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.............
  71. PA court rules against privy for Amish
  72. Have you noticed this?
  73. Trump's (blank)hole comment.....
  74. Teacher arrested in Abbeville, Louisiana.....
  75. North Korea in the Olympics.......
  76. “ Trump was uninformed”. Kelly
  77. What does Mercer want?
  78. Are you in trouble when you jaywalk?
  79. Our Government shutdown threads
  80. The Right to not be Offended
  81. Another school shooting, multiple fatalities
  82. $160 per month due to new tax law.
  83. Can Progressives Revive The Democratic Party?
  84. Russian Trollery
  85. My Governor has been indicted :(
  86. Survivor photo to raise money
  87. Here Come the Primaries
  88. Does Donald Trump have single redeeming human quality?
  89. What's Kim Jong-Un really up to?
  90. Trump and Kim Jong-Un meet?
  91. Florida gun law signed
  92. Trump and His Pennsylvania speech/confabulation, etc....
  93. "Freedom's greatest requirement is unity." - Eisenhower
  94. How Big is Your Bubble?
  95. Trump throws out Tillerson.
  96. Trump Dead Pool
  97. Voter manipulation techniques
  98. Reckless Driving
  99. Moron Trump is now challenging China to a trade war!
  100. Mosque protest in the 63104
  101. "Service Dogs"....
  102. Stormy Daniels case doesn’t sound right
  103. Do you believe that the criminal justice system in the US should be reformed?
  104. Rob's Worst Nightmare!
  105. My zip code is less than pleased (Trump related post)
  106. Just in time for my cutback in work hours......
  107. Here's some hope..........really truly some hope and I never thought I'd see this!
  108. Raid/break in at Cohen’s office
  109. April is the Cruelest Month
  110. So what does Paul Ryan's retirement mean?
  111. Disappointed in California's Governor today......
  112. Trump/Russia/Syria......and my cat
  113. Is Buddhism a trigger for anyone?
  114. White privelege v. 452
  115. Comey's interview..........
  116. colorado teacher walk outs
  117. Anyone watching the migrant caravan?
  118. Pence gone......from Arizona
  119. Refugee welfare fraud in Minnesotapo
  120. Today's Texas high school shooting.....
  121. School shooting near here makes me think............
  122. Unemployment: Just sayin'
  123. I don't get it
  124. Let Them Eat Cake
  125. Regression
  126. Student Loan Kings
  127. What would you do? (Entitlement version)
  128. sociopathic cop sues city officials
  129. Pizza delivery man. What don’t I understand?
  130. California breakup?
  131. Yank the breastfeeding baby from her mother if mom has the nerve to be seeking asylum
  132. Wondering about traffic lights
  133. Child detention/immigration/...
  134. Tariff against US oil by China
  135. Things may be getting funkier with Mexico as of July 1st......
  136. Steel and aluminum tariffs bring retaliation
  137. Bernie protege wins in major NYC congressional upset
  138. Gratitude today........
  139. Car Manufacturers Howling about new US Tariffs and Chinese retaliation
  140. L - O - P - E - Z Wins in Mexico!
  141. Trump up in polling among Hispanics
  142. "Trade War" with China Drives Soybean Prices Down in US, Up in Brazil.
  143. Economic/Political models
  144. Red Ice?
  145. Trump, Putin, US, Russia....
  146. He's not worthy of power.....
  147. Some hope I pass along to you'all of a political nature.....
  148. The Invisible Hand!
  149. Update: Steel Tariff Winners and Losers in USA
  150. The 85006's latest issue with Trump
  151. Social Media Censorship
  152. What does Social Justice mean to you?
  153. The Accountable Capitalism Act
  154. Classical liberal?
  155. Hell may freeze over......
  156. So....what's up with Trump's staff and the criminal activities and what does it mean?
  157. 8/22/18 US & China 25% new tariffs on $16B of each other's goods.
  158. Rant - current tariff situation
  159. John McCain
  160. Arizona Deserves Better....
  161. Most highly respected female politicians in the US
  162. 3-D printed guns
  163. Florida stand your ground law finally works!
  164. Andrew Yang 2020?
  165. Is U.S. Capitalism On The Brink Of Collapse?
  166. Kavanaugh Supreme Court Nomination
  167. Woodward book
  168. Donald Trump is Threatening to Escalate Tariffs on Imports from China.
  169. The Rule of Law
  170. Census and citizenship
  171. Tax Fraud
  172. 17th Anniversary of US war in Afghanistan
  173. Somewhere vs Anywhere
  174. Khashoggi Disappearance: Looming Crisis or Simple Distraction?
  175. Why Young Men of Color Are Joining White-Supremacist Groups?
  176. OH Canna-bis^^ My Home .....
  177. Trump's latest not going over well in my neighborhood.....
  178. Ugggggh....Trump is in town.....
  179. Something suspicious going on
  180. The Silent Majority
  181. The Migrant Caravan.
  182. Trump Is Right About One Thing In My Book....
  183. Identity politics destroying friendships?
  184. Voting decision conundrum
  185. What a joke!
  186. I think my dog is a Democrat
  187. Bombs, bombs, everywhere....
  188. The United States of Masacres.
  189. No wonder republican men are afraid
  190. voting selfies...
  191. How (in what way) do you vote?
  192. Recent statement of Trump's viewed as potential murder in the 85006 AND the 85016
  193. Dems won the House.....
  194. I think I may have gotten someone fired..........
  195. Jeff Sessions, Attorney General of the United States.....
  196. Just seems normal now, in the most horrible way.
  197. US tax cuts and the consequences
  198. Slavery in the US
  199. The Vagina Monologues are not correct-think now
  200. Border Drama
  201. Victim blaming
  202. Is Trump a Public Servant?
  203. A dear friend has gone off the political deep end
  204. Homeless at the library
  205. Trump and his dog whistle
  206. What happened to create so many homeless?
  207. Grieving for our Country
  208. Syria
  209. DH's Financial Awakening!
  210. So.....what's your take, will the Border Wall be built and/or......
  211. Who Pays for Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties?
  212. Eminent domain/ national emergency
  213. What's your take on Trump's address?
  214. The government shutdown.....
  215. Kudos to Trump's handlers and no snark meant here.....
  216. 2020 Presidential Candidates
  217. richest 1% got 82% of the wealth
  218. Disappointed for one in Mexico (yes I did post that).....
  219. The Covington HS Kerfuffle
  220. federal workers not talking
  221. Venezuela.....
  222. So Did Trump Cave? Is he weakened?
  223. Howard Schultz
  224. Two takes on the huge fentanyl bust ......the largest ever to date, at the Nogales,
  225. Here's social progress for you!
  226. Trump's Asylum Seeker Policy
  227. Hopeful about Bipartisan Budget
  228. The stupid wall
  229. Another shutdown - not sure whether to fly or not.
  230. Denver teachers strike
  231. National emergency
  232. Green New Deal to Get Senate Vote
  233. Fake Hate Crimes
  234. Methadone clinic challenges
  235. Yellow Vests: French Revolution redux
  236. Some fun maps to explore
  237. Is Ilhan Omar an Anti-Semite?
  238. Buying your way to ivy league
  239. Your take on the State of the Union?
  240. Trump, violence....
  241. Gen X, does it matter
  242. World's healthiest countries
  243. The Hard Decade Ahead for Hospitals
  244. Mueller's report......
  245. Inappropriate touching
  246. Looking A Little Less Bleak.....
  247. "The News" - how do you survive it?
  248. windmill noise cancer
  249. Immigration....is there no more room for political asylium claimants?
  250. Scale of One To Ten.....(full disclosure, a border drama question)