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  1. DHS Secretary quits......
  2. Rob—Men’s Rights Activism
  3. Julian Assange
  4. FCC Rural Internet plan
  5. New Border Drama.....And It's Bad
  6. Impeach Donald Trump?
  7. Good news! (full disclosure - former LEO sentenced to 25 years for murder)
  8. Truthdig
  9. I wish I were in Minneapolis......
  10. How to solve the immigration crisis
  11. Medicare day!
  12. Biden taking off in the polls
  13. In defense of Jussie Smollett.........
  14. "Peak Greed" called by Scot, Bill Blain
  15. And still another school shooting - Colorado 5/7/19
  16. I think I need a news fast
  17. Does the rule of law matter?
  18. A sense of chaos?
  19. And people wonder why the police arent trusted
  20. I didn't see a crisis......
  21. freedom molucules
  22. Two simple laws from Bosnia & Herzegovina
  23. The 5% tariff against Mexico.....
  24. Our three weeks on the border of MX
  25. Republicans sure are sore losers
  26. I realize cruelty is the point
  27. Finally something positive.....(full disclosure, a Phoenix PD update...)
  28. Rob in the news?
  29. Finally one Republican speaks out!!!
  30. My zip code is once again abuzz......(but will it do any good???)
  31. White dudes and identity politics.
  32. Democrats take a Mueller Mulligan
  33. Bad words.
  34. papers please...
  35. Better red then dead
  36. Gun Violence Continued: Ritchie German with shotgun, handgun and handcuffs...
  37. Wisconsin Ginseng Growers Loss is Ontario's Gain
  38. I Know It Was You Fredo
  39. Let’s Make a Deal
  40. Tariffs/Boycotts
  41. It happened today in the state they call California......
  42. Will Trump pull off an Afghanistan pullout?
  43. Trump's Tax Returns......
  44. Johnson and Johnson in the news.....
  45. Sept 1 New 15% tariff on listed Chinese goods
  46. Another mass shooting, apparently in TX.
  47. Hong Kong
  48. The facts....
  49. Meritocracy
  50. For once, just this once.....
  51. Excitement today
  52. Youth Climate Strike
  53. Justin Trudeau’s Blackface Problem
  54. Impeachment?
  55. Puerto Rico's Plan to Exit Bankruptcy
  56. Amber Guyger case in Dallas....
  57. Auto worker strike/healthcare costs
  58. Turkey is now attacking the Kurds!
  59. trump is now threatening Republicans if they defy or go against his madness!
  60. Poor Minneapolis.....
  61. So supposing Trump is kicked to the curb....
  62. CNN's Town Hall LGBTQ event tonight
  63. January 2020 Social Security increment 1.6%
  64. Would an impeachment lead to change?
  65. Testimony against Trump looking damning.....
  66. John Kasich
  67. Hillary and the Russian Assets
  68. Liberal or Conservative overall where you live?
  69. Phoenix Officer Fired
  70. Canadian Election
  71. The smearing of Vindman
  72. Rojava's threatened anarchist government
  73. Trump's Ukraine Behaviour...
  74. So much else going on.... Hardly a murmur!
  75. Obsess about China and its plans...
  76. I voted for DH
  77. Political Opposite
  78. Looking for SLN Pundits on the Democratic Debate
  79. 8pm tonight... all of Trump's lies listed.... CNN
  80. Trump is the Chosen one
  81. The Commander In Chief
  82. Despicable. ICE needs to be abolished.
  83. Voting Machines, Erroneous Tally
  84. 18 point margin!!!
  85. Democratic Socialism Supports Robust Capitalism
  86. Pensacola shooter gun question
  87. UK Election
  88. Trump is a danger to national security?
  89. Something politically positive.....
  90. What I consider a sane idea to reduce police brutality......
  91. Scale of one to ten....
  92. Anyone else here just not down with Biden as the Dem 2020 Candidate?
  93. Another War?
  94. It's starting......
  95. Interesting (at least to me) political question.....
  96. Data Gathering
  97. Bernie and the Women
  98. What If Bernie Does It?
  99. The Invisible Third Party
  100. Brexited!
  101. Will he win?
  102. Paper ballots
  103. So noble.....
  104. Grateful to the voters of Iowa.....
  105. To those not especially fond of Joe Biden.....
  106. Hoping for minimal drama....
  107. What if Bernie goes all the way
  108. And this is why I am an activist!
  109. “Go to Hell”, She Explained
  110. Stars aligning: Pandemic + General Election
  111. Stimulus package
  112. Imagine by Lennon
  113. Cuomo for President?
  114. Unintended Downside to Stimulus Checks?
  115. Nationwide lockdown?
  116. Sent to me by a German friend
  117. voter suppression
  118. Bernie's out
  119. I urge you to listen
  120. Russian Bread lines - American style
  121. Where does the stimulus money come from?
  122. Technology can improve policy - Taiwan shows how to do it
  123. ? For Those Of You Of A Conservative Nature.....
  124. Dictator wanna be!
  125. Temporary Universal Basic Income?
  126. Sent by a Canadian friend
  127. Disinfectant and light to treat Coronavirus patients?
  128. What One Thing Would You Change About The Staus Quo?
  129. So where do you stand?
  130. Facts re spread of Corona virus timing
  131. Even worse than Trump......
  132. Trump and Pence exposed
  133. What’s Next?
  134. More simple(r) living?
  135. How will state budgets survive?
  136. Cause for populism?
  137. Social Security Questions for you smart people
  138. Amy Cooper and SWATing black people
  139. Who here has NOT received stimulus check?
  140. Rally Instructions
  141. OMG!!!!! Give me air.....
  142. Current US Foreign Policy
  143. Defunding the police.....
  144. Rand Paul, Political Maverick
  145. YES! YES! YES!
  146. Charlie Baker, Political Hack
  147. Seattle Autonomous Zone.....
  148. Election Ads
  149. Why are republican politicians such awful human beings?
  150. No one cares about this
  151. Wokeness and Identity Politics
  152. "Choosing country over party"
  153. Covid Conspiracy Theories
  154. The Harpers Letter
  155. Khrushchev's Message 61 years ago
  156. Down Ballot
  157. Your take on the Fed's presence in Portland,. OR and the associated drama?
  158. When the president ignores a supreme court ruling
  159. Sculpture Culture Warfare
  160. Why should I vote for Trump?
  161. Missouri Couple in Massachusetts Political Ad
  162. Child sex dolls
  163. More riots and looting in Chicago and Portland
  164. Defunding the police
  165. Kamala
  166. Trump basically announces he's defunding Social Security and the Post Office.
  167. Why trump says he is holding up coronavirus aid.....
  168. How would you have handled coronavirus.....
  169. I got pulled over by the police and survived
  170. Voting rights is now a liberal wishlist item
  171. Convention Time
  172. Further Erosion of Individual Liberties
  173. So what happens if Biden wins.....
  174. Inappropriate in Portland.....
  175. Latest Unconstitutional Trump Shenanigans.....
  176. Kenosha exposes America as it really is.....
  177. Pelosi doesn’t want Biden to debate.
  178. Census
  179. Insane Local Border Officials Overreach
  180. Election Security... Briefings on Hill to stop
  181. Question regarding the protest-related fatality in Portland.....
  182. Trump vs Biden 2020
  183. Session on police accountability and transparency because of Jakob Blake
  184. World Leader for a Day
  185. When Iris’ and Rob’s worlds collide
  186. $12 million USD settlement by Louisville, KY PD.....
  187. Political and/or Religious Differences... or Ignorance and Disinformation?
  188. RBG dead at 87
  189. Now that your ballot is cast...
  190. Yet another Trump sign went up today
  191. trump's law and order .. a look back...
  192. It is inappropriate.....
  193. The Debate
  194. A little rain must fall.....
  195. The Plot Thickens.....
  196. SNL: Debate Spoof Cold Open
  197. Do you think Trump actually has/had COVID-19? Yes - No
  198. Does he not want to win?
  199. 2nd debate cancelled....What??????
  200. Relieved. Received my ballot yesterday.
  201. ACB Hearings
  202. Never thought this would happen in Arizona...
  203. Predictions
  204. Why facts don't change our minds
  205. When Trump falls....
  206. Wishing you and yours safety.....
  207. And they don't need to be significantly reformed/ defunded?
  208. Political leadership and covid case numbers?
  209. One More Shark Jump
  210. 2020 - Voting Poll
  211. Day-After Thoughts on the Election So Far
  212. Good news.....
  213. Blue!
  214. Joe Biden elected President!!!!
  215. Here's a surprise for me.....
  216. Biden Hypocrisy
  217. Biden Is A Pessimist
  218. Georgia on my Mind
  219. Why we are divided and one way to approach it
  220. Will he need to be physically, perhaps forcefully removed?
  221. Long-term economics of the pandemic
  222. What happens if Trump "wins"?
  223. Well thought out reminders
  224. more crazy talk
  225. Honorable past presidents
  226. Mask Duration
  227. It’s an autogolpe
  228. Who won the presidential election?
  229. So proud of Arizona!!!
  230. The ethics of the death penalty
  231. Seattle Crimestopers
  232. Will he be locked up?
  233. I Lost a Bet
  234. Unbelievable... thankfully, only a few more weeks to go!
  235. Rita Hart
  236. MacKenzie Scott
  237. Off His Orange Rocker's Latest.....
  238. Guardians
  239. So.....no signature, no bill.
  240. Questions about National Guard duty
  241. Kamala Harris Gets It.....
  242. So what's happening now?
  243. To Those Of You Who Support Joe Biden.....
  244. Deep realization today - coronavirus related.....
  245. Lock him up!!!
  246. Georgia on my mind.....
  247. Coup
  248. Counting the electoral college
  249. What exactly does the far right want?
  250. For Trump Voters...