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  1. Sad dog and cat diaries
  2. Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes...
  3. RIP Gwen Huneck and all those for whom the joy is gone
  4. Check out Google today
  5. linguistics in America
  6. Easy Homemade Playdough...
  7. It is stupid hot
  8. Reading the Activity Stream
  9. I think my cell phone is dead. :(
  10. jpg or png?
  11. Mattress pads- to use or not to use that is the question
  12. Does you dog feel guilt?
  13. R.I.P Tony Soprano
  14. Woo hoo!
  15. being on time
  16. Emergency Kit For Car
  17. How to block
  18. How much creedence do you put in Chakras?
  19. Computer woes again...........
  20. Atlanta...maybe
  21. For lifelong learning geeks like me
  22. Five people with real-life super powers -- from "Reader's Digest"
  23. This was a little scary, but hysterical!!
  24. Mosquitos? a fan will get rid of them...
  25. Willl you please stop talking? Please
  26. Earthquakes! :D
  27. Hey! LooseChickens, are you out there?
  28. 12 things you shouldn't tolerate
  29. Point and shoot camera with an articulating lcd screen?
  30. Items for barter/sale/etc?
  31. Tupper! Tupperware?
  32. NOLA in November
  33. Funny Sign..........
  34. for your enjoyment.....
  35. How are our friends doing in the MW/flood area?
  36. Know someone who won the powerball...
  37. Bureaucracy, how I hate thee
  38. What Is This?
  39. Who might be interested in a slide rule?
  40. language pet peeve
  41. this is fun-what animal are you?
  42. Parody on Bergman's films
  43. Change is really in the air!
  44. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
  45. Asimov on 2014, from 1964
  46. Happiness How To's
  47. Diana Nyad
  48. Parts of states wanting to secede.....
  49. Happy 153rd birthday, Jane Addams
  50. Friday funny, on me
  51. What I was up to this morning
  52. Flood day from work! Other CO folks OK?
  53. Going Minimalist using "No"
  54. When was the last time you saw one of these?
  55. Fun flash mob video in Munich
  56. Come out of the closet: What pop culture icon do you admire. As for me...
  57. The Center for a New American Dream...
  58. Cool Google tricks you never knew existed....
  59. Impressive knitted furniture
  60. Things I miss
  61. The "I Don't Get It" thread
  62. IT Help with You Tube
  63. Something I have noticed recently in Phoenix.....
  64. Another obervation of mine recently, wonder if it means anything?
  65. These Dogs are Owed Apologies
  66. want this for my avatar
  67. Cats owed apologies
  68. This explains why I forward stuff.....
  69. I would call this looting..........
  70. Slang phrases from the 1920's
  71. Sokind Registry
  72. How to find and buy a shipping container...
  73. Dog - throwing up a lot - emergency?
  74. FABULOUS experience with mechanic today! :)
  75. Zoe Girl? Are You Out There?
  76. Time Magazine Article Stating The America Of The Future Will Be Like Texas.....
  77. UPS is hiring for the holiday season
  78. Our dog passed away today...
  79. Dumb ways to die
  80. Someone made counterfeit checks and stole money from DH's business.............
  81. 195 mph winds? Can you DO that? Yikes
  82. Maybe this is one reason why college costs so much?
  83. It's my seat not yours, people with too much stuff, and other traveling annoyances
  84. Question about cell phone and computer.........
  85. One Chance
  86. Sooo....George Zimmerman...
  87. A short rant to a friend
  88. Just a slice of daily life
  89. Craigslist house rentals?
  90. Where the h*ll is LDAHL?
  91. Simplicity and Beauty
  92. Where were you.. 50 years ago?
  93. Close calls that could have ended or changed your life forever
  94. Funny Stuff!
  95. Gas stabililizer for small engines ?
  96. Thankful for the '60s. A weird rambling thought process here.
  97. Self care ideas
  98. Ambivalent about Black Friday Sales Figures.....
  99. open letter to kids from Grandma
  100. Great program to promote foreign language teaching
  101. Local Craig's List murder
  102. Remember to clear your PM space
  103. Too many gun deaths going on.........
  104. Killing Time
  105. For RedFox
  106. Family makes great igloo for their children out of milk cartons...
  107. List Your Three Favorite Colors!
  108. Lynda.com
  109. Friday the 13th!
  110. Merry Christmas from Canada
  111. What to do about fireplace smell?
  112. Target Security Breach
  113. The Times They Are A-Changing.....
  114. So sad.........
  115. Chimney fire last night!
  116. Mary and Joe, Chicago style
  117. Last game at Candlestick
  118. Happy 12/25 to one and all.....
  119. Last will & testament
  120. End of Year/New Year Rituals?
  121. Any big goals for the new year?
  122. What will become obsolete?
  123. Headline oops - concealed carry bun warning
  124. 4 of the best viral holiday stories -- Reader's Digest
  125. Unique snow art to view
  126. Happy Third Birthday!
  127. Things you get excited about that other people just take for granted.
  128. 5 happiest countries....
  129. The Good Life
  130. Yay U.S. Coast Guard!
  131. A Little Happy Inspiration
  132. Schools already closed tomorrow!
  133. Update on my Medicaid
  134. Really silly problem with balancing my checkbook.........
  135. A question for you hunters/gatherers
  136. Naughty dogs
  137. Another Feel Good Video
  138. Anyone here so disillusioned with politics that they identify as Independent lately?
  139. Morning Funny - especially for Dog Lovers
  140. I find this hysterical. Is it offensive?
  141. Football, ach!
  142. Color my world?
  143. Student shot and killed at Purdue yesterday
  144. Dilemma: to feed or not to feed
  145. Really Really Really Good News!
  146. Brrrrr! Check in with your weather!!
  147. Dumbing down of university courses?
  148. Just came across this and like it
  149. When you feel like doing nothing?
  150. Are you watching the Olympics? What highlights for you?
  151. Are you doing anything to make it easier on yourself?
  152. 50 Years Ago
  153. Best dinner in ages!
  154. Does this site have a virus?
  155. reasons to be grateful
  156. In Memoriam: William Coperthwaite's Handmade Life
  157. Which side of you brain do you use most?
  158. Funny bug when register
  159. Balance vs Intensity
  160. Sticky: Favorite Links
  161. Ice coming
  162. A chuckle for today
  163. What is your physical ideal for men and women?
  164. Well, hello! Any old-timers around?
  165. Boy Missing
  166. Spring forward!
  167. Good News/Bad News
  168. lhamo......you and yours okay?
  169. Missing Malaysia airplane
  170. STEVE inMN
  171. If you were a first time home buyer, what items would you want to start, etc?
  172. Acer Chromebook question
  173. 9 year old opera singer!!!!!
  174. I can now say I have dumpster dived!
  175. Computer-type question
  176. Blog I came across that I wanted to share
  177. Do not try this at home! A project gone terribly wrong.
  178. Feral cat management done right
  179. What's Your Definiition of Wealth? (I Don't Necc. Mean Money)
  180. Perspective
  181. The paperless future?
  182. Let's see where this thread goes: amazing things you've seen
  183. Laundry: Do you use a clothesline?
  184. "I just hope I can get to the end of my life without turning into an a*&#^le again."
  185. Sick toddler rescued by navy warship........??
  186. Decision-making and the simple life
  187. Heartbleed malware research and response
  188. Here's something that encourages me.....
  189. funny video
  190. Chuckle - an oldie but a cutie
  191. Taking pets in the car .. saving the seats?
  192. Do you make any of your own toiletries?
  193. radical minimalists?
  194. IMPORTANT: Warning to not use Internet Explorer
  195. Off With Her Head...
  196. Life Reimagined
  197. Another 2014 goal done!
  198. I Really See No Need For An Emergency Preparedness Forum
  199. Arkansas ban on same-sex marriage struck down.....
  200. Interesting first and last name combinations
  201. High school boyfriend wanted for murder
  202. Keeping/storing old certification records?
  203. "Awesome"
  204. I want to....
  205. Cuke explosion!
  206. Missing Student from U. of Cincinnati
  207. I feel so stupid when.............
  208. Hi everyone after 13 days of hospitalization.....
  209. New Road Map Facebook page
  210. Computer question
  211. New old sofa
  212. Why can't I read?
  213. Handyman advice please
  214. Technically legal to remove grocery carts...
  215. Anyone else HATE fixing up their homes?
  216. Yesallwomen
  217. Master of the Universe doesn't own a cell phone
  218. Vintage Cigarette Lighters
  219. Whaddddddya say? $15/hr. minimum wage passed in Seattle.....
  220. Getting afraid for the U.S.
  221. Where's Redfox?
  222. Neither side seems to work for me.....
  223. Interesting sleep experience last night
  224. Nicest day and yours?
  225. How to condense my bank statements to print off?
  226. Decorate Your Soul
  227. Security questions on web sites
  228. Duck adventure - this made my day!
  229. Where's SteveinMN?
  230. Leaving ...
  231. A Lazy summer day
  232. I cannot find the tattoo forum, so am hoping this will do
  233. Suggestion for best do follow fashion Forums sites. Please help.
  234. Anyone play the pan flute?
  235. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
  236. Yet another cutting board thread.
  237. Finally, an anthem for grammarians and editors
  238. what things would you give up for a month?
  239. One way to motivate/remind oneself (reminded by pinktoes post).
  240. Wireless Mouse
  241. MiddleEast Mayhem
  242. Back after long hiatus
  243. Decorative mailboxes
  244. Jury duty
  245. A poem for today
  246. Just for fun--Google
  247. Kickstarter--no search bar?
  248. Are you a leader or a follower?
  249. Need Some Input On A Missouri Cabin
  250. Bylaws for hobby groups: what good points to include?