View Full Version : Archetypes: Which are you?

3-31-14, 2:50pm
I've been listening to a series of CD's that I got at the library on archetypes. It's by Caroline Myss. It's been really fun to listen to her and apply what I'm learning to people I know. She says that one of the the main reasons people clash is that they have such different archetypes. It really makes sense to me. She also says that different cultures have different archetypes.

I would say I have the Artist, the Teacher, the Healer, the Hermit, and some others. (I'm still listening to the CD's.) When I was teaching ballet, I realized I have a bit of the Stage Mother. I had to keep that drive in check. Some of my students were really talented, and I had to detach in case they didn't want to follow in my footsteps. So, to temper my enthusiasm I kept studying and learning from master teachers. When I was younger during my financial struggle I fell into The Victim. I couldn't see it at the time, but now I can.

She says there are some new archetypes now: The Computer Geek, the Drug Mother, etc...

On this forum we have several different archetypes. The Military, the Mother, the Sage, etc...

Sad Eyed Lady
3-31-14, 5:36pm
I was curious so took an online test which I'm sure is nothing compared to what you are doing, but just for the fun of it here are the answers I got:

42% Creative
You appreciate all beautiful things, in art and daily life. The creative act is essential to who you are.
33% Spiritual
You seek a deeper meaning. For you, the journey of faith is never-ending. Thoughtful and compassionate, you have a strong sense of moral obligation.
25% Caregiver
Friendly, sincere, and compassionate, you find your reward in helping others. No one could ask for a better best friend.

3-31-14, 5:56pm
What a coincidence! I traveled to Seattle from Newark today (hello, Jane and redfox if you're still listening!) On the plane I was reading Caroline Myss's Entering the Castle--her interpretation of St. Teresa of Avila's Interior Castle.

So I also took the quiz and came out:

50% Spiritual
27% Intellectual (I have a hard time believing that one)
23% Visionary

Have you ever heard of Enneagrams? One of my favorite spiritual Christian gurus is Richard Rohr and he's big on Enneagrams. Here's a place to get a free one http://www.eclecticenergies.com/enneagram/test.php

I think I'm a 9 but I can't even remember what that means.

3-31-14, 6:17pm
That sounds like you Sad Eyed Lady. The Caregiver is an archetype in this system, too. She's the one that always ends up taking care of others when they are sick. It's natural to her. (Or him.) She says we each have twelve. (archetypes.)

I've heard about the Enneagrams, catherine. A friend of mine used to be really into those. She said I was the performer. That was my career for 17 years, so I'm sure she's right. Yours sounds highly artistic.

My dad has a lot of the qualities of the Samaritan. He always is giving rides to people, bringing them bags of apples from his tree, etc.

She says the way you know is when you say "always or never." For example, whatever I do, people always ask me to teach them. When I was warming up doing yoga before the show, people would ask me to give them a class. When I took knitting, people asked me to help them with their sweaters. When I took ballet, students would ask me for help on the combination. I can't avoid it. Fortunately, I like teaching.

Do you have any patterns like that in your life?

3-31-14, 8:49pm
I'm pretty sure I qualify for the crone archetype.

3-31-14, 8:54pm
I'm pretty sure I qualify for the crone archetype.


I think I'm a 9 but I can't even remember what that means.

It says I'm a 5 (5w6). I guess the difinition of a 5 is I kind of suck (at least from reading it)

Fives fear being overwhelmed, either by the demands of others or by the strength of their own emotions. They sometimes deal with this by developing a minimalistic lifestyle in which they make few demands on others in exchange for few demands being made on them.

A minimalist? Say it ain't so ....

3-31-14, 9:49pm
I think this is interesting and I bet if you took this test at 20 it would be a lot different than if you took it in your 50s. Your values change as you get older and wiser.

3-31-14, 10:34pm

It says I'm a 5 (5w6). I guess the difinition of a 5 is I kind of suck (at least from reading it)


Fives are alert, insightful, and curious. They are able to concentrate and focus on developing complex ideas and skills. Independent, innovative, and inventive, they can also become preoccupied with their thoughts and imaginary constructs. They become detached, yet high-strung and intense. They typically have problems with eccentricity, nihilism, and isolation. At their Best: visionary pioneers, often ahead of their time, and able to see the world in an entirely new way.

Bolding mine. ANM: I'm convinced you try to hide your visionary pioneering behind resignation and doubt. (Wow, what a dimestore analysis that was--and on someone I've never really met!)

That's why you always respond to my utopian ideas with interest, but skepticism. Let out your inner visionary, ANM!!

3-31-14, 11:27pm

It says I'm a 5 (5w6). I guess the difinition of a 5 is I kind of suck (at least from reading it)

A minimalist? Say it ain't so ....

I'm a five, too. It nailed me: the investigator: watching, and taking it all in (5w6 also).

3-31-14, 11:51pm
catherine: Well that is a more flattering definition of 5's than the website originally linked to in this thread :)

(I went to the link and took the test, and read that description (ok grumble, I may have some of those weaknesses ... but harsh website, fricken harsh!) . Athough I think I've taken an enneagram test before and maybe even paid for it - mostly to talk about it with some people irl who were very into the subject. I forget but I was probably a 5 then as well.

I don't personally believe in archtypes (but then I'd be labeled as "The Rebel Archtype" so.... :-)!) as I think that it is too limiting when you label someone within a fairly narrow definition of "type" as it doesn't take into account the wholeness (and contradictory nature) of each person.

I've encountered subpersonality theory recently, which says we have a bunch of subpersonalities (sub-archetypes I guess if one wanted to use the term). We have a bunch of (usually a dozen or more) selves in our personalities. So subpersonality theory definitely accounts for the contradictory nature of the person, it's less fixed or static, subpersonalities rise and fall, dominate, recede. And it's mostly what I thought about when I saw this thread.

None of this stuff is really much provable or anything (at least at present though maybe always), much more art than science. IDEALLY it's possible ways of well mostly getting at and dealing with oneself towards improvement. Really the whole point IMO. Less ideally it's something to make idle conversation about I guess :laff: What's your sign?

In relationships well ... I don't think I'd try it with anyone I didn't already know EXTREMELY well because if I'm learning about a person I'd rather be more in the moment (5s are abstract enough already, we don't need to become moreso!!! :)).

4-1-14, 12:27am
Awakenedsoul, I am interested in this CD, do you have the title ? I looked up the author on Amazon and she has dozens of them.

4-1-14, 11:25am
Awakenedsoul, I am interested in this CD, do you have the title ? I looked up the author on Amazon and she has dozens of them.

Hi Marion,
Welcome and thanks for posting. The CD is called The Language of Archetypes. I got it at the library. Hope to hear more about yours.

4-1-14, 11:36am
I think this is getting a little confusing. Could you start a separate thread for the Enneagrams? As far as Carolyn Myss's teachings on archetypes, she says it's different than your personality. They are parts of your soul. Someone in the Peace Corps in her categories, falls under the Servant archetype. They serve the world. Each person has twelve archetypes.

ANM and Spartana,
If you think it's a waste of time or you don't believe in archetypes, (which is fine,) please skip the thread. I have made an effort to answer both of your posts on this and other subjects with respect and tact. If you won't do the same, I will skip over your posts and stop communicating with you. There are plenty of healthy, balanced, upbeat people on this forum I enjoy.

4-1-14, 12:16pm
If you think it's a waste of time or you don't believe in archetypes, (which is fine,) please skip the thread.

I actually neither believe or disbelieve really, those scientific terms are too black and white for the inner world. I guess I assume the real intent of threads is to continue the conversation (the game that exists for the sake of playing). If this board had a reputation for being on topic ... haha. But I can certainly quit the thread, so this will be my last post in it, unless there is a real desire to pick a fight in which case I WILL fight back. Healthy and balanced, hmm well I may have my own opinions (always tentative and subject to revision) on the subject based on pretty deep study of psyche literature.

4-1-14, 12:30pm
You are most likely a type 3.

Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 3w2.
I have to say that it doesn't seem to be me as I see myself when I looked at the description.

4-1-14, 1:37pm
I'm pretty sure I qualify for the crone archetype.

That's cool, JaneV2.0. There's someone on this forum, I forget who, who mentioned they got grey dreadlocks. That would be something the crone would do. I admire people who are comfortable with aging and don't fight it.

Spartana and ApatheteticNoMore,

Thanks. I really appreciate it.

4-1-14, 1:45pm
I think this is interesting and I bet if you took this test at 20 it would be a lot different than if you took it in your 50s. Your values change as you get older and wiser.

Yeah, totally. You come into different parts of yourself, too. My hips can't do the professional dancing anymore, so now I have the patience to knit. She talks about how if you block your creative energy, it will come out in negative ways. (Jealousy, sabotage, picking fights, insulting others, etc..) I always feel much better when I take positive action and make use of my gifts.

Here are some more archetypes we have on this forum:The gardener, The storyteller, the philanthropist, the nun, the monk, the princess, the queen, the warrior, etc...

4-1-14, 2:48pm
I'm not familiar with Caroline Myss - it looks like she has done a lot of interesting work.
On the enneagram site, I am an Investigator (which kind of works with my being a librarian.)

The tarot cards that come up most often for me are the Fool (the spirit in search of experience) and the High Priestess (wisdom, serenity, knowledge and understanding). I sort of think of the Fool as my current state and the High Priestess as my ideal. I find using the tarot useful for uncovering different paths I might take and understanding puzzling situations from different angles.

I find looking into ancient ways of understanding people and the universe very intriguing. I love listening to Caroline Casey on the radio - she is a semiologist and astrologer who has a unique was of framing things. Her show is the Visionary Activist. (http://www.kpfa.org/archive/show/50)

4-1-14, 3:50pm

Yes, you're right. Carolyn Myss has done a lot of interesting work. She's also on Hay House radio. I love the High Priestess. You definitely radiate that. I think you might have the investor archetype, too.

I find looking into ancient ways of understanding people and the universe very intriguing, too. When I was teaching, I really saw the archetypes come out. Art does that. I remember when I was studying at a ballet school in Santa Monica, the two women who ran it were incredible. They were both famous ballerinas. They were in their fifties and sixties at the time. They attracted the top talent in LA. There were so many little 9-11 yr. olds dancing like professional ballerinas in their classes. It was incredible! I would sit and watch classes every chance I got and get chills. They produced an endless stream of professional dancers. These women were so inspiring and adept at teaching that they had to back off on promoting the girls. Some of them improving so fast that they were starting to break down, emotionally. It was like their psyche couldn't keep up with their accelerating talent.

Thanks for posting.

iris lily
4-2-14, 6:41pm
I'm pretty sure I qualify for the crone archetype.
That's so funny! I fantasize about--in my retirement-- going around to Renaissance faires, playing The Crone. Only I have excess pounds. Aren't Crones supposed to be skinny old hags?

No one wants to be a crone at the faires, everyone wants to be the queen. Not me!

Actually, at work I've been called The Truthteller. Sometimes I will make the obvious statement to The Boss that no one else makes. So maybe I could combine the two: be an ugly old hag/crone who is a Truthteller.

4-2-14, 6:47pm
I don't think so. (as far as being skinny old hags...) With your irises and lilies, you've got the gardener archetype, too. Plants love the gardener. The green thumb. Also, from what you wrote about your husband on the Hobbies into Business thread, he's got the Builder archetype. He sounds like he was born to do it.

4-2-14, 6:51pm
I thought of another one this morning. The Heckler. One time on Oprah's show there was this guy who was a real jerk...mocking her and yelling obnoxious things out as she was talking. She quietly said, "A heckler. We've never had a heckler on this show. Security, could you please escort the heckler out?" I love her.

She's got The Teacher archetype, the Actress, the Mother, the Networker, and many more. What a lady!

4-2-14, 7:13pm
I wonder how many archetypes one person might manifest, and how many may contradict another? If I were to apply archetypical terms to myself, I'd say Hedonist, Advocate, Father, Servant, Avenger, Rebel & Seeker. Although on reflection, several of those are simply variations on a theme, one I'd call The Sheepdog.

Yep, I'm going with Hedonist and Sheepdog.

4-2-14, 8:05pm
I wonder how many archetypes one person might manifest, and how many may contradict another? If I were to apply archetypical terms to myself, I'd say Hedonist, Advocate, Father, Servant, Avenger, Rebel & Seeker. Although on reflection, several of those are simply variations on a theme, one I'd call The Sheepdog.

Yep, I'm going with Hedonist and Sheepdog.

These are great Alan, thanks. I'm almost always on different parts of the forum than you are, but I see all those, just from the couple of times you helped me. I see what you mean about Rebel and Seeker. The Father is self explanatory. Definitely The Servant, because of your work. Also, all the time and work you put into this forum.

Even though Spartana doesn't believe in archetypes what I see in her is The Wanderer, (Because she loves to travel,) and the Athlete, because of all the sports she plays.

Carolyn says that your archetypes are the way power flows through you. We do different things at different times.

Ishbel has the Chef. She talks about her success with her own catering company on the Hobbies Into Business thread.

4-2-14, 9:02pm
ANM and Spartana,
If you think it's a waste of time or you don't believe in archetypes, (which is fine,) please skip the thread. I have made an effort to answer both of your posts on this and other subjects with respect and tact. If you won't do the same, I will skip over your posts and stop communicating with you. There are plenty of healthy, balanced, upbeat people on this forum I enjoy.

OMG. Seriously! Awakenedsoul, this is just so wrong. This is a message board where everyone shares their opinion like any message board. Get over yourself!

And to add my opinion. I think Carolyn Myss is a load of crap. I saw her on Oprah once where she said we are all to blame for our own diseases manifested from our emotions. She literally devastated those at the show that had cancer and lupus. I remember well. People were furious with her and she had to close her website down for awhile.... She makes a lot of money off people with this bunk. Everyone has so many different characteristics in their personality......archetypes - whatever.

4-2-14, 10:40pm

From Forum Etiquette: "Be polite. Friendly, constructive comments and questions that are on topic will maintain a positive spirit on these forums.

Stay on topic. Stick to the original topic that was stated by the person who started the thread. If you have a suggestion or comment that is on a different topic, start a new thread in the proper forum.

4-9-14, 6:21pm
Awakenedsoul, I think that obviously ANM and Spartana were definitely on topic! They were simply sharing their opinions, and all opinions are valuable here. Afterall, this is a discussion board. I think ANM and Spartana always add lot of good info to any discussion. To call them out like that is just wrong and rude of you. You can't expect everyone here to agree with you! They were also polite, friendly, and with constructive comments..... They followed ALL forum etiquette! Me, not so much at this point because your arrogance is making me angry!

1-10-15, 3:45pm
ANM and Spartana,
If you think it's a waste of time or you don't believe in archetypes, (which is fine,) please skip the thread. I have made an effort to answer both of your posts on this and other subjects with respect and tact. If you won't do the same, I will skip over your posts and stop communicating with you. There are plenty of healthy, balanced, upbeat people on this forum I enjoy.

ANM and Spartana were both attacked here for offering opinions that were OT, but not what Awakenedsoul wanted to hear. She was rude and disrespectful to both, and Spartana gave up and deleted all of her posts on this thread. Just another example of awakenedsoul's intolerance...