View Full Version : Decorate Your Soul

Sad Eyed Lady
6-27-14, 10:34am
Just for fun - in keeping with the great quote: "She woke up one day and decided to quit cleaning her house and start decorating her soul"

How do you decorate your soul? Would love to here your answers.

6-27-14, 10:41am
I make stuff. Stuff I'll see or use everyday, or something useful to others. Or gather up flowers from the yard and put them in a vase on the kitchen table. Or go spend some time with my 3 year old grand niece and enter the wonder of her world.

6-27-14, 11:33am
I sew and create things like infinity scarves, headbands for the granddaughters, and curtain toppers...I quilt...I cut up a big bowl of colorful fruit...I take care of the flowers on our deck...I read something where I can escape to another place and time...and I write and write and write!

Sad Eyed Lady
6-27-14, 11:38am
I neglected to add something myself. I paint my front door purple. Actually all my doors seen from the outside are painted purple.

iris lilies
6-27-14, 11:41am
I neglected to add something myself. I paint my front door purple. Actually all my doors seen from the outside are painted purple.

I love that! it's just great.

My porch has a cutom made gothic theme and the paint colors are two shades of green with red to pop.

6-27-14, 2:12pm
Anything to get out of my head, ie too much thinking. Birding, gardening, artwork. And for whatever reason, all of me feels better, head heart and soul, when I have order around me so steering clear of chaos.

6-27-14, 8:29pm
I try to clean my house everyday, but also do a lot of artsy stuff for my soul. I garden. I have a front yard full of old fashioned flowers and veggies, and a backyard full of fruit. I knit socks and sweaters, cook, bake, and sew. I sing every day, and go to auditions with women far younger than I am. Today I went to an audition for a new Broadway show. I'm almost 50, and the other women there were in their 20's and 30's. I sang my song and the casting director said, "Awesome!!!" It was a blast. I don't worry about age, I do what I love and use my talents. I teach tap dancing, and it's rewarding to see all the senior ladies dancing and smiling...

6-27-14, 9:09pm
A relative painted their house a kind of dusty plum color. I'm quite taken with it, but it suits a cottage better than my angular modern house. But a plummy door might just work...

I decorate my soul by sifting through my art and craft books, putting different fabrics together in felicitous combinations, enjoying nature (usually through a window), and listening to sappy Euro-pop music.

6-27-14, 10:32pm
Today I decorated my soul by sitting on the ground, in my back yard, with my special needs grandson. We spent several hours with two hand sized garden spades, digging holes in the ground searching for buried treasure, all the while talking about the endless possiblities of what we might find. I hadn't done that in over 50 years.

Afterwards, we replaced all the dirt and danced on top to pack it all back down. It was a great day.

6-28-14, 7:20am
Today I decorated my soul by sitting on the ground, in my back yard, with my special needs grandson. We spent several hours with two hand sized garden spades, digging holes in the ground searching for buried treasure, all the while talking about the endless possiblities of what we might find. I hadn't done that in over 50 years.

Afterwards, we replaced all the dirt and danced on top to pack it all back down. It was a great day.


6-28-14, 7:39am
I try to stick to my morning routine of lectio divina from Universalis.com, sitting meditation, followed by 20 minutes of yoga. I also pull myself to the moment and soak everything in throughout the day and just be there. I try to decorate my soul with presence.

(to be honest, I LOVE this thread, but the term "decorate my soul" is a bit weird. I have no intention to interfere with or try to "adorn" my soul--I would prefer to get myself out of the way and let it adorn me.)

6-29-14, 10:28am
Keep thing In perspective on what really matters and what is just filler. Remember that I can't change most things so accept and carry on.
Purple doors, love it. Many moons ago I painted all shutters and doors pink with darker pink wooden hearts on the shutters. Then I made a sign the said Hummingbird Lane. Guess I was more free thinking then.

6-29-14, 12:10pm
(to be honest, I LOVE this thread, but the term "decorate my soul" is a bit weird. I have no intention to interfere with or try to "adorn" my soul--I would prefer to get myself out of the way and let it adorn me.)

I feel the same way!
For me, it's getting out into the wilderness and opening myself up to Nature.

Float On
6-29-14, 12:44pm
I paddle my kayak hard and breathe. Then I slow down and breathe and observe and start praying about what I am thankful for. It's very renewing and cleans out my soul and opens me up for new observations.

7-4-14, 6:32pm
Just for fun - in keeping with the great quote: "She woke up one day and decided to quit cleaning her house and start decorating her soul"

How do you decorate your soul? Would love to here your answers.I like this. Hate housecleaning (hate most domestic or household chores) and would really rather be out doing something else - biking, hiking, anything physical. So I guess that's how I'd "decorate my soul"!

7-6-14, 6:43pm
Working on becoming a better photographer, enjoying time with my son and husband, taking my dog for a walk or just loving on my pets. I also decorate my soul with slowing down and breathing deep.

8-5-14, 11:29pm
Working on becoming a better photographer, enjoying time with my son and husband, taking my dog for a walk or just loving on my pets. I also decorate my soul with slowing down and breathing deep.

That's great! Sometimes I find that cleaning my cottage or neatening up the backyard is good for my soul. I get that doing housework compulsively isn't healthy, but I do love a beautiful environment. I just dug up some Bermuda, cut back dried sunflowers, and yanked off some worn out reed fencing in my backyard. Boy does it look better! I guess I need a nice space to decorate my soul and do artsy stuff...

This morning when I went out early to run the dogs, it was very cool. I pulled out a hand knit alpaca sweater and a cabled scarf that I knit last year. It was fun to wear my handmade clothing for a change! The temps really drop here at night. That decorated my soul. I love making clothes....

8-6-14, 1:10am
We had a gentle rain this evening, so I took my dog for a walk in the rain. She LOVES the rain, even though most cocker spaniels are averse to it. We had a nice long walk, with nobody out to interrupt our walking. When we got home she got her feet washed and dried and trimmed, and a thorough brushing. She is a Very Happy dog tonight. And my Soul is fed as well.

Blackdog Lin
8-6-14, 9:31pm
What a great thread and question! I had to do some thinking.

I sit. I sit on my back steps and just.....sit. With coffee (and cigs) in the morning, or wine (and cigs) in the evening. I listen. I hear the birds. And the frogs. And the locusts. I hear the wind rustling through the trees. And maybe I look. The hummingbirds doing antics at the feeder. Hawks flying over the freshly-mowed pasture (this week). The resident rooster crowing, and the hens rushing to his bidding. Evidence of the damn moles in my perennial garden just off to my side. The strange way these particular weeds grow over there but these other weeds grow over here.

I do not think of my to-do list on the desk, or where I might need to be later today, or what I might plan or need to do in the next hour, or how crabby DH might be today. I just.....sit, and it clears my brain and I guess my soul. Peacefully.

8-7-14, 4:31pm
Plant pots of herbs.
Dig in the dirt, weeding.
Embroidering (my favorite way)
Birdwatching, photography.
Making something --or trying something new --with my hands.
Giving something --or giving time--to someone else who needs it.

8-7-14, 6:49pm
These are wonderful! Very inspiring...

Sad Eyed Lady
8-7-14, 7:36pm
These are wonderful! Very inspiring...
I agree! Wonderful answers and ideas.