View Full Version : You guys are great, can I join?
I was starting a decluttering binge and looking around the net for some encouragement/inspiration to keep me moving. I landed here and found so much more. I am from NZ, married to my dh for 28 years, three daughters (two of whom have flown the coop) and turning 50 this month. I love life and am excited for the next phase. Lots of topics here that resonate with me, and I look forward to joining your discussions. Aroha.
7-13-14, 4:37pm
Welcome to the forum Aroha. I look forward to reading your posts. Lots of good reading here on simple living...
Of course you can join!!! So happy to have you.
7-13-14, 9:43pm
Glad to meet you Aroha!
Welcome, Aroha! Glad to have you join us!
So glad you are here! Welcome
Sad Eyed Lady
7-14-14, 9:55am
Welcome - come in and make yourself at home!
7-14-14, 12:05pm
Hi Aroha! Welcome!
Welcome, Aroha! Glad to have you join us!
So glad you are here! Welcome
Welcome - come in and make yourself at home!
Hi Aroha! Welcome!
Thankyou all, it's nice to hear from you all and I will chat with you as I begin to find my way around the numerous interesting forums you have here.
I have learnt some things already, just from reading, it's so inspiring.
I think my life is quite simple - I get up, make a cup of tea with fresh rainwater if possible (it's usually possible this time of year, lol), kiss my daughter before she goes to school and my dear husband before he goes to work, do a spot of housework, play a bit of piano, eat some good food and prepare a meal for the family. Couple of days a week my students come in for piano lessons, one day I spend out grocery shopping, another tramping in the great outdoors. I seem to have a little bit of lots of things - variety seems to be the spice of life.
Since reading on here I am paying a bit more attention to some things - one being the state of my house (I was working on decluttering, still am but now also into sprucing up and making more homely), the other being a closer awareness of my finances. Over time I've been pretty good at living within budget, not so good at maximising income. To this end I'm trying to make a start with tracking and see where it leads me.
Has anyone else worked through the whole process of the Financial Integrity programme? I am a few chapters in, so far.
The sun came out today so I took the chance to pull some weeds by the front gate where I met a neighbour taking his adorable 10month old twin baby girls for a walk. We shared a pleasant conversation in the sunshine though we hadn't met before.
Hi, Aroha! Glad to hear you're working on the FI program. I used "Your Money Or Your Life" for many years, and eventually got out of debt. I am nowhere near the "crossover point," but I am far more mindful of spending, of the use of my life energy to generate money, and am more interested in frugality and the quality of objects I bring into my life. I like the sound of your life...very simple, peaceful, and lovely.
8-9-14, 12:52pm
I worked through the steps back in the late 1990's, and am starting again because of some personal financial turmoil (which some would suggest happened because I didn't follow Step 9 well enough.)
Hi Selah and Tetrimbath, welcome to my simple life. Well, I'd like it to be simpler than it is which is why I'm decluttering. Thanks for your comments.
I used "Your Money Or Your Life" for many years, and eventually got out of debt . . . am more interested in frugality and the quality of objects I bring into my life.
Congratulations on becoming debt free - great move! I too think it's high time I paid more attention to both the quality and the quantity of things I choose to keep in my life. I daren't take inventory just yet, lest I end up with a tally even worse than 10,000 possessions like this person recorded:
I worked through the steps back in the late 1990's, and am starting again because of some personal financial turmoil (which some would suggest happened because I didn't follow Step 9 well enough.)
I am glad not to be in actual financial turmoil though I have no idea yet what Step 9 entails and I wish you every success with your tracking and restoring control of your situation.
Which reminds me to go check my accounts, I don't THINK I spent anything today, being Sunday, but you never know. Oops, my dh filled the car, so that will count.
I suppose my life is getting simpler with every bag or box that leaves the house. But is sure doesn't feel like it when the items requiring decision get bigger and disposing of them more complex.
8-12-14, 1:44am
I suppose my life is getting simpler with every bag or box that leaves the house. But is sure doesn't feel like it when the items requiring decision get bigger and disposing of them more complex.Hi and welcome! Glad to have you here.
I find what you have posted here to be so true - decluttering does get harder when the items involved get larger and more complex to dispose of. Also in my case when I'm so embarrassed that in my spending days during the boom I actually bought whatever the item in question is and I'm bound and determined to recoup a least something back on whatever it is. Sometimes I wish I could just snap my fingers and make all the excess I don't need go away. Rob
Thankyou Rob for your welcome. Your comment has given me pause to think and I now realise I have another reason to be grateful that our income over the years has been only modest at best. I hate to think how much more stuff we may have accumulated otherwise.
If I do get the urge to try to recoup a little cash I quell it with the thought that the money was wasted at the time of purchase, not today as I give it away. As it is, I am annoyed that I have kept so many belongings long past anyone's use-by date instead of passing them on before they deteriorated beyond redemption.
Is silver simple? Not if it is still in its packaging in the back of the kitchen cupboards after more than 25 years.
What if it's kept in a purpose made bag in the cutlery drawer? Time will tell.
Today I cut down an heirloom embroidered cloth and sewed it into a wrapper for my newly discovered silverware. Having it on hand feels like a reward for the decluttering I have been doing. I really wish I had put these items to use sooner and now that I've tossed so much plastic and genuine rubbish I have decided to give the silver a chance. After all, salad and cake have to be served with something.
8-14-14, 7:32am
Aroha: I have my maternal grandmother's silver plated cutlery, which we use every day. When it gets too tarnished for my tolerance level, I use one of those silver dips, which makes it pretty easy to maintain. I probably use the dip about every two years or so (I'm clearly tolerant of some degree of tarnish). I understand this isn't really good for fine silver, but since this is only a silver plated set with little value beyond the utilitarian, I don't worry about that.
this is only a silver plated set with little value beyond the utilitarian. This describes my salad servers, cake knives and gravy spoon. They are pretty, but not valuable, so why on earth haven't I been using them. I am so pleased you use and enjoy yours daily I think that's lovely.
Life doesn't get much simpler than stepping out the back door to feed the chickens and discovering they have left two eggs in the nesting box. Eggs which in very short order became my breakfast today.
Tree-ripened fruit is simple too. My vege garden is hit and miss, but my grapefruit tree is a faithful and prolific fruiter every year and it's a simple matter to collect the fallen fruit and juice it.
A simple wardrobe for the spring season is my next goal. Only choosing 33 items to wear for the next three months is not proving to be a simple exercise.
My top 15 to date:
wool coat
Navy jersey
Pink jersey
Black possum jersey
Sleeveless navy shirt
3/4 sleeve leopard print top
Long sleeved red paisley shirt
Black short skirt
Dark grey knee length shorts
Khaki capris
Footless tights
Merino long sleeved dress
Floral sleeveless dress
Today I found that walking home after the gym was simpler than catching the bus. Not only did I save the waiting time, and the bus fare, but I was able to stop and do my banking on the way home.
The simple joy of walking in the national park with friends on a clear winter's day.
Ummm, grapefruit fresh off the tree sounds wonderful!
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