View Full Version : A New Life?

domestic goddess
3-18-11, 4:11pm
Hi! It's me, the poster formerly known as "homenurse", now under a new name, selected for no particular reason. It just re-entered my memory and took up residence.
Had a few changes. For the present, I'm living with my dd and her family, due to her illness, some financial problems, and some work that needs to be done in my house. It seems like everytime I get ready to move home, something comes up in one area or the other, so I stay here. I don't get much privacy, but I am finding out that I enjoy having people around, which I hadn't thought I'd like. So it is really not a hardship to stay and watch my granddaughters grow up. I love them dearly, and really enjoy being able to participate in their lives and activities. For example, tonight we are going to their Grand Prix race at the Awana group they attend. You know the drill: the kids each get a piece of wood and some wheels, and it is up to them to make something out of it. Many of the cars appear to have been made by adults, but theirs are all from their own brains! Dgd1 wanted hers to look like a bathtub, and it does; complete with a little towel, sponge, bubbles and a little ducky. The younger girl's car looks like an elephant with a peanut on it's snout.
So that is what I'm doing now. Still doing home care and have 2 new patients. Have not been as active in church lately for a variety of reasons, but hope to get back soon. Will be going home soon to visit my mom and do what I can there, and hope to be taking the girls with me. My mom hasn't seen them since my dad died, so she is really looking forward to it, too.
I hear a lot about my dd's and sil's friends, and it amazes me that some reasonably functional people come from families of such chaos. I am truly glad that my parents provided for us a warm, stable,loving shelter that gave me the strength to deal with problems, and to help them when I can.
So, to make a long story short (though it is really too late for that) here I am. Ready to get back to living a little simply, and to spread the word to this household.

3-18-11, 5:17pm
I'm so glad to see you! It sounds like living with your DD is going pretty well. How is her health?

We're in a similar multigenerational situation and we are really enjoying it too. There are definite benefits to that style of living.

domestic goddess
3-18-11, 10:39pm
Hi, Stella! If I recall correctly, your dad is living with you, right? Yes, there are many benefits to multigenerational living, and I think it is kind of a shame we have gotten away from it. Yes, I get tired sometimes, but the little ones will pep you right up.
My dd and I do things very differently, and it sometimes makes for a bit of conflict, but she is mostly pretty patient with me. I, unfortunately, am not always so patient with her. If she would just see the light and do things my way, life would be so much easier for all of us-lol! Oh well, we do have fun.
Glad to see old friends and some new ones, too.

3-18-11, 10:47pm
Welcome back from another living in the multigenerational living way..mostly it works out very well with the occasional hiccup..mostly just mother and daughter doing and thinking about things differently..
In all it is working out for all and we are not changing it any time some. Now since DH is ill is it wonderful to have Dd and grandson in the same house.
We are lucky having been able to work out separate living arrangements but it is still two families in the same house.

3-18-11, 11:09pm
Hey, welcome back.....I'm the mod who approved your registration......it was fun to see "domestic goddess" in with a huge number of spammer registrations from Russia, Latvia, Romania, Ukraine, Germany, South Korea and China.....81 of them, and you, right there in the middle, with nary a spam record to your name, so allowed in the door, hahahahaha.

But, I didn't know it was you....what a nice surprise..... glad to see your pixels.

domestic goddess
3-18-11, 11:28pm
Thank you, danna and lc. I spent some time trying to decide about joining again; it becomes so easy for me to get sucked into all kind of Internet stuff and losing track of the time. But, in the end, I just couldn't stay away. As far as spam goes, if you want some I can try to create it-lol! Don't know how good I will be at that, though. But if each of you will send me just one small dollar...
My dd has had some problems with kidney stones and kidney infections. We did find out that one ureter is very narrowed d/t scar tissue. So, when she gets a stone on that side it will not pass without some intervention. Still waiting to get some tests done, as her dad had a metabolic problem and passed over 100 kidney stones in his life. Well, some needed help to pass, too, as they were large, but still there is the possibility of other possible problems. But I know what needs to be done about those.
I also spent some time thinking about doing more lurking and less posting, but here I am, running off at the fingertips again!

3-19-11, 7:41am
welcome back!

iris lily
3-19-11, 8:42am
hello Domestic G, good to see you!

3-19-11, 9:32am
Nice to hear from you and that life is interesting with family.

3-19-11, 2:11pm
Welcome, DG, or welcome back, sort of, to our new home. Good to know who WAS whom. And so good to hear from you. I loved your description of the little girls' derby cars. Hope they had lots of fun!

domestic goddess
3-20-11, 12:12pm
Thanks, and good to hear from you all. The girls had a great time at their Grand Prix derby. Alana's bathtub won first prize for design, and Susie's elephant won third. The volunteers there make awesome milkshakes, too! So a good time was had by all. Last night they had a friend sleep over, so they have been busy, which is good because I am getting a cold and am glad they are busy.

3-27-11, 10:15am
Oh boy- oh boy- oh boy! So happy I am to see you back!!! I've thought of you so much over the past few months and even allowed myself to get sad over wondering what happened to you, so what a relief it is to see you here again! http://th1005.photobucket.com/albums/af178/maxicastro/Smileys/th_kiss.gif

3-30-11, 9:37am
domestic goddess... if I get the chance, I'll be setting up camp near by my daughter and her family, (for a few months out of each year), for the opportunities to watch my grandchildren play ball and attend this n that activity and soak it all in. I smile as I dream..... Love

3-30-11, 1:52pm
Good to see you back!