View Full Version : Bus travel

Sad Eyed Lady
7-30-14, 12:21pm
A few years ago I started a post on here about bus travel. At that time it was just an idea, maybe setting out cross country and getting off and on at various stops. That is not what I am referring to in this thread. This is reality: I am planning on visiting a friend in a neighboring state later next month. DH doesn't want me driving alone and my car is about 15 years old with 150,00+ miles, so I understand. I am planning on taking a Greyhound bus there and back. I thought of this as an adventure, but have had some nay-sayers warning me about the dangers of bus stations etc. I will not be traveling in the night I want to add, but will have a couple of stops where I have to spend an hour or so in the bus stations. I have checked the schedules and all travel will be day hours. I would like to hear from any of you that have traveled by interstate bus recently; your experiences, impressions and thoughts.

7-30-14, 12:41pm
I haven't traveled that way recently. Well, actually, I took the bus from Newark airport to Times Square last July. It was great. I arrived very late....around 11:00 p.m. I had no problems. I used to take the bus from Port Authority to Lenox, MA and stay at Kripalu. I loved it. I would say to sit near the driver, (if you feel nervous.) They're usually really nice. I hope you go...it sounds like fun! I've been thinking of taking the Amtrak to Hearst Castle and spending the night. It looks like a gorgeous trip. There are usually people working in the bus stations that will help you, if you have any problems. I think you'll be fine. If it were me, I'd pack a book, my knitting, a lunch, and a thermos of coffee. Traveling's a blast!

7-30-14, 1:28pm
I haven't travelled by bus in years, and most of that was in Europe or elsewhere, so might not be applicable now but one problem I seemed to always have was that the bus was late. Late arriving and late leaving. Which often meant that I was stranded at a bus stop overnight because I missed a connection or the bus couldn't leave again until the next day. Some bus depots can be in very bad parts of town - this is probably true in some of the larger cities. Or they might be in very remote areas or small towns and shut down overnight and you have to find a place to stay or crash at the bus station (done that a few times in my life - outside on a bench - and it's not a good idea). So if you have connections between buses, just be aware that buses are often late and you may miss your connection. If that's not the case, then a bus trip can be great. However I find that they can be expensive and so you might want to look at train or even a rental car as a cheaper option. And buses can be very very slowwwwww.... What can take you a few hours to drive will often take 24 hours or more by bus. Last trip I took in the States by bus was with Gray hound from my house to a ski resort about 350 miles away. It took over 24 hours because of the many stops, and long waits, at each depot. Never again! Will drive next time as I can do it in less then 6 hours.

8-3-14, 3:38pm
Is Amtrak an option? The mid-60s parents of friends have taken Greyhound several times in the past couple of years when visiting their son (my friend) as it was cheaper than flying. They went between another Midwest state and Chicago. They will never do it again. There were plenty of weirdos who gave them the heebie jeebies. In addition to some people who just seemed "off," there were edgy types who this couple had to watch, who made them feel very unsafe. The wife said she would never have taken the bus if she was traveling by herself. This couple now just drives.

ETA: if your car is not up for the trip, you should price out renting a car.

Sad Eyed Lady
8-3-14, 4:41pm
After closely looking at the schedules I have decided against the bus. I would have to take a L-O-N-G out of the way trip to get to my destination. Only two times available to book also, so with all the questions answered concerning my specific trip I have decided no on the bus. I am going to drive DH's car which is a bit "younger" than mine. Tradd, and others of you who have mentioned Amtrak - I wish I had that option. I don't where I live again without going way out of my way to make this trip. So, ROAD TRIP!

8-3-14, 4:42pm
I second Tradd's suggestion that you consider Amtrak. A friend of mine was expected to arrive in Seattle by bus and I went to the station to meet her. The bus was way late for some reason, and I spent an uncomfortable period of time trying not to touch anything (do they ever clean bus stations?) and avoiding the sketchy denizens of the place. When she finally arrived she described a harrowing ride. The very last conveyance I would consider taking is an interstate bus.

ETA: I see you decided against it while I was typing. Good call!

8-3-14, 5:06pm
Glad to hear you've decided against the bus.

Sad Eyed Lady
8-3-14, 6:13pm
When I saw that I had not one, but two, layovers of around 2 hours each at bus stations I didn't like that idea. As I said, it has been many, many years since I took an interstate bus any where and was surprised at some of the reviews I read. I know some people love to sabotage reviews and make things sound worse than they are, but I trust you guys to tell me your honest true experiences.

8-3-14, 6:46pm
Sad Eyed Lady, I'm glad you're going to take the newer car. That sounds ideal. The Internet is great, because you can do your research and trust your gut. Times have definitely changed.

Float On
8-3-14, 10:55pm
Have you considered renting a car? I like to rent for trips and have got some great deals thru Avis, having AARP saved me $130 on my last rental. I may actually rent a car tomorrow just for around town while my car goes in the shop for repairs.
I too am glad you decided against bus travel. A lot of rural stops where you have to get off the bus and wait are sometimes just gas stations in not too good areas of town. We don't have a grayhound stop here any more but Jefferson bus lines does and they picked an out of the way seedy gas station as the stop. I'm beginning to think it was to keep transients from the tourist area.