View Full Version : Cabin fever.

3-22-11, 10:06am
Anyone else suffer from cabin fever over the winter? I do, real bad, but now that spring has officially sprung I'm relieved to see winter on it's way out and the clean new freshness of sun, green, and new life on it's way!

Already I'm seeing many of my favourite feathered friends returning from their tropical holidays taking up residence again in the refuge and delight our yard offers, and I'm finding myself staring aimlessly outside more and more each day in anticipation for better days to come (nicer warmer weather) so I can get outside once again and enjoy the celebration of new life and freedom!

The days are getting longer, the sun brighter and warmer, and everything is on the verge of blossoming! Can't wait. :)

Float On
3-22-11, 10:32am
Me too. This winter really took it out of me. The past few days I've gotten out to dig in the dirt (planted peas, beets, lettuce so far) and clean out my little pond and I just feel totally renewed. Yesterday I even took an hour to sit outside to read and it was wonderful (my 14 year old told me I needed to remember to take a little me time and read something more than a magazine). My mood is much improved.

3-22-11, 11:59am
Sigh...We are under yet another heavy snowfall warning. I can totally relate to the cabin fever issues...I don't think spring is ever gonna get here!

3-22-11, 1:49pm
libby - don't know where you reside, but we're under the same heavy snowfall warning as well. The lower portion and western portion of the U.P. is suppose to get more than the northern and eastern sections of the U.P. Where I reside I fall right on the line where we'll get dumped on or missed. I'm hoping the latter.

3-22-11, 4:33pm
libby - don't know where you reside, but we're under the same heavy snowfall warning as well. The lower portion and western portion of the U.P. is suppose to get more than the northern and eastern sections of the U.P. Where I reside I fall right on the line where we'll get dumped on or missed. I'm hoping the latter.

Look at the weather map for the L.P.. I’m right in the middle of the red storm warning area.

Yes, I get cabin fever over the winter. It abated a bit over the weekend with near 50‘s(F) and sun but as the snow is beginning to fall (again) and 13(F) predicted for tonight, I’ve just been booted right back into the cabin.

3-22-11, 4:44pm
We got cabin fever pretty bad this year, we were battered with some serious wind storms, and long periods of ice/snow kept us stuck at the house unable to safely get down to the village. At least our roof blew off in a wind storm two years ago, and got replaced with a new, stronger roof which remained attached during these storms.

As soon as the weather cleared, we hopped in the boat and invaded the Canadian Gulf Islands :-)

3-23-11, 4:39am
Mrs-M, I too, am enjoying seeing the birds return. :) It's been a long winter and now that spring is here I am feeling joyful again. Cabin fever be gone!! :D

3-23-11, 11:30am
goldensmom: don't know if you were hit or not with that snow storm. It missed our portion of the U.P. (so far). I heard it hit the western end closest to WI. I'm in the central U.P. It is sure windy and cold, though. I'm ready for spring as well.

3-23-11, 2:16pm
I shouldn't complain when I know others have had a far worse winter, but it's cold and raining again here in SoCal. We need the rain and if I could, I would choose it, ...but I really wanted to be able to work outside (and don't want to clean house). And there is more predicted through Friday.


3-23-11, 2:24pm
goldensmom: don't know if you were hit or not with that snow storm. It missed our portion of the U.P. (so far). I heard it hit the western end closest to WI. I'm in the central U.P. It is sure windy and cold, though. I'm ready for spring as well.

Got It!! About 8-9" so far. It's windy but the snow is heavy so not drifting so much. Still snowing. I was plowing the driveway this morning with the window open and came too close to a pine tree loaded with snow. Lots of snow fell from the branches into the truck and on me - - so surprised and so cold. Looking for the silver lining.

**Told my husband about the snow-in-truck incident and he advised me to close the window when I plow snow. Excellent advise.

3-23-11, 3:07pm
Good day everyone!

Float On. Gardening is on my mind too. I love those days when I can get into a Zen like mode and one minute it's early in the morning and the next minute it's noon!

Libby. We had a light dusting of snow the other day but it's all gone now and as each day passes the sun is getting warmer and warmer. I've now progressed to staring at my clothesline! :)

Debi. Fingers crossed for you for "no more" snow! :)

Goldensmom. Awww, sending a piping hot cup of tea your way (along with a hug) to help cheer you up and make your extended cabin living time a little more welcome. :) (Chant with me, melt snow, melt snow, melt snow).

Bae. You made me laugh. :laff: You seem to accept the roof blowing off of your house as if- "oh well, at least the roof blew off our house", la-di-da. Wish I could be more like you and let things I cannot change bother me less. :)

Wildflower. Like you, the birds definitely help me get into the spring spirit!

Gina. LMAO! I can't WAIT to use that smiley!!!!! What a hoot he is! Doing a rain dance for you. http://th322.photobucket.com/albums/nn430/bamamom33/Smileys/th_7cb7bf46.gif

3-23-11, 3:21pm
And finally, today:


3-23-11, 3:35pm
Oh my goodness! Absolutely beautiful! Thanks for the picture. I was thinking Bae, that where you are situated shortwave radio would come in exceptionally well, are you by chance a shortwave radio listener?

3-23-11, 3:48pm
We live in the Sierra Nevada (very aptly named) at 5000 ft, and we have been inundated with snow this winter. We had a heavy storm over last weekend, dumping 4 ft of new snow on top of the 2 ft left over from the last heavy storm end of February. It is snowing as I type this with another 4 ft of snow in the forecast ending on Monday. No sign of spring yet. I feel like Cougar Annie right now. Our woodstove is going full blast, power has been intermittant over the last 5 days, Internet and cable have been out for 5 days (Comcast), just came back on line a few minutes ago. This whole meess probably starts all over again with this next storm moving in. For us spring does not happen till May if we are lucky. Sigh.

3-23-11, 6:59pm
Gina. LMAO! I can't WAIT to use that smiley!!!!! What a hoot he is! Doing a rain dance for you.

That's one of my favorites too. :)

Actually, it might be better if you didn't do any more rain dancing. ;) Though I must admit the lettuce is just lapping it up in their little protective enclosure.


3-24-11, 12:05pm
Hi Heidi. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you in hopes of an earlier spring. :)

Hi Gina. OK, no more rain dancing. :) I see my poor reading skills kicked in when I read your last entry. I read it and understood that you needed rain, but after rereading it again (after seeing your picture post) I realized I had misread it. :( I hate my reading skills......

I sure do love the picture you posted! The lettuce looks mouthwatering delicious!

3-24-11, 2:12pm
I love snow and cold and really bulstery days so enjoy every aspect of winter - even the shorter days and longer nights. But I live in Southern Calif and hate all the endless heat and sunshine (it burnsss usss precioussss......) so summer is my "cabin fever" time. Stay indoors alot more and just go out in the very early mornings, very late afternoon and nights. I usually try to get away for a few months to somewhere cooler (and greener with "weather") during the hot season otherwise I'd go bonkers. Even living at a ski resort at 7,000 ft can get very hot and dry in summer. I live for the winters!

3-24-11, 3:39pm
Hi Gina. OK, no more rain dancing. I see my poor reading skills kicked in when I read your last entry. I read it and understood that you needed rain, but after rereading it again (after seeing your picture post) I realized I had misread it. I hate my reading skills......

I sure do love the picture you posted! The lettuce looks mouthwatering delicious!

Your reading skills are just fine Mrs-M - we generally do need rain, but I was just being selfish and complaining about getting what we actually need. http://www.simplelivingforum.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=169&d=1294631353

And, yes, the lettuce is excellent right now. Yesterday I had a very large salad for lunch and it was some of the best lettuce I've ever eaten. I'll probably pick more soon since we aren't supposed to get more rain till later today.

Spartana, If the weather really does not suit you, why do you continue to live in SoCal? Perhaps you could commute every 6 months between N and S hemispheres. ;) (just kidding of course.)

3-24-11, 4:11pm
Our weather today didn't know what it wanted to do. It spurted snow on and off until about 1:00 p.m. today -- No accumulation, thank goodness. I am so ready for spring.

@goldensmom - I know the feeling. When I've walked the dog and the wind moves the tree branches with snow, first place it hits is down my neck. How much more snow are you expecting, or has it quit?

3-24-11, 4:14pm
Spartana. I love snow and cold and blustery days too, but only when winter first sets in, but by January I'm like- "go away"! :)

Gina. You did it again, pulling out another awesome smiley! I love that one too!!! Darn it all you make me so jealous always finding all the good ones. :) Thank you for your kind words Re: my reading. Here's how I feel when it comes to reading- http://th165.photobucket.com/albums/u55/BJ_BOBBI_JO9/Emotions%20feelings%20moods%20related/th_gnome.gif

Is the lettuce kept is the cage to keep rabbits away?

3-24-11, 4:15pm
Hi Debi. Just seen your post after I posted. Great news on the "no accumulation" issue. Fingers will be crossed for you.

3-24-11, 4:21pm
Thanks Mrs-M. Finally seeing sunshine late this afternoon. I have my to do list ready and waiting. I'm ordering from the county conservation district some serviceberry bushes/trees. Also known as saskatoons, which are edible berries. A friend has one and it produces a lot. These run either $5.00/each or 5 for $15, so I'm going with the 5. That way if the birds try for some, we can all share. Just hoping that the bears don't decide that they want some as well. The closest I've seen bears to the house have been 1-1/2 miles down the road. The worst wildlife we've had here was a fisher (member of the wolverine family) - mean son of a guns and no wildlife, even bears will go nearby. The fishers had been down by the creek 4 years ago, but since I'm moved here, have found another spot on the creek north of the place.

3-24-11, 4:24pm
Spartana, If the weather really does not suit you, why do you continue to live in SoCal? Perhaps you could commute every 6 months between N and S hemispheres. ;) (just kidding of course.)

Well I kind of do already :-)! I'm usually gone most of the late summer and fall so it's not a big deal. And because it's faily temperate the rest of the year I'm usually OK living here. I mainly choose to live here because it's close to my sister (AKA the pet sitter) and I have a lot of activities and friendships here. If I didn't have any family I'd live somewhere else with 4 seasons. Although it IS nice that I don't have to deal with all the hassles of owning a home in a cold place - like shoveling snow all the time or mega high heating costs. Maybe visiting the cold places irather then living there is the best way. And it's lots cheaper to rent a little vacation house in, say, Alaska during the fall and early winter (when it's super hot and dry in SoCal) than it is to rent a vacation house in SoCal during the winter! And of course Big Bear Lake is only 50 miles away and so is the ocean - where it's always cool and foggy.

3-25-11, 1:44pm
Hi Debi. The Saskatoon berries sound delicious! The skies are overcast today putting a damper on my enthusiasm to wipe down the clothesline with a rag soaked in cleaner, but better days are a-coming I know. I find the lull between the last and final snowfall matched with the last of the snow melting, combined with the period of time we wait for the city to dispatch their army of street-sweeper units so I can finally see the the mounds of gravel and sand removed that have accumulated (street-side) to be the worst this time of year has to offer. After that the lawn turns green, the flowers and shrubs start to bloom, the trees start to bud, and that is truly when I tilt my head back, breathe in a deep breath of clean fresh spring air, and say to myself- "ahhh, life is good"! :)

dado potato
3-28-11, 12:30am
Remember there are parts of Russia where it's worse!

There may be ways to make the best of your indoor micro-climate: long soak in a tub, exfoliate the feet, use an electric heater-fan to finish off drying, imagine a little beach time while applying a good skin lotion, rock in the light of a south-facing window... maybe sip on 2-3 cups of massala chai tea, while the sun's rays warm your skin.

3-28-11, 12:35am
Thanks Dado! :) You always have a way of lessening and calming the air. Thank you for being the kindhearted and passive gentleman that you are. (Oh I do like the sounds of the chai tea in front of a sun-drenched window)!

3-28-11, 1:07am
I am up today, after a week of snow. (almost 8 feet) The weather forecast for next week is sun with highs in the 50s and maybe even 60s. I have been happy all day after seeing that forecast.

3-28-11, 1:44am
Our forecast for the coming week looks good too. I'm really looking forward to doing lots of yard work.


3-28-11, 2:20am
Anyone else suffer from cabin fever over the winter? I do, real bad, but now that spring has officially sprung I'm relieved to see winter on it's way out and the clean new freshness of sun, green, and new life on it's way!

Already I'm seeing many of my favourite feathered friends returning from their tropical holidays taking up residence again in the refuge and delight our yard offers, and I'm finding myself staring aimlessly outside more and more each day in anticipation for better days to come (nicer warmer weather) so I can get outside once again and enjoy the celebration of new life and freedom!

The days are getting longer, the sun brighter and warmer, and everything is on the verge of blossoming! Can't wait. :)

Yes, indeed, the birds are back. I'm working hard to get something substantial from the surrounding suburban earth around me. It felt good to go out and do a bit of clipping during one of the breaks in rain. If only the new neighbors would stop parking in front of my strip! I use it as a vegetable patch. Now they park in front of it and step right into my baby plants and seedlings and don't think a thing of it. I need to find a way to keep them away from my frontage. I parked the wheelbarrow full of pulls and left on the street where they like to park.....don't know how that will work....

3-28-11, 11:53am
Freein05, Gina, Tiam, good morning to ya!

Freein05, I don't envy you (at all)! :) Our snow is all gone and so happy I am, now all we need is warmer weather and more sun. Hopefully now that spring has officially arrived, all that snow you speak of will melt off in a few short weeks.

Gina. I LOVE that smiley! :) I too am excited over getting out and starting yard work and planting. Such a favourite time of the year this is for me.

Tiam. The birds are great aren't they. I look forward to seeing them every year. About neighbours parking in front of your strip, here are a couple possible remedies. The first being the wheelbarrow, great thinking! The second being parking your own vehicle in front of your strip to coincide with the last time they arrive home for the day. Then you can move your vehicle away from the location later on. You could talk to them as well, but judging by what you've already mentioned about them stepping into your work, it seems they don't possess much class and they definitely lack respect for others and their things.

How about planting a screen bush of some sort such as a thorny hedge in front of your strip as a sort of barriacade? You could also fashion a protective cage around the area by driving into the ground a few lengths of steel rebar then screening things off with a fine steel mesh. I'll try and come up with some more ways of addressing the issue for you.