View Full Version : How do YOU use Pinterest?

11-4-14, 3:43pm
I think I'm suffering from a little Pinterest fatigue. I really liked it for a while, but now it seems like I see the same things over and over again. It's also a little dispiriting when you see all the things you've "pinned" and never got around to doing - they seemed like a good idea at the time!

I'm still using it as a bookmark tool, especially for our new move - it helps me keep track of places I've seen that I want to explore.

I've also found a few good ideas for use at the library where I work (mostly library book displays.)

Are you over Pinterest? Still loving it? How are you using it? Do actually cook all the recipes you pin? Want to recommend any good Simple Living pinterest boards to follow?

11-4-14, 4:10pm
I don't use it at all but my wife does. She collects pins of things that "Alan will build/make for me when he retires". I hope Pinterest crashes soon....I'm running outta time.

11-4-14, 5:21pm
I don't use it, certainly wouldn't use it as a bookmark tool. That function is part of my web browser. (seems redundant)

11-4-14, 5:24pm
From time to time, I'll look up specific niche items and just cruise for hours (emergency kits in Altoids tins, gifts made with essential oils, herb gardens....). I haven't actually pinned anything of my own, I just go looking at what others have put up there.

iris lilies
11-4-14, 6:24pm
I don't use it at all but my wife does. She collects pins of things that "Alan will build/make for me when he retires". I hope Pinterest crashes soon....I'm running outta time.

I have that list for DH, too, but mine is in my head. I've always been good at visualization.

11-4-14, 7:25pm
I've only used it to flag recipes I like.

11-5-14, 4:36am
I avoid it like a vampire avoids garlic! I've heard so many comments about what a time suck it can be, and the last thing I need is a new internet time suck!

11-5-14, 1:28pm
I only use it to keep articles that I may want to revisit when participating in forums like public policy. It's a reasonably good site for that task, better than bookmarks since these aren't whole sites I want to revisit, just specific pages. I find it curious that I have a bunch of followers who I don't know. Apparently they find my taste in articles interesting for some reason.

11-5-14, 2:20pm
I use it, but not heavily. Some recipes, some crochet and sewing projects. I used to collect/pin project ideas for my cub scout den, but I'm no longer a leader. THAT board used to get lots of followers. I don't go to it very often, as some of you have said, it's a time suck for sure.

11-5-14, 4:33pm
I'm on several soc mktg sites and enjoy them for what they are but I have never figured out how Pinterest can work in my life as a place to create boards and pin things. The few things that are important enough to me to "keep" are web clipped and "pinned" into a notebook in Evernote. Such as using a photograph as a reference for creating a crochet, drawing or embroidery pattern.

The only way I have found pinterest useful to me is when I get an idea for a crochet/art project, I'll check if others have already created that idea. Then I'll move forward with it if I don't find any others or tweek my own idea to keep it original or totally drop it.

I did create an account a couple of years ago but haven't used it.

11-5-14, 4:58pm
I have a part-time business as a professional organizer, so I use it to save ideas for that.

11-6-14, 9:44am
I don't use it at all but my wife does. She collects pins of things that "Alan will build/make for me when he retires". I hope Pinterest crashes soon....I'm running outta time.
:)) hhaha that is funny. But there's a certain truth: women use pinterest almost twice as much as men do.

11-7-14, 7:19am
I use it as a visual search engine, and bookmark things with it. Not all web pages - just those things that are faster to search visually... such as gardening, crafts, cooking. For instance, if I am looking for a way to design a trellis for raspberries, it is much more efficient to search images on Pinterest than to click on 20 different worded links on a traditional search engine.

Do I use everything I pin? No, but it's far more efficient than printing out all the recipes I might like to try, or bookmarking 10 different raised bed designs in my browser using words only (which would require me to again visit each one to see how they differ).

iris lilies
11-7-14, 11:32am
I use it as a visual search engine, and bookmark things with it. Not all web pages - just those things that are faster to search visually... such as gardening, crafts, cooking. For instance, if I am looking for a way to design a trellis for raspberries, it is much more efficient to search images on Pinterest than to click on 20 different worded links on a traditional search engine. ..

But you can always use the "image" search of Google, that's what I do. I guess that's why I don't use Pinterest. I'm a fairly visual person and I use that Google image search multiple times weekly. I assume that it's a broader search than Pinterest, but then, I don't really know how Pinterest gets original content.

But then, I know from experience that Google image search doesn't pick up all images, not sure why. It doesn't, for instance, pick up images in Dave's Garden where the single image of a lily cultivar that exists on the internet may reside.

Float On
11-7-14, 11:52am
About every 3 months I hit pinterest for a few days and collect things to boards. Most of my boards are private and I don't follow anyone. I have pulled it up and followed through on a couple of recipes I wanted to try this last week.

11-30-14, 12:50pm
I love it, no need to have magazines or buy new cookbooks with only a few recipes you like. I pin all sorts of things, basically made my own cookbooks with recipes that all look good, was able to put together what I wanted for my new kitchen without buying books and cutting up magazines and catalogues. Have found tons of recipes for homemade beauty products and non toxic cleaning supplies. Tons of frugal ideas.

a huge time waste for sure but better than free cell and Facebook.

12-10-14, 5:44pm
I enjoy the kaleidoscope of color images on Pinterest. The novelty has not yet worn off, since I only started using it recently. Another good thing about is the site is the lack of advertising.

Does anyone know how they support the site? There is not much personal data for them to sell.

My boards on Pinterest are private, and I've only pinned a few dozen images so far.

12-10-14, 8:43pm
I've never been on the site. I use Ravelry for knitting. I like their patterns, and it's great for getting advice from talented knitters. I also try to help the new knitters there if they don't understand a pattern or technique. I try not to spend too much time on the Internet...

1-4-15, 11:31am
I know I'm late to the party here, but I love pinterest! I do spend too much time on it though. Over this holiday season with my crazy work hours I have been so tired that it is my go to relaxation.

I look for a lot of recipes on there. I like to try new recipes all the time. The vegan chili recipe I used on Friday came from pinterest.

Yesterday I spent time looking for items I can make over the course of this year that can be used as stocking stuffers so I will be more prepared and spend less last minute cash.

Thanks to pinterest I found a new style of decorating for Christmas that really makes me happy. I had no idea I loved the Scandinavian look!

I use it for gardening ideas. Lots of tips and tricks that are useful in every area of life. Use it to plan trips. And it may sound silly but my favorite board is all things blue. It makes me ridiculously happy to look over those images all in one place.

I just noticed that you can now move pins around. I have not tried it yet but that had been my biggest issue with pinterest. That you had no control of where the pins were within a particular board. So if this works I will be thrilled.

1-4-15, 5:56pm
I use it a lot for art tutorials that I want to save and for inspiration. I paint greeting cards regularly and often need fresh ideas for words, quotes, typography. Love that site.

Blackdog Lin
1-5-15, 8:14pm
I love it. I use it as a bookmarking place for recipes, and household tips and tricks, and landscaping ideas, and simple living (frugal) ideas.....all sorts of things. And I have actually used some of the ideas, and the tips and tricks, and tried the recipes.

It really broadens my horizons. And all in one easily accessible place, that I have organized to my liking.

1-9-15, 9:44am
I used it for planning my daughter's wedding. Dresses, decorations, cakes, flowers, etc. Can see using it for decorating projects or remodeling ideas. Also have seen some boards for homemade beauty and cleaning products which were interesting.