View Full Version : 28 day elimination diet

11-23-14, 12:36am
Looking for others that have followed the 28 day elimination diet through the whole life nutrition / nourishing meals website.


11-23-14, 9:44am
After finding the web site and reading about the diet, I would like to send you a lot of support and encouragement, even though I haven't followed this particular elimination diet. Are you going to start it in January, or tough it out during the holidays?

Based on my experiences from elimination diets I used in the past, once you eliminate grains (especially those containing gluten), you may see even MORE improvements the longer you eliminate them. This was true with my facial rosacea, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), and arthritis (which I've had since I was 14-years old)..... It's amazing how many conditions are made worse by the foods we eat, and better by eliminating them.

If you get stumped for recipes give me a shout because I avoid many of the main foods you will be eliminating and use a lot of substitute ingredients.

12-1-14, 2:12am
You are so kind! We will be starting our journey this week. We simply can not wait to feel better. I deal with inflammation in the joints quite often:( we are just ready...we have pulled gluten and dairy and eggs out of our diet for the most part because of our kids' allergies but still tend to sneak them in when the hubby and I are out and about. End result when we do that is just feeling so lousy. We can't help but think that soy and corn are a big issue too. I honestly have been having a blast with getting ready for this journey we are about to take this week. On tom and Ali's website, they mention to start preparing at least 2 weeks ahead of time and I'm so glad we've heeded that advice...getting things ordered and such takes time:) you've got to be super healthy lessisbest! I hope you're enjoying your journey in keeping these foods out of your diet!