View Full Version : Willing

11-29-14, 5:21pm
There once was a man named Will who heard a knock on his front door one morning. He looked out his window first to see who it was. The window had a small brown smudge on it that made it look like manure on his front step. He fumed. He was so outraged that someone would do such a thing, he couldn't bring himself to go down and open the door and look, never mind clean it up. So, he used his side door to come and go that day.
The next morning there was another knock on the front door and again the same thing. Nobody there just the manure.....and Will and his outrage. It went on day after day, week after week. After about six weeks he stopped looking out the window. For months, he fumed and ranted about how people are terrible and disgusting. He refused to open the door. He was determined not to give, whoever it was, the satisfaction of his anger and consternation.
Finally, a day came in which he heard the knock while he was just steps away from the door. He couldn't take it anymore. So, he opened the door and looked down to see a gift and brought it inside. He scratched his head and wondered what it could be and who sent it. He opened it and it was a heart made of gold. There was a tag on the box and it said "to Will, love Will". And in that moment, he opened his real-eyes and knew he had been dreaming and Will was free.