View Full Version : The Daily Simple Pleasure
If there's a daily peeve, how about a simple pleasure to balance it out?
Today there were three wild partridges in the yard, foraging for seeds and buds. I love watching birds.
12-14-14, 9:40pm
Walked the dog and he sniffed around in a bunch of tall grass and about 15 birds flew out and settled just above him. I don't think he had any idea but I loved seeing them.
Sitting in the peace of the early morning before the day starts with my oil lamp burning. My favorite part of the day.
Yesterday there was a story on 60 Minutes about "mindfulness". It reminded me of how we forget to just enjoy a deep, purposeful breath hopefully more than once a day.
Hoar frost on the trees on a bright sunny day. Just gorgeous!
Good idea Wren. Drinking my first cup of coffee and writing in my journal. doing my exercises by the light of the wee Christmas tree.
12-15-14, 2:03pm
Friend called "just to chat". Nice in that people usually call because they want something. It was enjoyable!
12-15-14, 2:14pm
Everyone is in bed, the dishwasher is chugging away, and I'm under the covers with a good book.
Blackdog Lin
12-15-14, 8:55pm
The little Christmas tree is all lit up a few feet away from me.....the kitchen is clean.....and I'm totally relaxed on my second glass of wine.
I took some minutes of break at work to walk to the highest floor of the building and look at the beautiful view.
All my dogs, but my beagle mix Polly under her blanket toasty warm next to me sleeping. I tell her all the time we are so lucky to have her.
Enjoying a mug of delicious hot chocolate as I write the final exam for my Apiculture (beekeeping) class.
12-16-14, 10:41am
Great idea! This is such an uplifting thread. This morning I felt snug and warm in my bed. I'm starting to feel like the house is getting put back together. Yesterday I bought a new kitchen faucet at Home Depot. (Everything seemed to break at once during the flood.) The bus dropped me off and picked me up in perfect timing. A man at Home Depot helped me find the right doorknob to replace the shifty one on my front door. He was very kind, and it was much easier to shop there with someone who knew exactly what I needed. (I tend to get overwhelmed at Home Depot.)
The third repair guy from A.T.&T. came by yesterday and restored my Internet service in just five minutes. All I needed was a new power source! The men who did the outside repair work were really nice, too.
Ran into my teen aged neighbor on the bus yesterday. We walked home from the bus stop together. He's a very sweet boy. I had a nice chat with him, and caught up on what he's doing.
My neighbor a few doors down saw me walking my shopping cart to the bus stop. I was on my way to refill a five gallon jug of water. She offered to give me a ride, since she was going to town. I hung out with her son and his pet cockroaches. She fed and dressed her horses in preparation for the rain. We had a great time together at the grocery store. She's a really sweet neighbor...being driven in her fancy car felt like a luxury!
12-16-14, 11:04am
A morning treat of pumpkin spice coffee with almond milk and cream (real pumpkin) and wrapping a small pile of presents will round out my Christmas to-do list.
A hand-written letter arrived in the mail from a dear friend I have not seen or heard from in a long time.
DH and I made healthy dogfood for our four--it takes all day, but then they're set for the week.
Honeycrisp apples with cream cheese.
This healthy eating is much more complicated than my usual treats, like ice cream, cookies, cake, etc. Now I really take my time and enjoy my "dessert".
The pleasure of a day spent with a one year old granddaughter. An excuse to slow down,chill and sit on the floor and play :)
12-17-14, 2:11pm
Made double batch of cookies for a cookie exchange. Had it all done in 1 hour, amazingly. Now I can go watch a movie. Tomorrow I will cut and wrap. Cookies are awesome too!
Teacher Terry
12-18-14, 2:49pm
Spent 4 hours at the Humane Society assisting with giving a tour to donors in hopes of finding more forever, loving homes for animals. No donation is too small to be acknowledged. I was on a high when I got home.:cool:
I walk my granddaughter from preschool to her daycare provider each W-F. (Her preschool is in my workplace) Today on the walk we stopped and "petted" some beautiful, vivid green moss on the sidewalk.
I love that at certain times during the day, I can hear the church bells from the town center playing a melody. It happened during my walk around the neighborhood today.
12-18-14, 5:18pm
My mother called me using the number I programmed into her cell phone. It is hard for her to look up phone numbers and make phone calls, and it was wonderful that she could figure out how to use the phone to call me. We had a great, long, chat, and I treasure each time I get to talk to her.
I stopped by a fast food place to get a hot chocolate and spied a woman's wallet on the floor in the corner. I retrieved it and gave it to the manager for safekeeping. I felt glad I was able to rescue it for the owner.
(and maybe as a karmic thank-you, at my next stop at Kohls I found a dressy sweater vest on sale which will work perfectly for an outfit I needed for dinner at an upscale restaurant tomorrow night. I was invited as a guest and I'll be enjoying it even more knowing it's free..!)
We attended a community holiday potluck supper, with instrumental music and singing afterwards. There were little garlands of fresh fir and holly on each table. Everyone helped with the cleanup, too!
12-18-14, 11:09pm
Today I took the bus to T.J. Maxx and bought a simple gift for my dad. I found a large tin or Walker's shortbread. He loves that. I took the bus to the post office, and mailed it fairly quickly. I walked back to the bus stop and took the bus home. It came about five mins. after I got there. I love it when the timing works out using public transportation.
I also spent the afternoon writing out Christmas cards to old friends. I found some beautiful vintage Santa cards at T.J.Maxx. I also picked up some festive tins for Christmas cookies at the dollar store. Those will be perfect to pass out to my neighbors...
Last night I wrapped Christmas gifts in the beautiful cloth bags I made 10 years ago. The stash of ribbons is mostly 8 years old and still in wonderful shape. The gift tags were recycled from the Christmas cards I received last year.
12-19-14, 12:29pm
Float, thank you for reminding me of my Christmas gift bags--I have not made them in years but they were awesome, should do it again!
Just reading a few of these posts on a quick break---is a simple pleasure. Thank you all!
iris lilies
12-19-14, 2:15pm
I walk my granddaughter from preschool to her daycare provider each W-F. (Her preschool is in my workplace) Today on the walk we stopped and "petted" some beautiful, vivid green moss on the sidewalk.
I love that! Moss IS beautiful.
I think that for quite a few people, posting a picture on F'book of a large, greasy casserole piled high with cheeeese, gives them satisfaction. I see this all the time. Then later in the day, they will also post a link to an infomercial about a miracle supplement that will make them lose weight FAST, without "starving yourself" and "killing yourself with exercise".
12-19-14, 7:11pm
I think that for quite a few people, posting a picture on F'book of a large, greasy casserole piled high with cheeeese, gives them satisfaction. I see this all the time. Then later in the day, they will also post a link to an infomercial about a miracle supplement that will make them lose weight FAST, without "starving yourself" and "killing yourself with exercise".
simple pleasure post?
simple pleasure post?Well, okay---checking certain peoples' F'book accounts for Right-Wing Fanatic Rants and Rhetoric and also for Food Picture Excesses. Every now and then, I will post a photo of a can of beans or a box of mac n' cheese. That is my simple pleasure. How do you like that?
12-20-14, 6:19pm
Well, okay---checking certain peoples' F'book accounts for Right-Wing Fanatic Rants and Rhetoric and also for Food Picture Excesses.
Isn't that kind of judging them?
I was enjoying this thread---can we lasso it back??
Homemade mulligatawny soup on a cold winters day. Yum!
Isn't that kind of judging them? Yes, yes it is. Bingo. Several of those people I know also like to sit around with the TV on, smoking pot and getting drunk, euphemistically calling it "spending quality time with my FAMILY!". They are very lazy and out-of-shape. I enjoy judging them, too.
12-30-14, 3:57pm
I am grateful for having had ten days off of my job (a too-much-of-a-good-thing kinda job) and six more to go! I am so thankful for the good balance of solitude and time with family & friends I've had over the holidays. I'm am also really really glad that I am somehow wired so that I feel contentment in simple things: it's a windy cold blue-sky day today and I felt deep pleasure in being outside weeding for a few minutes, feeling the chill on my skin, knowing I'd be able to go inside and get warm whenever I was ready to be warm again.
Enjoying blueberries and strawberries on a winter day, from the freezer, and remembering picking them last summer.
Before our lives changed drastically, I worked afternoons and my DH worked days, DS was in school. I loved having the house to myself in the morning. I read the paper, drank my coffee watched the wildlife in the backyard. Now there is somebody in the house with me all the time and it has been a huge adjustment for this queen of introverts. My husband sleeps in for an hour and a half to two hours to allow me my morning alone time. I appreciate every second because I like it as quiet as a library.
1-1-15, 9:55pm
Simplemind, I can completely relate to the love of quiet mornings and having one's home all to oneself. I'm so glad you have a cooperative partner.
I was invited to a New Year's Day potluck with wonderful people and scrumptious food. But I had socialized last night (once again with wonderful people and yummy foods) and was sated and opted to stay home by my wood stove and knit and sip leftover champagne and contemplate the new year . . .
My sweet elderly dog has been sick the past week. After a visit to the vet and some meds on Monday, it was pure happiness to see a return to health today! Good appetite and a bit of friskiness brought some tears to my eyes.
Saw a huge Northern Flicker at the suet feeder this morning. Made my day.
Making potato and corn chowder for dinner, with what I already have on hand. I have 3 pieces of Texas toast left too, so perfect for dipping. I want to warm up hubby when he gets home from work, on this rainy, cold day in Texas. He is outside most of the time. YUM!!!
I bought my grand nieces (sister's grandchildren) a childrens museum membership for Christmas, and their parents invited me to go with them today for their inaugural visit. It was really fun watching a 2 year old and a 3.5 year old learn about snakes, and see turtles and lizards up close for the first time.
Pajama day!! Sometimes it's hard to get out of the cozy, warm pjs so today I decided not to.
Pajama day!! Sometimes it's hard to get out of the cozy, warm pjs so today I decided not to.
ha, Azure - good for you!
I went to the movies today and there was a grown woman in line in front of me wearing her pj bottoms and a hooded sweatshirt. I can't see myself going out in public in pj bottoms but I see more and more adults walking around outside like this ...
My simple pleasure was to clean out my refrigerator - so nice to open it now and only see the fresh, usable stuff.
Well, I have been guilty of putting my daughter on the school bus and driving the boys to school in my pj's. lol But that was a long time ago. I would not go out walking around in public like that. I do see people at work sometimes in their pajamas.
My DD visited today and brought me some wonderful hot chocolate. It was sooooo good and seeing my DD is always an extreme pleasure. She helped me with some cleaning around the house too, which I so appreciated. Then we had some tasty Mexican food for lunch.
Well, I have been guilty of putting my daughter on the school bus and driving the boys to school in my pj's. lol But that was a long time ago. I would not go out walking around in public like that. I do see people at work sometimes in their pajamas.
I couldn't do that.
Pajamas are part of the cozy bed-time feeling - if I wore them in public, I'd feel like I was sharing my privacy with everyone.
Tonight I'm indulging in a slice of homemade apple pie. After eating so healthy for 3 weeks, I hope my stomach doesn't object. It's fruit, after all.
Going on a date with the hubby tonight. MSU hockey game!
Making a pot of homemade pea soup, served with hot mugs of tea and Dh's homemade biscuits, on this very cold day.
Huddled under four blankets with a fully belly of BBQ pulled pork, a good book, and a cat at my shoulder.
Those simple pleasures sound wonderful Wren & SiouzQ!
Today's simple pleasure was sleeping late & taking a nap.
My simple pleasure was watching the Seahawks embarrass the Carolina Panthers while eating homemade poppers and sorting years worth of health insurance mailings. I never watch football; it was a treat.
Today's simple pleasure is to be mindful of everything I am doing like eating slower, savoring each bite (in redemption for basically having a binge on pasta yesterday, a yukky feeling after I was done). Even at work I need to STAY IN THE MOMENT! It would sure help cut down on all the bumps and bruises I get from hurrying to do things.
I have so much on my mind with all that is going on in my life (all good stuff) that is is getting a bit overwhelming. I need to get centered, focused and calm, which will be my mantra for the day :)
Aw geez, I have to laugh at myself! As I was writing the above post, I suddenly realized I had a pot of something on the stove, boiling away for god knows how long, in danger of filling the house up with smoke....sheesh...
Blueberry coffee at the local convenience store. Really brightens my day when they serve this.
I was outside shovelling snow this morning and a flock of perhaps 25 wild geese flew directly overhead, so low that I could hear the whistling of their wing feathers. So beautiful!
They have been wintering over in the past 10 years or so, but only come inland when the salt marshes and bays are frozen over. We're still in a long cold spell. The geese were coming in to land in an old spring-fed fresh water mill pond nearby. the pond hardly ever freezes b/c of the springs. In the summer, a few pairs nest by the pond.
1-25-15, 10:49pm
wren, You paint a lovely picture of the wild geese.
I felt delight in having no agenda today . . . I loved having no time pressure, no urgent to-do list, no one needing anything from me. I got to be in my own rhythm and do exactly what I wanted when I wanted. I felt happy to have transformed a bunch of marginal veggies into a thick tasty curried lentil stew that I will eat for lunch for the next couple of weeks.
1-28-15, 1:33pm
Every clear night, I've been bundling up and lying down in the backyard to watch the stars. I just moved to a place where I can actually see the Milky Way. What an amazing thing - I'm looking forward to meteor showers!
Drove in to work this morning while the lovely big golden full moon was still up in the sky. Then flipped on the radio just in time to hear the William Tell Overture ("Lone Ranger" music ...) - what a great song for a morning commute!
2-4-15, 12:24am
Out for a short walk and met a new neighbor. I asked her about her fascinating Seussian border plants and she pulled up a bunch of volunteers and gave them to me for my own garden. They are a kind of Euphorbia. So, a nice walk, a potential new friend, and some cool little plants for my somewhat barren yard :)
Every clear night, I've been bundling up and lying down in the backyard to watch the stars. I just moved to a place where I can actually see the Milky Way. What an amazing thing - I'm looking forward to meteor showers!
That sounds wonderful, Gardenarian.
Simple recipe for cold winter evenings:
Combine 1 stack of library books,
1 rocking chair,
and 1 cosy small quilt.
Add 1 cup of tea, as needed.
That does sound wonderful Gardenarian. And an excellent recipe Wren :)
Yesterday I walked 2 miles in the snow around our little lake. It was so soothing.
Ahhhh... what a pleasure it is to sleep in freshly washed sheets and blankets. It feels so luxurious.
Lately, I've been very thankful to live in a place with a moderate climate--even if that means power mowers in February. >:(
2-21-15, 1:12pm
The dog and I were both thrilled to be able to get outside and take a walk today. It was great! The weather is in the low 20s and the sun is shining. Fearful that it is short lived, however, since predictions for double digit below zero temps are in the forecast again. Oh well, only a few more weeks and spring will be here.
DQ Georgia Mud Fudge Blizzard when the temp rose to 24 degrees; a veritable heat wave 'round here! It was minus 20 degrees (the actual temperature without the windchill) on Thursday morning!
2-21-15, 6:01pm
Got to take a short walk in the woods today - it had been almost a month!
Very happy the power is on, the house is warm as the storm keeps dropping snow, maybe sleet...and very happy to not be in Boston.
If I'd posted this at 4:30 it would have gone in the daily rant. Inbound train delay 10 minutes from the end of the line, so no lightrail trains to get home and a huge mobscene of annoyed people on the platform.
But I'm home now after taking the one train line that was still running. Figured I could take that train and switch to the bus and get within walking distance of home. Got home about the same time as the first outbound train to our neighborhood after the delay got fixed. But instead of standing on a crowded platform for a half hour and then getting on a jam packed train I had a pleasant train ride and bus ride, and then walked home down a crazy steep hill with AMAZING views of the ocean and the southern edge of the city. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my daily life that I forget that I live in the most beautiful city in the US. Funny that it took a train delay on a friday afternoon forcing me to take an alternate route home to remind me of that.
Neat JP1- neat that you saw the beauty after taking matters into your own hands- or feet.
A family member was laid off recently so I helped out by taking them to Costco for some groceries and gas. Was glad to be able to do this, but am also glad the layoff was in 2015 instead of 2011 so am optimistic there are jobs out there and this will be a short-term unemployment.
Being home. My motto for 2015 is Let's Stay Home;)
JP1: I too have a silver lining commute story. The transit system in Boston basically fell apart during our toughest weather this winter. It was really an embarrassment. The Orange Line was one of the worst hit, and that's the line I had been taking every day (note past tense). I starting taking the Green Line to the bus instead, which takes me to my town and lets me off at the end of my mother's street. I walk down to Mom's house and call DH, and he picks me up. So I'm seeing my Mom for a little bit every day, and she greets me with love and hugs and chocolate, and she is so happy to see me! We have a nice little visit and we are both the happier for it. I think I might continue doing this even when the subway gets back to normal (or baseline crappy to be more realistic). A little extra love in one's day is surely not a bad thing!
Oil lamp burning in the early morning and late evening hours. I love the warm homey feeling.
Just tried Guinness "Blonde" tonight for an early St. Pat's celebration - pretty tasty!
And the bushes on my front lawn have bloomed so they're awash in pink flowers - fun for me, the bees buzzing around them, and I hope my neighbors enjoy the spring flower show too.
The hubs and I sharing coffee and a chuckle this morning over the comics.
3-19-15, 3:45am
Guiness blond? Guiness is my favorite beer...seems almost sacreligious to vary the recipe, but I will have to check it out.
My rave: cherry blossoms. Perfect beauty.
Sitting the quiet wee hours of the morning. The canary is not even up, but he makes a very slight peeping before the sun comes up.
Burgers from the grill after months of cold and snow.
Daffodil shoots coming up...after 4 inches of snow MELTED!!!!!
3-21-15, 11:23pm
We got five inches of snow yesterday. I love watching it when it comes slowly down, it looks like the flakes are dancing! I love how the trees are outlined in white too. I savored each moment since I think this will be our last snowfall before spring moves in...
A minneola orange bursting with juiciness for breakfast. The color, the taste, the smell makes winter worthwhile.
Spending a whole afternoon by myself just puttering around. Makes me happy!! Can you tell I'm an introvert?
Discovering that I forgot how many days I actually asked to have off in June; turns out I have three extra days I hadn't put on my calendar at home! Woot! This is going to be an epic road trip!
3-23-15, 1:27am
Falafel. Yummy.
3-23-15, 2:45pm
Enjoying the quiet and the very clesr blue sky today. The temps have moved up during the day and are very cold at night...great sleeping weather!
3-23-15, 2:46pm
I also love falafal and all of the Lebanese side dishes that go with it!!
My simple pleasure today is getting updates from a friend who is following the Grimm crew as it films (again) in my old neighborhood. For some reason, when I watch the show, I rarely recognize anything. But I love their moody, evocative videography.
Enjoyed warm temps and sunshine today and the laughter of a little 5 year old that I am tutoring in literacy and being a buddy.
early morning
4-7-15, 8:53am
Kitties. Sometimes maddening, always entertaining.
Bluebirds look as if they are making the nest in the bird box in the yard. Hoping for success! Updated, yep it's a nest so now we're waiting for eggs.
My simple pleasure is my first cup of coffee in the morning, and that I make time to have it. I wake up early in the morning so I don't have to jump into my clothes, get in the car and go to work. I like the leisurely pace of my mornings now.
iris lilies
4-7-15, 4:15pm
Lily stems poking their heads up out of the ground.
4-25-15, 2:10am
Listening to the carillon at the nearby college ring out the hours as I'm gardening.
5-9-15, 3:46pm
I went to a garage sale today and met a few of my new neighbors, seem like really nice people. And, I got a very cool vest for fifty cents :)
Here in Central Jersey Rutgers Gardens hosts an annual Mother's Day plant sale, which I go to every year--we just got back and we bought all our tomato plants, dill, and rosemary.
Also bought a coneflower. AND, I bought an iris, and then my DH came rushing up to the table where I was paying and said, "Wait! I have something else!" and it was another iris!
iris lilies: these are my FIRST irises. We are planning on planting them around in our zen garden which has a pond rainwater overflow so the moisture should be very amenable to growing them, I hope. I welcome any advice on planting them and keeping them alive.
Went to a yard sale today and saw 3 ducks in their yard. Not near the water... so it was a surprise!
Sitting here with both my little dog and cat on my lap, sipping some hot tea, watching the rain steadily falling from my living room window, seemingly bouncing upon the lake water.... Pure contentment on a Saturday late afternoon.
It was my pleasure today to fill up a bag of donated groceries for the annual postal service food drive. Happy to be able to give, and seeing my neighbors do the same.
Coming back from a hot and sticky bike ride for some groceries, I opened the fridge and saw nothing to drink (as I'd forgotten to make iced tea), but then, in the veg crisper, hidden behind the onions and carrots, it must have rolled away somehow sometime in the past weeks, was a lovely cold can of German lager. Ahh...sweeet....
Lilies of the valley scenting the walkway!
5-11-15, 10:25pm
I watched my child swinging on the swings at the playground and enjoy almost 15 minutes of pure bliss.
5-12-15, 12:45am
I put in some plants yesterday - gentle rain today. Thank you!
I washed my recently-acquired, thrifted, looks-like-new carafe ($1.60), installed it in my 30-year-old Mr. Coffee machine, and fired it up. It works perfectly. Now I can wash up the carafe that didn't fit and release it back into the thrift stream. Unaccountably satisfying.
iris lilies
5-12-15, 11:30am
Here in Central Jersey Rutgers Gardens hosts an annual Mother's Day plant sale, which I go to every year--we just got back and we bought all our tomato plants, dill, and rosemary.
Also bought a coneflower. AND, I bought an iris, and then my DH came rushing up to the table where I was paying and said, "Wait! I have something else!" and it was another iris!
iris lilies: these are my FIRST irises. We are planning on planting them around in our zen garden which has a pond rainwater overflow so the moisture should be very amenable to growing them, I hope. I welcome any advice on planting them and keeping them alive.
stop!!! If these are bearded iris, they want desert conditions. Do not put them in a boggy environment, they will rot immediately.
now, if you bought a variety of water loving iris such as Japanese or (some)'Louisiana iris, that is different.
But standard bearded iris that are in 99% of the gardens in AMerica need to be very dry. Water them once when you plant them and the forget about further watering unless there is a drought.
5-12-15, 11:58am
stop!!! If these are bearded iris, they want desert conditions. Do not put them in a boggy environment, they will rot immediately.
now, if you bought a variety of water loving iris such as Japanese or (some)'Louisiana iris, that is different.
But standard bearded iris that are in 99% of the gardens in AMerica need to be very dry. Water them once when you plant them and the forget about further watering unless there is a drought.
OK, here's the one I bought. I can't find the tag for the one my DH bought (stupid, I know. I should be recording this stuff). Mine is Iris tectorum Wolong. What do you think? It's in a somewhat moist but not boggy (unless we have a big rainfall) place.
Also, if I do learn that DH's iris is a "dry" one, should we transplant? He is a maniac about watering, to my chagrin. He tends to leave the sprinkler on and it drives me crazy. I'm a hand-waterer, and I try to use the contents of my water barrel but he tells me I'm not watering enough when I do it by hand.
ETA: picture--DH's is to the left (the yellow one): mine is just behind the deer chaser (it will be lavender): %3D32%3C9%3E3%3C4%3E%3A33%3EWSNRCG%3D3%3B4%3A64%3A 776337nu0mrj
iris lilies
5-12-15, 12:21pm
Tectorum isn't a bearded iris, so it may take more water but it is not a wetland iris. I planted Tectorum last year and they didn't take. I am trying them again next year, having just received some free rhizomes. In other words, I don't have much experience with them, but it supposed to be easy to grow. My iris friend who grow Tectorumsays that it "will take some shade"
Yes, move the iris your husband bought if it is a bearded iris or even. Siberian iris. No water, full sun. Think desert.
5-12-15, 12:24pm
Tectorum isn't a bearded iris, so it may take more water but it is not a wetland iris. I planted Tectorum last year and they didn't take. I am trying them again next year, having just received some free rhizomes. In other words, I don't have much experience with them, but it supposed to be easy to grow. My iris friend who grow Tectorumsays that it "will take some shade"
Yes, move the iris your husband bought if it is a bearded iris or even. Siberian iris. No water, full sun. Think desert.
Thanks! Well, I think mine is safe where it is, because it definitely gets some shade. I'll do some research on DH's and maybe move to the front of the house with Southern exposure.
I appreciate it!!!
iris lilies
5-12-15, 12:50pm
Thanks! Well, I think mine is safe where it is, because it definitely gets some shade. I'll do some research on DH's and maybe move to the front of the house with Southern exposure.
I appreciate it!!!
The yellow iris looks like a tall bearded iris.
The yellow iris looks like a tall bearded iris.
Hmm.. DH may have unfortunately gotten misinformation from a Master Gardener, then, because he specifically asked what would be good around a water area.
Wish he kept the tag!
iris lilies
5-12-15, 1:25pm
Hmm.. DH may have unfortunately gotten misinformation from a Master Gardener, then, because he specifically asked what would be good around a water area.
Wish he kept the tag!
give me a closer photo, if you can
The master gardener program is useless for info about specific iris types. Unless they specifically grow multiple types of iris and understand their cultivation requirement, you can't count on their expertise. Although someone at a garden center should know how easily rhizomes rot if they get wet.
iris lilies
5-12-15, 2:23pm
Catherine, that yellow thing looks nothing like any iris I know. I think you've got a yellow canna bulb there, a tropical. If that is the case it's probably ok where it is. I grow my cannas dry, but one of my neighbors claimed he put his in water like a water plant.
Catherine, that yellow thing looks nothing like any iris I know. I think you've got a yellow canna bulb there, a tropical.
Thanks for your input! I told DH that I had a good friend who knows everything about irises and I would see what she had to say, and it's so cool, we've never even met, but I value your friendship nonetheless.
iris lilies
5-12-15, 2:28pm
Thanks for your input! I told DH that I had a good friend who knows everything about irises and I would see what she had to say, and it's so cool, we've never even met, but I value your friendship nonetheless.thats nice, thanks! Me, too ditto.
7-13-15, 11:55am
SO THANKFUL TODAY!!!! Had a major storm go through this morning. Power lines and trees down, houses and cars hit. We did not have electricity for over 5 hours. There are leaves and branches all over our yard and on the roof. I am on my way out now to clean up... that is all thankfully!!!
Date nut coconut rolls from Sprouts - what a treat. I gotta buy these more often.
I go outside with my dog in the dark I look at the stars.when the sky is cloudy I feel the wind. Since I'm homebound with new baby my world is my front and back yard. Fall I here so I'm enjoying the drama of changing seasons.
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