View Full Version : Impulse Week

12-18-14, 8:40am
Yesterday I heard the final week before Christmas called "Impulse Week". I'm sure people purchase all kinds of things on impulse in the last week, blow their gift budget (if they even had one), and rack up debt on credit cards for any number of reasons, but usually under pressure of the impending day. I also heard men are the worst offenders during "Impulse Week" - rushing into stores getting the first shiny thing they come to. I'm also sure people impulsively purchase things they find on sale and store in the basement destined to be used for future gift. And don't forget those things we get for ourselves (but probably wasn't a budget line item ;)).

Glad my list was done in November....

12-20-14, 9:31am
I realize it's poor taste to respond to your own OP, but today, the last Saturday before Christmas, is when 25% of the population begin their Christmas shopping. My parents would wait until Christmas Eve, and my oldest brother does the same thing. I'm glad he got the procrastination gene in the family.....

12-20-14, 10:47am
I did my big box grocery shopping yesterday so that I wouldn't have to go out to any stores for anything until after Christmas.

12-20-14, 7:19pm
I went to the grocery today and boy, was it crowded, I did impulsively buy some things--kasha, jordan almonds, a Christmas table cloth, vinyl, for $3. Almost bought some dates, almost bought some candy but didn't. At Menards I bought two strings of on sale lights, not really an impulse, but a very pretty plastic wreath. Then I made the mistake of sitting in an on sale recliner and if I had a way to get it home, I swear, I would have bought that--it was the most comfortable thing I have ever sat in. My taste seems to be careening downward this week. Recliners, vinyl table clothes, plastic wreaths--I seem to be going down some sinkhole, taste-wise.

12-20-14, 8:15pm
The nice thing about getting older is you're less concerned about what other people think. I think you should have that chair delivered! :~)
I don't have one comfortable chair in this house. Maybe my impulse should be to buy one!

12-20-14, 8:46pm
Yes I bought some blueberry vanilla chevre from trader joe's today, holiday thing, not a normal item on the grocery list, although plain or herb goat cheese sometimes is. I think it was $4.50. And if I see a similar edible treat item I may buy it too! Fancy cheese always appeals. I bought my birth family some chocolate candies - $22 - as it's traditional, I pretty much bring some candy every year.

12-21-14, 7:33am
Oh yes, Trader Joe's for the holidays. I think we tried the apple spice goat cheese last year! We'll be going there this afternoon and I'm sure some extra things will find their way into the cart :)

12-21-14, 11:59am
Totally off topic, but we got lured into a sofa and chair with reclining features when we moved here, and I've discovered that they're incredibly uncomfortable unless they're in the recliner position - when upright, my head gets shoved forward from all the padding that's so nice when it's at the reclining angle. So anyone who comes to visit has to sit with their feet up like they're sleeping in a first class airline seat, or perch on the edge of the couch. Not too socially comfortable. As you descend to LazyBoy knockoffs, buyer beware!

12-21-14, 4:15pm
I realize it's poor taste to respond to your own OP, but today, the last Saturday before Christmas, is when 25% of the population begin their Christmas shopping. My parents would wait until Christmas Eve, and my oldest brother does the same thing.

I admit that I only finished buying gifts today, but waiting until Christmas Eve would really stress me out.