View Full Version : happy new year

Zoe Girl
12-31-14, 8:54pm
i am getting ready for our thrilling new years eve, actually i am very happy i get another year of this since my kids are growing up.

we have lots of frozen snackie foods for most of the evening and then ice cream sundaes. My son's friends are coming over, probably to play video games all night. which is fine, and no one drives past 9 pm! i am glad that is a tradition we have kept for many years (my oldest is 24 and i started this before she got a license)

12-31-14, 9:21pm
Sitting by my self......very content...........family for supper tomorrow and thankful for all I have.

Raising a glass to you all; may 2015 be Peaceful, healthy and wealthy in that order....lol

Blackdog Lin
12-31-14, 9:31pm
Right back 'atcha all! We have bbq little smokies simmering, a plate of deviled eggs done up, and 2 6-packs of Corona w/limes to squeeze. And NO company has shown up, which I'm afraid is a wonderful thing to me. Life is just pretty good tonight - and I'm anticipating a 2015 to match.

Happy New Year to all.

12-31-14, 9:43pm
I am making Ikea meatballs, mashed potatoes, ligon berries with a bottle of Kava chilling. Took a nap earlier so I can stay up to midnight. DH wants to work on a plan for 2015 - I can promise you simple living will be the basis of that year!

Happy New Year to all of you!

12-31-14, 9:50pm
I spent a fine New Year's Eve afternoon, operating atop Mount Constitution on Orcas Island, WA, 2400' ASL. Temperature was 27 degrees, 7-12 knot winds, brrr.... Elecraft KX3 plus a simple Alpha Antenna "EZMilitary" clamped to the summit picnic table with a counterpoise produced dozens of fun contacts around the world on 17m, and I could hear hundreds more, but because of the ARRL Anniversary Event final hours today, my 5-10 watts had some issues cutting through huge pileups of people with large towers and huge amps. I could have done better with my original plan of setting up a proper Buddipole, but the Alpha was working "good enough" that I didn't feel motivated to pull off my gloves in the cold

Lessons learned: bring lots of coffee and warmer gloves - I ran out of hand dexterity before I ran out of battery power. Heil headphones make great ear muffs. Using VOX lets you huddle up inside your parka to remain toasty. Bring ham promotional literature, the summit had quite a few tourists drop by today, probably because of the holiday, normally it is deserted this time of year - I think I talked to more passerby than on Field Day. In real emergencies, operate from inside the fire watch tower next to this picnic table for more wind shelter and better antenna possibilities.




12-31-14, 10:30pm
Happy New Year! We're about to settle in with hot cocoa (holiday gift), pumpkin pie, and a movie. I suspect that DH and the boys will all be asleep before 10, and I hope I'm not too far after that. Last year I was the only one who made it to midnight, and it wasn't worth how tired I was after getting up at 5:30 on New Year's Day. IT's funny how the older I get, the more I see NY Day as the holiday and not NY Eve ...

Float On
12-31-14, 11:19pm
Happy New Year. The kids are out at a party so it's just the DH and I at home - watching movies and eating strawberry rhubarb pie.

1-1-15, 12:21am
Happy New Year's everyone. I am spending a quiet night with my SO and may have one shot of tequila at midnight. But the party in me left with my upper 30's and I don't really miss it truth be told. Rob

1-1-15, 2:42am
Happy New Year! My son has a group of friends over for the night, (the nerd herd as one of his friend's mom calls it). My daughter was over at a friends until just after midnight. It's cold here in New Mexico, but we made it out for an 18 mile bike ride earlier today. (I think it was around 13 degrees when we started going up to a sweltering 23 degrees by the time we returned). They are calling for up to four inches of snow tomorrow, so we did our traditional New Year's Day bike ride a day early.

We sat around and watched movies while our kids were being social.

1-1-15, 6:01am
Happy New Year morning. We go to bed early (9 p.m.) and this is the first time I can remember NOT being awakened at midnight by fireworks or someone discharging a firearm (which are against the law within city limits). The cold weather must have kept them inside (for which I am most grateful).

early morning
1-1-15, 8:02am
Happy New Year, everyone! DD and I watched a movie, I fell asleep in my comfy chair. DH woke me just before midnight to watch the Times Square ball descend, and I went back to sleep. I'm with you, kimberlyf0 - l like NYE only because we usually get off early with pay, and because it's followed by being off on New Year's Day!

Bae, those are lovely pixs - thanks for posting them! Which mountain is that in the background?

1-1-15, 9:03am
Happy New Year! DH/BIL and I went to our favorite Japanese restaurant for dinner and then came back home and watched a move (The Prestige with Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale). Waited for the ball to drop and went to bed shortly after.

Today we're going to DS's house to visit with him and DIL/DGS.

We were saying how crazy it is that it's 2015!! Wow. 15 years since the millennial year. Seems so hard to believe.

1-1-15, 9:16am
So fun to watch my daughter hop up and down in front of tv last night yelling, "This is the first time I've ever seen the ball drop!" over & over.
Black eyed peas getting ready to go into crock pot, greens on stand by & when everyone gets up we're going for a hike.
2014 just about did me in. Very happy to have that one in the books and on to some new stuff.

Zoe Girl
1-1-15, 10:32am
i got to see middle DD and her BF, they stopped by and ate snackie food. but no one ate the ice cream sundae fixings! that is okay, i just wanted it all eaten so i could continue my uber healthy new year.

1-1-15, 10:43am
Happy New Year! Didn't do anything last night but watch Netflix, but starting the year with a walk around Walden Pond today.

1-1-15, 11:43am
Happy New Year! I spent New Year's Eve on my own. I was supposed to have a date, but that fell though. I enjoyed the night, anyway. Earlier in the day I walked the dogs and let them run off leash at the nearby school. It feels good to be building up my leg muscles again. I worked on my music for some upcoming auditions. Reheated some hamburger with country gravy over pasta. Had a delicious marinated artichoke and lemonade with homegrown lemons. Took a hot bath in epsom salts by candlelight. Did some yoga, which was very relaxing. Went to bed early, but woke up at midnight when the neighbors were celebrating...

Today I'm going to total up my expenses for the year. I'll write out some goals for 2015 and keep plugging away! I'm knitting a new pair of alpaca/merino wool socks. It's relaxing and meditative. I'm so glad I learned to knit. It's been a very useful and rewarding hobby.

1-1-15, 11:45am
Today I'm going to total up my expenses for the year. I'll write out some goals for 2015 and keep plugging away!

I spent the whole morning yesterday tallying up my 2014 expenses. Then, to my surprise, after I gave DH a worksheet of 2014 with a column for 2015, he actually sat down with me to discuss the budget!! Great omen for the year, as he usually gets "glazed-eye syndrome" whenever I try to discuss finances with him.

1-1-15, 11:58am
Ate broiled chicken wings and had taco dip (as is our custom) while watching a movie. It was The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. We thoroughly enjoyed it!

Was sent this and thought it worthwhile to pass on!

It’s a choice. To be positive and free, or to be imprisoned by your own negativity. To live in the past, or to be hopeful about the present.

With 2014 now behind us, I’m sitting here on the eighth anniversary of a dear family member’s passing, thinking about the last conversation I had with her. With a soft, weak voice she told me her only regret was that she didn’t appreciate every year with the same passion and purpose that she had in the final two years of her life, after she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. “I’ve accomplished so much recently,” she told me. “If I had only known, I would have started sooner.”

Her words have been a pulsing wake-up call to me ever since. And today, I hope they help change your perspective too.

As Kurt Vonnegut once said, “Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are: “It might have been.”

So with a New Year upon you, realize that you have a priceless opportunity! Forget the past year. Forget your age and what could’ve or should’ve been. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. At the end of it, let there be no excuses, no explanations and no regrets.

1-1-15, 12:34pm
Bae, those are lovely pixs - thanks for posting them! Which mountain is that in the background?

That's Mount Baker, the next nearest tall spot and hopefully far enough away that when it blows I won't get buried in ash :-)


Simpler at Fifty
1-1-15, 12:35pm
We watched a Mike and Molly marathon last night. Had shrimp stirfry for dinner. DH is getting over Influenza A and that didn't mix well with his cancer.

Today he is making egg rolls. He is cutting everything up now. I help when he asks but have been banned from the kitchen for a while. This will be an all day process for him and he will be exhausted when it is over tonight. It will put 10 meals in the freezer and that helps our goal to have more meals in the freezer.

1-1-15, 1:17pm
I spent the whole morning yesterday tallying up my 2014 expenses. Then, to my surprise, after I gave DH a worksheet of 2014 with a column for 2015, he actually sat down with me to discuss the budget!! Great omen for the year, as he usually gets "glazed-eye syndrome" whenever I try to discuss finances with him.

I just made a batch of yogi tea and am going to sit down with my checkbook register now. Glad to hear your husband was on board with you. I'm sure it makes a big difference.

1-1-15, 5:46pm
We went out for sushi with DS then came home and watched a rerun of Carol Burnett getting the Mark Twain award on PBS. Loved watching the old clips. Went out at midnight and sat in the spa listening and watching the fireworks (sigh...... why try to sleep) on a beautiful clear night.
Today, big pot of chili, taking down the greenery and watching the Ducks. GO DUCKS !!!!!