View Full Version : Challenge: do one nice thing a day

1-6-15, 2:50am
In spirituality I posted my wonderful experience in Thailand. A Buddist country, they center their lives around respect, giving to the poor through offerings to the monks, and doing good.

i thought I would start a thread to challenge everyone to stop and think what they could do that day, in this moment to do good for others. What thing can you do today that is a kind or selfless act?

it is not a contest, just a place to inspire, give ideas and share our experiences so we can all grow.

1-6-15, 3:12am
I like the idea. I'll give it a try.

1-6-15, 11:52am
What a great idea for a thread.
I'm interested,also. Giving kindness usually inspires more kindness in the recipients, so it goes on further.

One idea I've been doing regularly is giving positive feedback to the 'people behind the scenes', on blogs and websites (especially the ad-free ones) where the writers obviously care more about sharing their work and knowledge than about the commercial aspect. I tell them how much I appreciate their work, and how much it has taught or inspired me. Most times, a beautiful response comes back! Recently, I visited the website of a well-known author, and the first thing I noticed was how visually stunning the site is. So I found the name of the site designer, and wrote to her, instead of to the famous author. The site designer replied (from Scotland!) and told me that my letter had made her day.

Another idea I found is to bring a batch of homemade cookies for the volunteers at the Habitat re-Store when we go the city where it's located, about once a month. A treat for those who are giving their time.

I will think about what other things I could do.

Teacher Terry
1-6-15, 12:40pm
I know a few people that have become disabled so I take them to doc appt, out for lunch, run errands, etc.

1-6-15, 2:23pm
This advent season we found online The 25 days of Random Acts of Kindness. Each day was different and a nice way to spend the holiday season!

1-6-15, 7:06pm
One thing I started doing was to go out of my way to say thank you. Not just a mumbled thanks to the grocery cashier for instance but to take a second to make eye contact and clearly and sincerely say thank you to people. It sounds small but people really respond to this.

1-7-15, 7:43pm
I like this too. I definitely will join this challenge!

1-10-15, 7:28pm
One thing I started doing was to go out of my way to say thank you. Not just a mumbled thanks to the grocery cashier for instance but to take a second to make eye contact and clearly and sincerely say thank you to people. It sounds small but people really respond to this.

This inspired me to do something similar.

Dh and I needed new footwear, winter socks and jeans recently, and usually go to the local Mark's Work Wearhouse, which has the most helpful staff in town, even though they probably only get minimum wage. On the back of the receipts, the company has a customer survey, which I seldom bother with. I've decided to offer the feedback from now on, to acknowledge the staff people. I thank them in person at the time, but hope a formal acknowledgement will carry more weight with the company.

When I did the first survey, I requested someone from the head office to contact me, because the survey did not allow adequate space to explain about the five staff people who were so helpful during our three trips to the store. A lady phoned me, and we talked for over 20 minutes. I told her we were there during a big sale, and there were only either 2 or 3 staff on duty in a store full of customers looking for sizes, picking up orders, etc. I told her how professional they were, knowing the products thoroughly, recommending other options, and staying cheerful despite the pressure from being understaffed. Customers were also walking out in frustration at the long waits. I told her about each of the five people, and why I thought they were an asset to the company, and how the great staff is a big reason we shop there. They actually seem to care if we find what we are looking for.

The lady who phoned thanked me for bothering to contact the company, and said they will forward the info to the local store. I think people mostly just contact them when they have a beef, (that was my impression, and it's been my own attitude in the past). I hope it makes a difference for the workers at the store; maybe the understaffing will change, too.

1-25-15, 11:51pm
There is a wonderful practice called Naikan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naikan that invites a person to ask 3 daily questions:
What have I given? What have I received? What trouble have I caused? I like to journal these 3 questions in the evening.

Today for me:
I have given good long listening to a lonely young man. I gave business to a locally owned vegetarian restaurant whose values I appreciate. I bundled up a little New Year's package with a note to a friend who lives in a new town where she knows no one.
I have received the gift of a leisurely day to myself: a long soak in the tub, a healthy yummy breakfast, a phone chat with a dear friend, time to read . . .
Trouble I have caused: My use of electricity, natural gas, gasoline . . . all harm the planet, mother earth.

2-9-15, 12:02am
I really like the idea of this thread that flowers everywhere launched . . . sharing (not the same as bragging!) one kind thing as a way to inspire ourselves and others . .

I enjoyed my morning cup of coffee by writing old fashioned Valentine's Day cards to several friends who are single and won't get cards from sweeties/spouses. They are all lovable people and I want them to know that. V Day can be so depressing when you're alone! No flowers, no chocolates, no tender kisses . . .

2-9-15, 3:52pm
Today I called a gal I met at a class a week ago. At the time, she told me she was fairly new to the area. I invited her to coffee and chat next week. She sounded thrilled! Made us both feel good!

2-18-15, 3:39pm
I'm so pleased I stumbled upon this thread. I'm trying to be more thoughtful .... Taking the time to say "thank you" properly is one of those ways. So, thanking my younger son (still living with us) for running the dishwasher without being asked, taking in the dust bin etc and making sure he knows we've noticed. I have my shopping delivered and I make sure i call Customer Services to thank the delivery drivers as appropriate. Emailing a "thank you" at work for each and every time somebody has helped me. Thanking people for their time and meaning it.

2-18-15, 3:51pm
Hubby shoveled the walks and sidewalks all down our block. A neighbor ran up and thanked him for shoveling her parents walk and gave him a warm muffin. He just does it for exercise and to be nice.

2-18-15, 7:40pm
Today I called a gal I met at a class a week ago. At the time, she told me she was fairly new to the area. I invited her to coffee and chat next week. She sounded thrilled! Made us both feel good!

Met with the gal today and we spent over 2 hours talking. It was really fun. I may have found a kindred spirit! It is amazing how much we have in common!

2-18-15, 8:02pm
Met my now best friend when she sat down at a big quilt guild meeting and I said hi and started to talk to her. I knew what it was like to be ignored.

Met another friend over a small craigslist buy from her. We first met at Starbucks but now are good friends.

5-26-15, 8:26pm
Today gave away $32 in coupons that I could not use. I gave them to total strangers. $5 at the grocery store, $12 at the flower place and $15 savings at Boston Store. Hope they pass it on!

5-26-15, 9:00pm
This is a great thread and I'm going to challenge myself to come up with some items to contribute. One thing I've learned is to be freer with compliments. I'm kind of shy, so I have to nudge myself to step up & tell someone when I'm thinking something nice. It is always appreciated and always worth the effort. :)

5-26-15, 10:42pm
In spirituality I posted my wonderful experience in Thailand. A Buddist country, they center their lives around respect, giving to the poor through offerings to the monks, and doing good.

i thought I would start a thread to challenge everyone to stop and think what they could do that day, in this moment to do good for others. What thing can you do today that is a kind or selfless act?

it is not a contest, just a place to inspire, give ideas and share our experiences so we can all grow.

Nice idea. I'd like to join this challenge and also hear others "deeds" for inspiration.

6-6-15, 6:39pm
I started sweeping the sidewalk in front of our house, and just kept going - did our whole block :)