View Full Version : I made my son do this and I am glad I did!!!

1-11-15, 4:56pm
I can hardly describe the torture it was for me to require my son to write thank you notes after Chistmases and birthdays. He was a good sport about it, but oh, the agony. It took forever. I even made him write the addresses on the envelopes (after drawing straight lines with a ruler).

Fast forward many years and I see him writing thank you notes as a self-initiated task after every holiday. He just called me to get an address from an old family friend we saw for a New Year's Day party.

Yes, I am bragging!:)

iris lilies
1-11-15, 6:02pm
Very very cool mom, way to go!!!!

1-11-15, 7:07pm
Well done! We need more gratitude in this world.

1-11-15, 7:07pm
He prolly just pushes a button on his 'puter, and the machine does the rest--sends everyone the same generic "thankk yew" text, has their addresses stored and it prints out labels; then sentences his kid to stuff envelopes & run them to the P.O. . Just betcha. Not trying to be snarky. Hope that helps you some. I also need More Gratitude---Thankk Mee.

1-11-15, 7:22pm
Good job Rachel! Isn't it great when you see that hanging in there really does pay off! I'm impressed! :)

1-11-15, 7:27pm
Wow, great training, Mom! You deserve to brag. And I hate to say this--it's probably sexist--but that fact that he's a male taking the effort to write thank-you's--and calling you up to get addresses--makes it even more brag-worthy!

1-11-15, 9:04pm
Oh, that's sweet Rachel. I was brought up the same way. When I was a ballet teacher, I always sent my students hand written thank you notes after Christmas. The mothers all appreciated it. The kids weren't used to it, and they really liked it. I remember when I was growing up, my own ballet teachers sent me thank you notes. It was so exciting go to the mailbox and have something addressed to me! I remember it was a really big deal...

Blackdog Lin
1-13-15, 9:00pm
That IS awesome Rachel and you should be deservedly proud of yourself. And even more proud of your son.

Because I did the same thing in my son's formative years, insisted and made sure that thank-yous were sent every occasion - but alas it didn't stick. In fact I have told him for years that if I were his Grandma (out of state and seldom seen Grandma who still sends him generous occasion checks) that I would have quit sending him checks years ago, solely due to the fact that he doesn't acknowledge them to her. It's rude and ungracious and unappreciative and I am appalled - but I can't do a thing about it.

1-17-15, 4:52pm
Thanks for the nice replies, everyone.

Blackdog, you may be surprised...it takes a long time for men to mature and that early training may well kick in eventually. I got a letter from a former student of my father's, saying that it took decades for him to appreciate what he was teaching but when it all fell into place it changed his life. I am sure your hard Mom-work has not been wasted effort.

1-18-15, 4:35am
Because I did the same thing in my son's formative years, insisted and made sure that thank-yous were sent every occasion - but alas it didn't stick. In fact I have told him for years that if I were his Grandma (out of state and seldom seen Grandma who still sends him generous occasion checks) that I would have quit sending him checks years ago, solely due to the fact that he doesn't acknowledge them to her. It's rude and ungracious and unappreciative and I am appalled - but I can't do a thing about it.

Does he at least call her on the phone to thank her or send an email? I can't imagine a grandson not acknowledging a gift from his grandma at all...I would think that would be terribly hurtful for her! How old is he?

Blackdog Lin
1-18-15, 7:30pm
Songbird, it's just too painful to talk about. Sorry.....lots of baggage on this. I just keep on keeping on.

1-19-15, 1:29am
Songbird, it's just too painful to talk about. Sorry.....lots of baggage on this. I just keep on keeping on.

I'm so sorry, Blackdog Lin.

Blackdog Lin
1-19-15, 9:57pm
Oh Songbird, thanks - but today I see that that was such a whiney-pants post - I'm appalled at myself.

No whiney-pants for me. Life is good. I am back to celebrating the OP's son who does the right thing. Truly cool. Please excuse the off-topic nonsense.

1-20-15, 12:33am
Blackdog, you did the best you could. If your son chooses not to send thank yous, or at least call, or whatever, that's his problem. (I'm assuming he's an adult now?) You can't control his behavior. You can't control his grandmother's response to his behavior (ie, you can't tell her not to keep sending checks). All you can control is your response to all this.