View Full Version : i love my hair

Zoe Girl
2-5-15, 10:23pm
i had nowhere to put this, it isn't about health even though i don't color it, it isn't about relationships because my hairdresser accept my decision now, hmm

i think my silvery gray hair (at 48) is a success because i really wanted it this way, it turned out even prettier than i expected, i get compliments all the time, and i am so happy with my hair and myself that i simply don't hate myself as a grown woman.

and i think i might be part of a trend, ..

2-5-15, 11:00pm
Count me in on that trend. I too love my grey hair!!

Zoe Girl
2-5-15, 11:47pm
my hair gel that was discontinued has come back! a special one for gray/silver hair, i ordered 2

2-6-15, 4:57am
I had dark brown hair and I love my mostly salt and a little pepper hair - trending towards white now. I had the same dark patch at the bangs as Jay Leno, but it's almost gone now, like his. I've never highlighted or colored it. Older women look garish with dark brown/black hair. My MIL was nearly 80 before she quit having color treatments. The last few years she had henna treatments which actually ran down her face if she got it wet and flaked off onto her pillow and she had to wear a nylon cap to bed - what a pain somewhere lower than the neck. Her hair looked so beautiful after she quit.

I also cut my own short hair style, and have for many years. I had a terrible time finding a hair dresser who didn't have a toxic environment from doing nails, and I can't breathe in shops who also do nails.

2-6-15, 6:17am
Add me to the list of those who love their silver/grey hair color. So natural and easy to care for. I am not trying to look any age but my own. My mom ended up with pure white hair and I will too.

2-6-15, 8:26am
All silver/white since I was 36...going on 4 years now and dare I say people think I am hip!!! LOL

Float On
2-6-15, 8:48am
My dad was a beautiful silver by the time he was 40. My brother is almost there at 45. I'm 47 for a few more weeks and I have beautiful silver bits but mostly still blonde. I'm actually a little disappointed that the blonde has held on this long. I guess I can blame it on my mother's side of the family. A lot of Indian blood and I know my grandmother on that side was black haired (natural) when she passed at 78. Mom has a tiny bit of gray at 75 but she colors her hair red. I wish she'd let it go natural.

2-9-15, 4:42pm
I dye my hair. I have had some tough times that unfortunately show up on my face (wrinkles and scars) - but I do have some control over my hair. It's about 50% gray, which is coming in an iron color that I dislike. I use a rinse, and some of the gray shows through; it looks very natural.

I figure when I'm 60 or so I'll let it go, but for now I don't want people thinking I'm my daughter's grandmother. (In age, I easily could be.) It's bad enough not being able to hear and wearing reading glasses!

I do love the look of silver, gray, or white hair - but not everyone can pull it off.

2-9-15, 7:06pm
Gardenarian - this is me too. Not all grey hair is a beautiful silver, my family's is the dull iron color that you mention. And although I just turned 60 I'm going to continue dyeing my hair a light brown until my working days are over.

Wish there was a temporary hair dye for trying out a silvery grey, maybe during a 2 week vacation time, or when you know you want to start transitioning into your natural grey - anyone know if that exists?

2-13-15, 11:33am
I'll tell you what: you ain't sposta go around telling people what your real hair color is. It is something we don't talk about. Use some natural looking color for your dye job---you have these old gals or guys that might dye it some shade of red or blond or jet black that looks bad, simply because it looks too fake. See? Hope that helps you some. Thankk mee.

Zoe Girl
2-13-15, 5:09pm
I don't think you can temporarily go gray or lighter, what my hairdresser said (when I wanted to dye the growing out period) was you needed to bleach as light as you could and then use a white toner/dye like manic panic. It can trash your hair. I dyed lighter and lighter for awhile and then did some highlights for transition. I agree not all grey looks great, when mine was only some gray it mostly looked drab and sloppy. That is why I like this so much, it is not just gray to prove a hippy point, it looks nice.

2-13-15, 8:01pm
I think when I'm ready to go with the gray, I would like to try dreadlocks, like SiouxQ! That would make it kind of fun, I think.

2-25-15, 4:39pm
I think when I'm ready to go with the gray, I would like to try dreadlocks, like SiouxQ! That would make it kind of fun, I think. Dreadlocks look pretty good if they have those colorful hollow beads strung on them. But, it may be extra trouble.

Zoe Girl
2-25-15, 5:27pm
Dreadlocks look pretty good if they have those colorful hollow beads strung on them. But, it may be extra trouble.

I have one kid who still has dreads and another who has had them 2 times and taken them out. The beads are awesome, some of the clay ones were more likely to break. My kids made their own that looked like an octopus clinging to their hair or other painted fun ones. My daughter named some of her (however she is the kid who also named her pot pipe) and had favorites.

2-25-15, 5:35pm
I like the idea of a wig during the transition, but I just like wigs in general. Too bad I'd look like Captain Kangaroo or the guy on the Quaker Oats box wearing one.

My hair is currently in the mousy stage, from chestnut. I may never go completely gray. With my thyroid MIA, I'm lucky to have any hair left.

2-25-15, 6:13pm
I always called those catastrophic haircuts "astronaut's wife helmet hair" but yes, Captain Kangaroo, you've nailed it. Wigs and bad haircuts both shift me into Captain Kangaroo mode.

Currently I'm doing henna and not sure how one transitions out of that, but I like the henna so I'll keep going with that at least until my current boxes are gone. My most successful hair coloring was probably my natural dishwater blonde with lighter streaks, and I imagine what will work later in life is to do that with my iron gray as a base instead. My hair just can't handle the constant coloring even with a semi-permanent dye, so the fewer strands I have to bleach, the better. I am really amazed at how much less damage henna does.

I'd like dreads but I don't think I have the hair for them and I tend to get irritated with Stuff - pull out extensions, pull off fake fingernails, chew at lipstick til it's gone.

I agree with Packy that older people can look garish and awful with artificial looking color ... but not everyone does, some just look vibrant and alive with their bright lips or hair. What makes the difference?

2-26-15, 5:47am
I agree with Packy that older people can look garish and awful with artificial looking color ... but not everyone does, some just look vibrant and alive with their bright lips or hair. What makes the difference?

Skin color is what makes the difference in my opinion... Vibrant healthy skin.

And I love my hair too! It is dark blond with about 50 percent silvery grey that blends very nicely. I will never ever color it again. It looks so healthy and shiny. I get lots of compliments on it.

2-26-15, 2:04pm
Songbird - I wish there was a simple way to get good skin! I have a lot of trouble sticking to a skin care routine. I just scrub with a warm washcloth and slap on some sunscreen.

I'm sure my skin could look a lot better, but it's very sensitive and the products I've tried (MANY) have not been successful. Blotchy, dry, saggy, fine lines and wrinkles - yuck.

2-26-15, 10:48pm
Songbird - I wish there was a simple way to get good skin! I have a lot of trouble sticking to a skin care routine. I just scrub with a warm washcloth and slap on some sunscreen.

I'm sure my skin could look a lot better, but it's very sensitive and the products I've tried (MANY) have not been successful. Blotchy, dry, saggy, fine lines and wrinkles - yuck.

Gardenarian, I struggle with my skin too. I have a mild case of rosacea and some days my skin looks terrible no matter what I do. The only thing that helps is drinking lots of water, plenty of sleep, keeping my life as stress free as possible, and I use a moisturizer for sensitive skin that seems to help...

I'm definitely not one of those that can pull off bright make-up or hair color. Natural is best for me and make-up of any kind just irritates and flares my skin up.