View Full Version : Sunday Morning Blues

domestic goddess
3-27-11, 1:17pm
My dd made a comment this morning. As usual, I couldn't respond to her immediately, because I needed time to think about it, but I just may have a solution. Here goes.
Her comment was about how pissy and whiney people in the house are on Sunday morning. I know that to be true, because I have been sick off and on lately and haven't felt able to go to church, so I've been a witness. dsil is always on some kind of a tear in the morning about anything or nothing, and it is often worse on Sunday. He often works on Sunday, too, so he's doubly grouchy and verbally abusive.
It occurred to me that some of this behavior may be the result of hunger. I thought I could put together a breakfast casserole on Sat. night, then get up early on Sunday and bake it. With muffins or a quick bread, breakfast would be ready, and they could eat it here or take it with them. After I get the schedule down, I could branch out into more different things, like frozen, prepared eggs and English muffins or breakfast burritos, which would lighten my load a bit. What do you think?

Zoe Girl
3-27-11, 1:32pm
Oh that would be good. I noticed that Sundays are sometimes stressful because we are trying to still rest but we have to get ready for the week. I never thought about hunger as being part of it though. When you sleep in then often people do not have their caffeine at the same time and that can cause headaches as well. I have heard of people setting up coffee machines on a timer the night before so they won't get headachy. I drink tea but try to get up and have some at a regular time and take a nap later.

3-27-11, 3:20pm
Sounds good. I don't know about Sunday mornings, but I know about the kind of dread that descends on Sunday nights. I don't know, probably spent 1/2 my working life with it every Sunday (now is my unemployed life :)).

It's probably ANCIENT, probably dates back to the dread of school every Monday as a kid. What a way to live :|( No really, it's no way to live at all!

Armageddon - come Armageddon!
Come, Armageddon! Come!

Everyday is like Sunday
Everyday is silent and grey

Or Johnny Cash:
And there's nothing short a' dying
That's half as lonesome as the sound
Of the sleeping city sidewalk
And Sunday morning coming down.

3-27-11, 9:06pm
Breakfast with protein first thing in the morning makes a huge difference in my life/mood/attitude. And coffee for those that are accustomed to it.

dado potato
3-27-11, 11:40pm
Sunday time: do more of what you (each) enjoy, less of what you don't.
Recently my dear wife and I have:
Subscribed to the Sunday New York Times,
Road-tripped to parks and grandchildren,
And I've taken DW to mystery restaurants/inns so she does not "have to cook"...
The inn we dined in tonight has been in operation since 1804, and the chef is from Barbados. Powerful jerk chicken, man.

3-27-11, 11:44pm
"Sounds good. I don't know about Sunday mornings, but I know about the kind of dread that descends on Sunday nights. I don't know, probably spent 1/2 my working life with it every Sunday "

I remember that feeling very well. The dread built as the day went along.

3-28-11, 7:00am
My dd made a comment this morning. As usual, I couldn't respond to her immediately, because I needed time to think about it, but I just may have a solution. Here goes.
Her comment was about how pissy and whiney people in the house are on Sunday morning. I know that to be true, because I have been sick off and on lately and haven't felt able to go to church, so I've been a witness. dsil is always on some kind of a tear in the morning about anything or nothing, and it is often worse on Sunday. He often works on Sunday, too, so he's doubly grouchy and verbally abusive.
It occurred to me that some of this behavior may be the result of hunger. I thought I could put together a breakfast casserole on Sat. night, then get up early on Sunday and bake it. With muffins or a quick bread, breakfast would be ready, and they could eat it here or take it with them. After I get the schedule down, I could branch out into more different things, like frozen, prepared eggs and English muffins or breakfast burritos, which would lighten my load a bit. What do you think?

Two thoughts:
Why is it your job to fix this problem?
I hope the "verbally abusive" description is exageration.

3-28-11, 10:46am
I think your solution sounds elaborate. More effective, if you feel you have to act, would be to set an example with a high-protein breakfast--but be aware to not get into solving their problems or over time you will start to resent these people for that reason when it was your decision.

3-28-11, 11:14am
Just don't make the breakfast all carbs and sugar, or you'll have a worse problem on your hands when their blood sugar falls!
How about some rules about Sunday behavior?

domestic goddess
3-28-11, 11:57am
First of all, thank you for some thought-provoking answers. I am going to build in some changes to my plan, as time goes on.
To answer some questions (not necessarily in order):
1. It is my problem because dd gets paralyzed about some problems. After a solution has been found (and I don't know if this will be it) she is able to step in and keep it going. I am tired of all the confrontation. Thought I am getting better at staying out of it, once the verbal abuse starts, all bets are off and I usually have to open my big mouth. In one way, this may be for the best. dsil knows that there is one person in the house who isn't afraid of him, and he is at least a little wary of me. In other ways, though, I need to stay out of things more.
2."Verbal abuse" is not an exaggeration. Sad to say, but true.
3. I would love to make rules about Sunday behavior. And Monday behavior, and Tuesday behavior, and... This isn't my house, and I don't feel it is my place to make rules of behavior for a 30 year-old "adult". His mother should have done than when she had the chance.
4. Although he will be at work when he crashes, and therefore not my problem, I wouldn't set anyone up by feeding them a sugar-filled breakfast. I was thinking of egg casseroles, breakfast burritos, egg mcmuffins, all of which can be easily made at home and frozen. Getting people around here to eat home made food that they might have to put in the microwave for a minute is going to be an uphill battle, as they seem to think it is easier to dress, get in the car, drive to a fast food restaurant, navigate the drive through, pay out $$ they don't really have to eat what could have been made from scratch in less time!! But I do think it is a worthwhile effort. DD didn't learn to be so free with money at my house, but I think she is rebelling. Well, it has to happen sooner than later, and living with someone who is very confrontational as a way of life doesn't lead anyone down a harmonious path. If I end up eating it all, well, so be it. No one will be able to accuse me of making a difficult financial situation worse.

3-28-11, 3:08pm
We have really easy breakfasts almost every day in our house. Advantages: time saving on school mornings, relaxation for me on weekends, everyone gets to choose what they want for breakfast on a given day.

Some of our breakfasts are:
yogurt & granola (both homemade; I make yogurt weekly and granola about every 3 weeks)
bagel w/ cream cheese
fruit & nuts
oatmeal (I usually cook oatmeal every few days in the crockpot, store the extra in the fridge)
quinoa (DD likes this with butter & salt. I cook about 1c at a time and store in fridge.)
dinner leftovers (chicken soup, lasagna, bean burritos, and other things are a bit hit with DD for breakfast)
breakfast sandwiches (preservative-free Canadian bacon, cheese, and egg. I scramble about 6 eggs and cook in a large skillet. Cut into sandwich-sized pieces and store in the fridge for reheating).

The cooked egg pieces come in handy for other things. I've made lunch sandwiches with them (with veggies) and also chopped them up to use in fried rice. You could also chop them up for breakfast burritos.

iris lily
3-3-12, 2:27pm
This thread is a year old. I wonder if the OP wants it resurrected. I'll delete my post here if someone asks me to do so since my post is giving the thread legs as well.