View Full Version : A Beatlemaniac Shaking her Head

2-9-15, 2:49pm
OK, sorry. I'm going to wax nostalgic for things not-simple-living related. In fact, just to start off, I'm surprised that "beatlemaniac" gets trapped in the spell-check..

But then there's the thing about how when Kanye and Paul McCartney collaborated on a song, there were all kinds of tweets about how great it is that Kanye giving this "new artist" a chance on his album. Really! Did you guys hear about that?? A LOT of Kanye fans had no clue who Paul McCartney is.

Then there were the Grammys last night. I had heard about the Kanye/McCartney/Rihanna performance, but when I saw it, man, Paul McCartney was like a back-up guitarist, completely upstaged by Kanye and Rhianna. I saw he has a credit on the LONG list of writers of that song--not quite like the old Wings or Lennon/McCartney days.

The final insult was when McCartney stood up in the audience clapping along to another performance, perhaps trying to motivate others to stand up, and he was told to sit down! Ouch. Sit down, old man.

Seems incredible to me, having lived through the 60s. Time goes on.

domestic goddess
2-9-15, 3:05pm
Yeah, I know what you mean. I just about gagged over the comments about Kanye "aiding" Paul McCartney's career. PUHLEEZE! Didn't watch the Grammys, so I have no idea about the performances there. I hate it when McCartney doesn't get respect for his role in the history of rock and roll. He was writing and recording before many of these newcomers were born! Can't believe that he was told to sit down at the Grammys; don't these people ever go to concerts?

iris lilies
2-9-15, 3:19pm
Oh you Paul Girls, get over it. :)

The day my boys Mick 'n Keith allow themselves to be regulated to that kind of treatment is the day they will be dead.

2-9-15, 3:27pm
Not the first awkward Kanye moment. I think that will be HIS legacy.

2-9-15, 4:54pm
The Beatles will remembered long after these new folks have come and gone.

domestic goddess
2-9-15, 5:20pm
Many of the "older" stars will be remembered for many years to come. In the future, people will be saying "Kanye who?"

2-9-15, 5:28pm
Was listening to NPR a few days ago (yeah, I'm old) interviewing a guy who wrote a book? or something? about the Beatles. Or maybe just John Lennon? Can't tell you how much I miss them, in all their incarnations.

2-9-15, 6:08pm
Sadly, and I write as a great Beatles fan who was lucky enough to see them play live a number of times and actually met them a couple of times, too.... Paul ain't what he was... I saw him at a couple of recent gigs, the Olympics ceremony and another. He sang out of tune and was an embarrassment. Time to give up and stop the awful hairdye?

But the headliners mentioned? PMc will outlast their fame, thar's for sure!

2-10-15, 12:12am
I guess none of you kids read my carefully-crafted rants about people who worship music-entertainment idols. Especially, the over-the-hill or the hopelessly untalented ones who, except for charisma(guess that's what it is), have no marketable skills. Yet, they are a drawing card. You turn on the Tee-Vee, TV serves it up, and you kids accept it as "Official", like it or not. You then ask yourself: "What's wrong with mee--I don't like it? There is something you kids should know: Sometime in March, John Sebastian will turn 70. An american music great, who performs occasionally, but stays out of the limelight, and is not grossly oversold. What do you think of that? One of my F-book "friends" sent along a youtube vid of one of the local-yokel churches that had their vocal group onstage, doing their rendition of "Let It Be", which they managed to make rootsy-sounding. Rootsy, is the local sound, and it just doesn't appeal to me. Again: I don't like Southern, hillbilly music. That particular "Beatles" song sounded darn near like a hymn, back in the day, anyway. It was McCarts' attempt to use leftover Corn n' Hash to finish up one of their later LP's. I think my fellow facebook-er posted that one because: They just wanted to get a reaction from mee. See, I had already posted a youtube of "Roll Over Beethoven", written by a guy from The Murder City, 'Zurra, USA, and performed by the Mop-Topped Foursome from BeatPool, Ennglun. They, were great admirers of his music. I just might post one written by a guy from Iowa, also sung by your Idol, McCartney, at a command performance for QEII. Also, you kids need to respect littlebittymee for MY connection to fame; my Great-great grandparents are interred in the same cemetery as the pilot of the plane that Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, & J.P. Richardson went down in, on Feb. 3, 1959. Another thing is that before they became widely known, the BeatPools were living in Hamburg, Germany, a city on the border with Denmark, across the river. They performed a song in 1961, written by T. Sheridan, that was a tribute to a band headed by Cliff Richard, later the 80's "We don't Taaaaalk, Anymore" guy. It was an instrumental called: "Cry For A Shadow" . It was the then-popular Tremeloe-Reverb Guitar Style, very Surferbilly, like the Ventures, etc..I posted a youtube video of that one, too. Isn't that interesting? TeeeVeee just has stuff that is, well ???????????? Questionable. Old Man McCarts will stoop to nothing, these days. Good for him. But, I don't waste my time on it. Sorry. Hope that helps you some. Later. And, as always: Thankk Mee. Always.

2-10-15, 4:35am
Lately, I've been listening to the two greatest songs by a Two-Hit Wonder group that called themselves "The Critters", waaay back in oh, 1966. Two hits, and I can't find a decent cover of either. Covers, yes; decent, no. One of their hits IS a cover--and it is actually better than the original, that was recorded by a MUCH more successful and well known group. Ever heard of "The Critters"? They played them a lot, on AM radio, back in 1966. Now, on YouTube, you can see one of the critters' original members, making appearances, and trying to sing those two hits. Same guy, right? But he can sing 'em, but he can't do a decent job of covering his own hits. His vocal range and "stuff" just isn't what it was 50 years ago. Also, there's the multi-hit wonders, The Association. I only like some of their hits, Okay? The main vocalist for "Windy" , Larry Ramos, passed away last year in Idaho. So, forget him showing up on TeeVee. The lead vocalist for the Associations' "Along Comes Mary" lives in downstate Noo Joisey, near Atlantic City, and makes occasional nostalgia appearances. He can sing "No Fair At All" passably well, but not like the good old days. Just good enough for an occasional appearance, for nostalgia's sake. Then, there Jay & The Americans. I like several of Jays'(real name: David Blatt)greatest hits, okay? Back in his time, he was "The Voice"; he could have been an opera singer. He, still makes appearances, cause I believe he needs the money, more than the recognition. But, guess what: his voice ain't nearly what it was 50 years ago. Not nearly. And that is being kind. See? My advice is, don't go getting all fanatic about a performer; just appreciate their music, back in their prime. I see old fogey's commenting--by god they don't MAKE good music anymore--it's all this rap crap, etc., yada. But their problem is lack of exposure. Because see--two things: Radio anymore, primarily is oldies. Few of them play brand new, contemporary music, like the AM top-40 or whatever stations did, back in the 1960's. The ones that do play all new stuff are in urban markets, and very rigidly formatted, and yes--play a lot of ghetto music. The ones that play new stuff in rural markets--mainly country. See? TeeVee has always been very scarce as far as a wide variety of current music. Typically, it tends to be too stodgy. Too corny. The performers sing too loud. So, you really have to look for it. There have been music shows that came and went. The most notables being(I think) American Bandstand & Ed Sullivan and Johnny Carson & MTV when it started. American Idol, has tried to meet the need, and well, is just barely adequate. The late-night TV shows, like letterman, guest bands that don't appeal to middle-aged people. The content is the novel flash-in-the-pan bands of which only a few will be memorable. Except that Paul Shafer is brilliant, I might add. So, you've got took develop other sources. What I would suggest, besides surfing Youtube extensively, is getting an Sirius XM receiver that you can use in the house, and subscribe. There is a lot of junk on there (and youtube); you've got to mine it. I bought two car units at big lots for $20-25 each; then bought ac adaptors(they have to be relatively large amperage draw in MV; the cheap ones with the right plug are too small, so you will have to splice the plug they supply with the unit onto the output of the AC adaptor. like I'm thinking 1.0 MV or larger, or that ittybitty Sirius receiver will burn it up. It's only 12v, but a relatively big amp draw. See? Then, you can increase your exposure to music--all kinds, old and new. Not just be stuck on what's "Official", listening to an elderly billionaire try and sing a duet with a rapper. Hope that helps you some. Thank mee.

2-10-15, 7:52am
IL: haha--yes, I think the world is separated into two kinds of people--the Beatles people and the Stones people. You're probably right about Mick and Keith!

Ishbel: It's true that his pipes aren't what they were. I had the same reaction watching him at the Olympics--he was really straining… Oh well. I guess that's what recordings are for--I'm with you, they were a great, great band.

Packy: How did I know you were going to chime in! I'm just being a little nostalgic, because when I was a teen, I was one of the Obsessed. I covered my walls with Beatle pictures cut from magazines--and I'm talking floor to ceiling--wall-to-wall. I bought every album the first day it came out and I wore the grooves out playing them. I spent lots of emotional energy on those "lads" -- believe me. And I've instructed my kids that I want Let It Be played at my funeral.

Hey, the Critters aren't bad either--I loved Mr. Dieingly Sad and Young Girl and a couple of their other songs.

But there's CLASSIC, and then there's ENDURING:


2-10-15, 9:57am
Many of the "older" stars will be remembered for many years to come. In the future, people will be saying "Kanye who?"
Seth Meyers last night: "You know what they say, opinions are like Kanyes."

I'll admit to not being very familiar with West's work, but I don't think he's changed his genre of music as much as the Beatles changed theirs (structure, arrangement, topics, etc.). On the other hand, by collaborating with McCartney, West has introduced McCartney to a new audience that is younger than even McCartney's grandkids. Nothing wrong with that for Sir Paul. Hey, there were pop-music fans a few decades ago who didn't realize McCartney was in a band before Wings.:doh:

2-10-15, 2:36pm
It is time for some sarcasm, okay? Here goes: I think you kids should simply focus on two stars, who will be the king and queen of your music world, from now on. ONLY pay attention to them; forget the rest. Besides classic symphony music, the only ones you will pay attention to are(pen and paper ready?): Celine Dion, and of course,Josh Groban. They, are all you will like, from now on. They should be good for more old-fogey music for several more decades. Next, Here are two case studies in senseless music behavior: A 50 year old female I know that ONLY likes going to concerts of the Hunky Young Cowboy Types(Jason Aldean, et al) that play generic-sounding country-pop, cowboy hat on, shirt off. Another one is a late-40's female that ONLY likes(the word is obsesses)a Christian-rock band from Aus called "The Newsboys". That is all she likes, to her everything else is profane, and she adores them so much she camps out overnight in winter weather at the concert hall, so she can greet them when they arrive. Truly crazy, and I don't mean that in a nice way. And Catherine--thanks; yes those critters. I will listen to them awhile, for a day or two, then move on, until I think of them again, maybe in a couple years. Hope that helps you some. Thankk Mee.

2-10-15, 5:22pm
I have to say I have no idea of who Kanye is or what sort of songs he sings. (I didn't watch the Grammys).

We're still wearing out the grooves on the Beatles' albums, and my 15 year old daughter often spirits them away to her bedroom to play on her little (and admittedly terrible) Crosley Turntable. I wish they made better portable turntable units these days. I had one I bought from a thrift store when I was in college in the early nineties that was great before it died.

2-11-15, 10:33am
Picky: I don't get your ramble. Never mind, tho. McCartney is still a great musician, song writer, etc. so he can't sing as well. So what? He's old. He is due respect for his accomplishments. "sit down, old man" is inappropriate.

2-11-15, 2:20pm
Well, I got some good news for you kids, then. Really Big Neeeewwwss. The 70's group, Fleetwood Mac, is going on a 35-city tour, this year. They are all up close to 70, or over, so the geezer factor is there, if that's what you want. Dooooon't Stop! Thinkin' About Tomorroooooowww! I had each of their LPs, back then. But "Don't Stop" was the most annoying song, ever. Anyways--they need mo' Mansion Money, and you don't. So, get ready--tickkits are priced at around $50-$300. I won't be going--I need the money to spend on catt food & parts for my Professional-grade 84 GMC 1-ton dually 454 4x4 project. "I'm over my head" on it, "but it sure feels nice".

2-11-15, 2:25pm
Whuppp!! I almost spewed my coffee all over my monitor just now, Packy....thanxxx!

2-15-15, 12:11pm
Oh you Paul Girls, get over it. :)

The day my boys Mick 'n Keith allow themselves to be regulated to that kind of treatment is the day they will be dead.

Dito, ah Keith I simle just thinking of him.

2-16-15, 4:34am
Well, I got some good news for you kids, then. Really Big Neeeewwwss. The 70's group, Fleetwood Mac, is going on a 35-city tour, this year. They are all up close to 70, or over, so the geezer factor is there, if that's what you want. Dooooon't Stop! Thinkin' About Tomorroooooowww! I had each of their LPs, back then. But "Don't Stop" was the most annoying song, ever. Anyways--they need mo' Mansion Money, and you don't. So, get ready--tickkits are priced at around $50-$300. I won't be going--I need the money to spend on catt food & parts for my Professional-grade 84 GMC 1-ton dually 454 4x4 project. "I'm over my head" on it, "but it sure feels nice".

Me and my BFF will be attending this Fleetwood Mac concert! Already have our tickets. They sounded awesome when we saw them a couple years ago. They still perform at the same level they did years ago. Pretty good for geezers! ;)

2-16-15, 5:03am
Besides Keith and Dylan and maybe Joe Perry, I have resolved to let my rock gods remain in memory form. Rock gods are the worst form of in your face you are old mirror there is for me. I picture each on when I hear a song as they looked on my walls. Some aged well others, well not so good.
I had to answer questions at a meeting to be on one of my relatives account. The child asked First Concert? I said Kiss 1974. She says she knew I was going to say that! I looked at my self and knew I did not have leather and chains on.

4-28-15, 2:04pm
Well, I have done some reading on the subject of those Beatles you kids seem to worship,, from various sources, and picked up something interesting. I have not spun it into some full-fledged theory or anything. Just a couple of random observations. I was curious about the drummer that was fired and replaced with Ringo, shortly before they became world famous. Ringo, as you no doubt know, recently was inducted into that Hall O' Fame, up there in Cleveland. Okay, it isn't entirely clear, because the original drum man didn't get hit by a truck or something, and Official reasons are not always reliable. But the unofficial conjecture runs like this: the drummer was not as technically proficient or as open to working with their record producer, as the same felt was necessary for their success as recording artists--that reason aligns with the official reports. See, he was hired on, through mutual connections, while the group was being formed up to go to Hamburg, on the German-Denmark border, and entertain. Apparently, he was not really in their circle; though in the band, but not really close friends. Indications are that he was also more attractive to female fans & getting more attention than the other guys. So, when they returned to England to start recording, this became an issue that had to be resolved. So, they recruited Ringo, who was technically more proficient & compliant; and not as much of a distraction from the front men, John & Paul. See? Then, they booted the original drummer(Pete) out. Okay--the issue of what led to the breakup of the Beatles. Well, the usual answer is "creative differences". Well, maybe. But, I think it's more like a restaurant that starts out great; very popular at first; but then after a few years the owner becomes self-satisfied and lacks motivation(heavy pot use, there), and starts serving leftover pizza and McBurgers to it's patrons, instead of fresh, original stuff. Most of the Beatpools later albums were pieced together with outtakes from earlier work or jams based upon some drug-induced snippet of melody. All kinds of stooped stuff. "she came in through the bathroom window; Lucy in the sky with diamonds; Rory Racoon. And worse. Admittedly, people bought it, anyway! The next thing is, Lennon & McCartney were becoming too preoccupied with their girlfriends, who were basically wannabee artiste's. They were Mama's boys, who tended to let their wimmin dominate them. Linda Eastmans' family managed McCartneys' fortune, and quite well. Ono's family was in Finance, too. There is a famous video of the Beatles' Lennon, performing onstage with Chuck Berry, and Yoko Ono is now performing with them, doing pretty much nothing useful. In fact at one point, she grabs a microphone, and impetuously yelps into the microphone, which suddenly got Chuck Berrys' attention, in a very negative way, like: WTF??? How do you like that?

4-28-15, 2:11pm
ummmm, that would be 'Rocky' Raccoon. You remember him dontcha? His rival it seems had broken his dreams by stealing the girl of his fancy. I know it's hard to keep names straight sometime considering that her name was Magil and she called herself Lil, but everyone knew her as Nancy.

4-28-15, 3:08pm
ummmm, that would be 'Rocky' Raccoon. You remember him dontcha? His rival it seems had broken his dreams by stealing the girl of his fancy. I know it's hard to keep names straight sometime considering that her name was Magil and she called herself Lil, but everyone knew her as Nancy.That's the deal with the trend toward "abstract" lyrics that started in the 60's , which I really don't mind because I'm not a lyric person. What the senseless (or enigmatic, whatever)lyrics do is allow meanings and interpretations to be attached, AFTER THE FACT. This makes songwriting a whole lot easier, because you can come up with a catchy tune, and assign it a catchy, if nonsensical lyric, that Fits like a glove. See? In the Brill Building, where a huge number of 50's and 60's pop songs were written, songwriting partnerships were very common--one person devised the melody, and the other came up with lyrics to fit. Or, vice-versa. But, for a musician making fast-paced rock music, that becomes a challenge. Lennon & McCartney certainly weren't Rodgers & Hammerstein; though I will grant you that they may have had some theme on their mindsin their later works--usually drugs and sex and more drugs. See? So anyway, just put in some colorful, nonesensical lyrics that flow with the melody, the tempo, and you've resolved it! Play it, and let the fans figure it out, for you. Hope that helps you some. Thankk Mee.

4-28-15, 3:34pm
Haha, Alan.. Packy, you want abstract Beatle lyrics?

I am he as you are he as you are me
And we are all together
See how they run like pigs from a gun see how they fly
I'm crying

Sitting on a cornflake waiting for the van to come
Corporation tee shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday
Man you been a naughty boy. You let your face grow long
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen
I am the walrus, goo goo g' joob
(An American Idol contestant did an excellent cover of this song recently)

Packy, your research is probably correct. As a Beatlemaniac, I agree with much of what you said with regard to the replacement of Pete Best and the influence of Yoko and Linda, etc. As songwriters, I think they are just as good, if not better than Rodgers and Hammerstein, although that's really comparing apples to oranges, and since I'm a huge 50s and 60s musical theatre fan, it's not like I'm biased towards one pair vs. the other.

Somehow the Beatles emerged at center of the perfect storm of historical and cultural happenings. And they were able to evolve their music rather than marketing the same old stuff. I know life goes on, but I can't imagine that Mr. Kanye will ever achieve the status the Beatles did, despite how kind he was to recognize this new artist, Paul McCartney.

4-28-15, 4:13pm
Post script: To my knowledge, Rodgers & Hammerstein weren't Electric Guitar players, either. Something else: Kanye West, is quite frequently held up as the Poster Child for arguing about What's Wrong With Today's Music. But, as much publicity as he gets, he is by no means representative of today's music, as a whole. He just isn't. I regard him as peripheral in his appeal; just like a lot of what is presented to us by the pot-stirring, man-bites-dog, News-manufacturing Industry, West is largely irrelevant. He appeals to a fanbase of excitable people who grab onto what the majority of people find abhorrent; a certain segment of the social counterculture. Remember my rant about the ticket prices poor whites will pay to see noisemaster extraordinaire Joe Bannanaamasta? Same deal. We've always had that type of Art; but they usually starved, due to much smaller media sources, not giving them exposure they needed to gain a fanbase.. Now, there is a media outlet for everyone, and all tastes. This is not to say that his sound will not leave some residual influences that will find its' way into more listenable music; it seems like that usually happens. It seems like most of the greats have influences from less-accomplished artists. Hope that helps you some.