View Full Version : Ukraine

2-20-15, 11:52am
The 1980s called and said we can keep their foreign policy after all.

By no means invoking Godwin's law, but it is interesting to watch. Appeasement is much easier to criticize from a distance. But the alternatives aren't so good.

I wonder how many people in Tallinn have faith in Article 5?

2-20-15, 9:39pm
I don't know 'bout the U-crane, Yo. That said, how is your ancestors' native land, Armenia? I read that it has changed hands quite few times, throughout the ages. I also believe I read that the Armenian Diaspora is much larger than the population of Armenia, itself. But, I may be wrong about that. Hey--I got an idea--Maybe, Mexico will allow Ukranians to emigrate freely--even send them passenger ships to transport them. This might give Mexico just what they need--a cultural infusion, from people who have endured hard times. Plan "B" would involve a mass emigration of Mexican Citizens to U-Crane. See, I crunched the numbers, cause I know you like cold factoids: Mexico, 140+ million people, 600,000+ square miles. U-Crane, 44 million people; 720,000 Square miles. So, if we rehome say--50 million Mexicans to U-Crane, that should take some of the pressure off of the U.S. and Mexico, and give the Russians something to think about. Maybe they will leave U-Crane alone, from now on. See? Hope that helps you some. Thankk Mee.