View Full Version : What Rick Perry is doing to Education in Texas is a Crime!

3-27-11, 7:19pm
The state budget shortfall was laid out for Rick Perry several years ago by the then state comptroller. He ignored it. He continues to in live a 10K per mo rent house while thousands of Texas teachers are losing their jobs. Why? Cuz the man thinks somebody is going to vote for him for higher office. Our class sizes are going up anywhere from 25 and up. He had the nerve to say that nobody in the state government was laying teachers off, that it was the decision of local administrators and school boards. Well, yes, the very, very painful decision to shortchange our kids, lay teachers off, cut every conceivable program because HE (hear me Gov. Goodhair?) wants to be able to say, "I never raised taxes" when running for higher office. Rick you are a shameful example for all good Aggies who live by the honor code.
Thank you SLN friends for letting me have my rant even if you aren't familiar with this- Texas is facing a major budget shortfall that was foretold and ignored. Perry is letting the chips fall where they may - he can kiss Austin goodbye.

3-27-11, 7:44pm
So how are the schools funded? I thought you didn't have a state income tax in TX - so is it sales tax revenue that's not flowing from the state to the local level at the same rate it used to?

3-27-11, 8:04pm
I'm a little confused by that as well. In my state, we fund our local schools through local property taxes and state sales taxes. I suppose Texas does the same.

Is it actually the governor or the state legislature that has failed to raise whichever tax source that funds the schools? Or has the legislature passed tax increases only to have it vetoed by the governor? I'm only asking because governors cannot unilateraly raise taxes all on their own. Maybe it's different in Texas.

Lastly, have local voters failed to pass school ballot measures? That's probably the largest source of school funding and if so, the state government has little to do with it.

I guess I'm just wondering how one person can be responsible for schools not receiving enough funds from a multitide of sources, including the federal government.

3-27-11, 8:42pm

Sorry guys, should have explained better. Perry was warned about a massive budget shortfall. He ignored it. The chickens are coming home to roost now. Our schools are funded through property taxes but many grants and other funds come through the state which are being drastically cut. We also have to continue to meet many state mandates which are unfunded. Don't vote for this guy - EVER!

3-27-11, 10:07pm
Be careful he has big hair and carries a big gun.

3-27-11, 10:09pm
For those that do not live in Texas this is probably a very boring matter. Since our wonderful Gov. seems to be focused on a bigger agenda - witness his book "FED UP" and the accompanying book tour to various places around the country - then I do think it is worthy of mention.

Rick Perry will probably be re-elected Gov. of Texas forever, and I really mean that. He has the perfect political machine in Texas. Although the State was looking at a 25-27 Billion dollar shortfall prior to the election he was able to somehow keep the Comptroller's budget report from being reported until about 60 days after the election. Of course, in Texas you never admit anything. I could go on and on about Perry but his history is on the record.

