View Full Version : Kelly Clarkson

4-6-15, 12:22am
You kids remember her, don't you? I think she is the pop singer who got her career launched by appearing on American Idol. I kinda like several of her recordings. But, what I wanted to bring up here is that judging by a recent photo I saw of her, she appears to have gotten a little chunky. Chris Wallace on Fox News created a minor media PC-ness scandal, by snarky-ly mentioning in passing that she needed to back off on the Deep-Dish Pizza consumption. Is a celebritys' weight gain fair game for discussion, or not? Don't the pundits make more than a few Chris Christie weight jokes? Hasn't Chris Christie made a Chris Christie weight joke? Just Curious. My thought is, FWIW, that when the fame and fortune comes in, the right to live a private life goes away. Also, if: "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger", does that apply to criticism? How about Pizza?

4-6-15, 3:07am
She recently had a baby. I know it took me a full year to lose my pregnancy weight with my first baby. And no, her weight shouldn't be scrutinized by anyone. I think it's ridiculous. Leave the new mother alone. She's a singer, not a fashion model. And Packy, I like a lot of her music too. :)

4-6-15, 9:38am
Well, okay. I'll just say that it WOULD be a good idea for her or anyone else to cut back on the pizza, and leave it at that. While we're on the subject of the effects of life catching up with music idols, I see that a ticket-seller has only 77 passes available left to see The Mossy Geezers(fna rolling stones), ranging in price from$247 all the way up to $2300, at Airhead Stadium in Kansas City on June 27. Buying them that far in advance is chancey--how do we know that one or all may croak before then? You have multiple risk factors with elderly rock idols. I won't be going(sigh) that day; due to it being the We-Mow State, I'll prolly be waging war against encroaching vegetation.

4-6-15, 12:05pm
Pizza--more pizza, or less pizza? That is the question.

4-6-15, 2:46pm
pizza in moderation. Kelly rocks and I wish her the best!

4-6-15, 8:22pm
Okay--this has little to do with Pizza or Ms Clarksons Weight, but it has everything to do with Elderly Geezers That Pack Arenas With Middle-Aged Geezers Who Rave About This Fossil And Take Pride In Paying Ridiculous Prices For Tickets. Okay--B. B. King, improvisational guitarist, horrible singer, and Arena Music Geezer, was admitted to the hospital. He's like--89 years old, but still plays at his nightclub in Noo Yawk Sitty, also in Loser Vegas. Hey, for me--the thrill is not just gone--it was never there in the first place. Sorry. Hope he is well, soon, though. He needs to retire, and take 'er easy, fno.

4-7-15, 6:08pm
I just checked---in case any of you kids were interested---to see if The Pizza Underground was on Tour, and if so, how much seats were to see their show. But, guess what? Ticketmaster says: n/a . My source tells me that the izza Underground has only played small rooms, thus far. They don't book LARGE venues, such as O'Hare Airfield or The Grand Canyon, like the elderly geezer Rock Idols that some of you kids worship. Sorry. Just trying to help.