View Full Version : Hello again!

5-16-15, 3:25pm
Hi everyone,

I'm a pretty inconsistent member, as I haven't posted since 2012. Just here to say "Hello again" and give you the updates.
My goals have changed since I was here last. I was going to get a big quilting business started, but I could never get that off the ground. So maybe it was not meant to be. I still have all my fabric, though, so I'm going to make it a once-a-week part-time business, selling small patchwork items.

Now that my son is all grown-up and moving out of the house soon, I'm going back to school to complete an English major I started years ago. I need the challenge, and I love academics. My goal is to eventually get my PhD and become a college professor. That will take awhile, because I'll need to work in order to pay for school.

My approach to simple living has changed. I had the idea that we were going to homestead, and I was going to make everything myself and grow all my own food. So I took a Master Gardener course, and discovered that the reason I didn't know much about gardening is because I don't actually like gardening all that much! So there went my big plans. I guess I just liked the idea of growing all my own food, but I'm an indoor girl after all. So now my approach is one of supporting our local farmers by buying directly from them, and focusing my time and money by decluttering and becoming somewhat of a minimalist. I still have a small garden, though.

I guess I'm just one of those people who have to try everything to see what I like.


5-16-15, 3:32pm
Hi Stacy,

Welcome back! Sounds like a lot has gone on in your life since you have been away, but you know clearly now what does and doesn't work for you...Great that you are going back to school! Chris

5-16-15, 4:47pm
Hi Stacy! Nice to see you back!

5-16-15, 5:42pm
Thanks for the welcome back, Gardenarian and Tussiemussies!

I've been doing some digital decluttering lately. I've cancelled a lot of subscriptions to blogs and newsletters, and have decreased my Facebook Likes and Friends list so much that it doesn't pay to check it. This forum is one of the few that made the cut! So you might see me here a little more often.

5-17-15, 6:48pm
Welcome back!

I took the Master Gardener class and was bored and annoyed because it was too little about gardening and too much about botany, not relevant to my interest as a backyard putterer. It's a wonder anyone wants to grow food after sitting through a semester of MG.

Still, it's nice to finally focus on what really grabs you, isn't it? Good luck and good fun with your pursuits. :)

5-17-15, 11:24pm
It's a wonder anyone wants to grow food after sitting through a semester of MG.

That's a good point. I'm wondering too much information actually killed my interest in it. Now I'm so worried about doing everything the "right" way, so I'm procrastinating about just sticking some seeds in the ground.
Now that I've admitted to myself that maybe gardening just isn't for me, it feels like a huge burden has been taken off my shoulders. I'm going to stick with the tiny raised-bed garden I already have and a few herbs growing in containers. Those are easy!

5-18-15, 12:22am
Herbs and tomatas, I tell ya.