View Full Version : He's here!

4-1-11, 5:33am
Travis George Griffith was (finally!) born this morning (April 1st) at 12:02AM. I did get my April Fool's Day baby. He's 8lbs 4oz and absolutely beautiful. I am so in love!

It took a long time to get things going, but it was worth it. I am not even kidding when I say that this labor was almost completely free of pain from start to finish. They kept thinking nothing was happening because even though my contractions showed up on the monitor I was still smiling and laughing and cheerful. By the time they checked me anyway I was dilated to 6. I got the epidural and a few hours of napping later I was fully dilated. 11pain free (but effort-filled) minutes later he was born. I'm really quite blown away by how easy the birth was. It was a pretty nice April Fools Day surprise.

4-1-11, 5:40am
Congratulations! I'm very happy for you.

4-1-11, 6:37am
Congratulations Stella! Enjoy every blessed minute

4-1-11, 6:39am
Each child is a new miracle.

4-1-11, 7:14am
Woo Hoo!!:cool:

4-1-11, 7:20am
Congratulations! Glad everything went so smoothly! Hope you all have peaceful, restful first days together.

4-1-11, 8:04am
Congrats! As a fellow April Fools baby, I can tell you it's always been a fun day for a birthday.

4-1-11, 8:35am
Congratulations Stella!!

4-1-11, 8:46am

4-1-11, 8:46am
That's wonderful Stella-I very happy for you all.

Float On
4-1-11, 8:52am
Congratulations! And Welcome Baby Travis!

4-1-11, 9:03am
Congratulations! I'm so glad you had a great birthing experience and that you and the baby are doing well. Wish I could hug you in person, but I guess we'll have to settle for a fake cyber hug :-)


I'll keep you and your whole family in my prayers as you make necessary adjustments at home. :-)

iris lily
4-1-11, 9:26am
Steall, that's so great to hear! Wonderful that everything went well.

Is he your biggest (at birth) baby? He's a nice size but not huge. Is he long, too?

4-1-11, 9:33am
Yipppeeee!! Congratulations Stella and family. I'm very happy for you all.

4-1-11, 9:40am
Congratulatios, Stella, and welcome to this wild ride of a world, Travis! :)

Sad Eyed Lady
4-1-11, 10:01am
Welcome to the world Travis George Griffith! Congratulations Mom and rest of the family!

4-1-11, 10:06am
yay! i'm so happy for you, stella! congrats to the whole family. :)

4-1-11, 10:14am
Thanks everyone! We are doing really well. Zach is going to bring the kids over pretty soon to meet their brother. I can't wait! That should be fun.

Iris, Travis is my second biggest baby. Bella was 8lbs 8oz, so she still holds the title, which is funny because, as you know, she's been kind of a peanut ever since. He's 19 1/2 inches long.

4-1-11, 10:41am
What great news!

4-1-11, 10:45am
How wonderful. Congratulations.

4-1-11, 11:05am
Tell Zack that the balance of boys/girls is shifting! Congrats to you both! Get some rest!!!

4-1-11, 11:15am
Congratulations! Very exciting news :)

4-1-11, 11:19am

4-1-11, 11:27am
That's great Stella! Congratulations!

4-1-11, 11:46am

4-1-11, 11:49am
Wonderful when everything goes so well....I am sure he is beautiful...

4-1-11, 12:48pm
Hey, congratulations, Stella, and a big welcome to the new little guy........

4-1-11, 1:28pm
Happy Baby! Glad it went well!

domestic goddess
4-1-11, 1:45pm
Travis George Griffith, Welcome to Life! We are all so happy he is here safely, and that everything went so well. He sounds such a nice size! I know you all will be happy to get home and start to get settled into something of a routine. Congrats to you all!

4-1-11, 2:12pm
Congrats Stella!! I wish you and the new Bambino great health and happiness!! Post some pics too. I was unable to have kids so have to live vicariously thru all you new parents - without having to change all those poopy diapers ;-)!

4-1-11, 2:42pm
Thanks everyone! I will defintiely post pictures later on. My dad just took the camera home to load the pics to the computer so they should be ready soon.

Junco, happy birthday! I am having fun daydreaming about all the fun April Fools Day birthday party ideas we could use in the future.

4-1-11, 3:38pm
Hi Stella,
Though I'm new to posting on this site, I've been reading other peoples' posts for awhile, & I've been following your pregnancy & your wonderful sharings. And now -- how great to hear all went well with giving birth & that your new baby is healthy & born into a splendid family. Congratulations!

4-1-11, 4:11pm
Thanks sumarie!

Here's a picture


4-1-11, 4:14pm
Congrats to you Stella and family!

4-1-11, 4:33pm
Yay! I've been checking often t see the news! Wonderful!! I bet he IS gorgeous! Congratulations & Blessings!

4-1-11, 4:34pm
What a sweet baby. Best wishes to you all.

4-1-11, 4:47pm
Awww, Stella, he is absolutely gorgeous!

4-1-11, 5:38pm
Glad for you that all went well and that he is healthy and sooooo darn cute. Congrats!

4-1-11, 6:07pm
As cute as a button!

4-1-11, 6:20pm
congratulations stella and family! And what a blessing to have had such an easy delivery after weeks of concern. May every day get better and better.

4-1-11, 6:22pm
Congratulations to you all!

Simpler at Fifty
4-1-11, 7:22pm
Congratulations to all of you.

4-1-11, 8:18pm
Congratulations to the happy family.

4-2-11, 5:34pm
Congratulations to you, Stella and family. Welcome, Travis. What a cutiepie!

4-2-11, 5:38pm
Thank you! He is such a sweet little boy! I am really enjoying getting to know him. He's an absolute love.

4-2-11, 6:27pm
Congrats Stella!!!!!

4-2-11, 7:26pm
What a gorgeous baby! Welcome, welcome Travis and congrats Stella and Zack! Hope James likes having a baby brother! The girls are experienced, of course.

Thanks so much for keeping your friends here updated! My step mother, one of my favorite people in the world, is an April Fool baby too....they are special!

4-2-11, 10:11pm
Looks like a strong, capable young man!

4-2-11, 10:20pm
Chiming in to add my good wishes to all of the others here. And isn't it funny how big your other kids look when they're next to their new baby brother? Best to everyone.

4-3-11, 12:05am
YAY! Happy New Baby dance!!!!

4-3-11, 6:35am

4-3-11, 8:13am
Many congrats! Hope you are all doing well!

4-3-11, 9:34am
Thank you! We're heading home today and I am so excited! He's such a wonderful addition to our family.

early morning
4-3-11, 7:16pm
Ya skip a day or so around here and miss all the excitement!! Congrats, Stella and family!

4-3-11, 7:51pm
Congratulations, how exciting!!!

4-4-11, 2:41pm

4-4-11, 2:52pm
Thanks again everyone! EJ I know we were due around the same time. How are you doing?

4-4-11, 4:15pm
Congratulations Stella and family. What a cutie Travis is.

dado potato
4-4-11, 4:27pm
This is really good news!

4-4-11, 4:57pm
Just want to add my belated congratulations! He's a beautiful child and so glad you had a (relatively) easy delivery.

4-4-11, 6:02pm
Aw...he is just perfect, Stella! And look at those cheeks! A handsome little fella for sure! ;-)

4-5-11, 3:32am
That's wonderful news! He's a cutie and I'm so glad you had an easy birth. Wish they would have had epidurals in my day. I did the 70's natural birth thing each time. Ouch!

2 girls, 2 boys - that is awesome!! :D Enjoy!!