View Full Version : New laptop

7-5-15, 1:39pm
I splurged (but paid for it with OT) on a new laptop. I got a MacBook Air (11"). Dang is it light! I love the Apple "continuity" functionality for iOS 8 and Yosemite where I can make phone calls, text, and start documents on one device (iPhone, iPad, MacBook) and finish on another (must be on same wifi network). I've also never had a laptop with a SSD drive before, so no fan! I like iCloud, too.

I'm a happy Apple geek. :~)

iris lilies
7-5-15, 3:08pm
I splurged (but paid for it with OT) on a new laptop. I got a MacBook Air (11"). Dang is it light! I love the Apple "continuity" functionality for iOS 8 and Yosemite where I can make phone calls, text, and start documents on one device (iPhone, iPad, MacBook) and finish on another (must be on same wifi network). I've also never had a laptop with a SSD drive before, so no fan! I like iCloud, too.

I'm a happy Apple geek. :~)

oh shut up. :laff: I am stuck with our godawful bill gates machine running the hideous, incomprehensible Windows 8 for a while longer since it is only 18 months old. Ready to switch to,Apple products as soon as I can.

meanwhile, I will have to actually read a manual to figure out some basics of this stupid thing.

my experience with iPad was great. It is easy to set up and use, and I assume same to be true with Apple computer.

7-5-15, 4:21pm
Tradd, I have a Macbook Air 11" as well and love it. Still finding out all the possibilities. I did add an iPhone 5S, refurbished, to replace my old flip phone so that I could take pictures, use my wifi at home for all.

7-5-15, 6:13pm
after 9 yrs my bare bones macbook died, it did not owe me one penny. It was my first Apple laptop and I will never go back. I bought the entry-level Macbook pro because I really want a DVD drive so I can watch films and be able to read the subtitles (I can't with tv). This is the last laptop with a DVD drive. I did sign up for One to One, $99 for 1 year, can go to unlimited number of sessions with a trainer. I am learning a lot from this. I hope this laptop lasts for 9 yrs as well. If it does, then the extra cost is justified because I have never gotten anything near 9 yrs with a PC or Windows laptop.

7-6-15, 12:21am
Tradd, no fan? What processor does it have that doesn't require a fan?

Freshstart, you also have the option to go with a USB or Firewire DVD drive. I have a couple netbooks, (running Linux) and prefer the larger cases with a full size drive in them, as they seem to hold up more then those portable DVD drives (where the thin cases get crunched in the middle, where the laser is).

7-6-15, 1:14pm
It has a SSD. No moving parts.

7-6-15, 9:26pm
Tradd, no fan? What processor does it have that doesn't require a fan?
The Airs have a newer Intel Celeron chip that doesn’t require much in the way of cooling; what it needs can be handled by careful design of the path of air through the chassis.

My year-old (new to me) MacBook Pro also has an SSD and I think I've heard the fans on it kick in all of twice, and that had nothing to do with the SSD; it was a badly-behaved process (think 'driver') from an installed (non-Apple) application taking up all the CPU. It was exorcised as soon as I recognized the problem.

As I posted in the monthly frugals thread, I got 8 years out of my previous MacBook Pro and it will live on as a file server; I hope to get 8 years out of this one as well. There certainly is enough evidence that it will.

Congratulations on the new computer, Tradd! I wish you many happy miles on it.

7-6-15, 10:27pm
love the Apple "continuity" functionality for iOS 8 and Yosemite where I can make phone calls, text, and start documents on one device (iPhone, iPad, MacBook) and finish on another (must be on same wifi network). I've also never had a laptop with a SSD drive before, so no fan! I like iCloud, too.

I'm a happy Apple geek. :~)

I know I can do all this, I just have to figure out how, lol. I love that the phone and IPad mini sync to the cloud without me having to do anything. I'll figure more stuff out as I go along, but I am content in my little Apple bubble. I even still use a very ancient IPod, it was the first one I ever had that could fit all of my iTunes in at once. I love it still. I brought it to an One to One session and the employees had never seen one like that, lol. I really like that Apple has the Genius Bar. I've also made out really well on things that stopped working after the warranty ended. That happened with an IPhone, it had been stepped on, it was done. They gave me a brand new one, not refurbed, even though it was out of warranty. It's that kind of support that creates a customer for life