View Full Version : SL groups in real life?

7-23-15, 10:10am
Have you ever been part of an SL group in real life? Are you currently part of an SL group in real life?

Please share your experiences.


7-23-15, 11:35am
Wondering what response your going to get. Seems to me dealing with others and scheduling it all would be the opposite of places like this, where one can post at their leisure.

7-23-15, 11:46am
Wondering what response your going to get. Seems to me dealing with others and scheduling it all would be the opposite of places like this, where one can post at their leisure.

I guess we'll find out... I am in two SL groups, but as you'll notice. I am on here a lot, partly because of my irl experiences. haha

But more on that after others share. :)

7-23-15, 11:55am
I attended one in Geneva, Illinois, about 18 years ago when they were big, YMOYL.

It was odd, as everyone was getting all excited about the new Gander Mountain--I guess we were in different places on our journey!! I did like the canoe pond at Gander Mountain, though, it was cool.

7-23-15, 11:59am
I attended one in Geneva, Illinois, about 18 years ago when they were big, YMOYL.

It was odd, as everyone was getting all excited about the new Gander Mountain--I guess we were in different places on our journey!! I did like the canoe pond at Gander Mountain, though, it was cool.

What struck you as odd about that? What do you mean different places in your journey?

Float On
7-23-15, 12:08pm
I'd be interested in sitting in on a group but there are no groups around here and I'm to 'simple' to do the work to get a group going. I'm sure there are a few groups north of me but I'm not going to drive 40 minutes to attend. That would just defeat the purpose of simplifying my life.

I'm sure you have a few stories from the 2 groups you attend, Jake. Do the hard-core sit on one side and glare at the slackers on the other side? Do the discussions become repetitive? Tell us the dynamics of each. Why do you attend 2 instead of just 1?

7-23-15, 12:15pm
I started a SL Facebook group with the intention to meet more people IRL, though I'm having a bit of trouble getting people willing to actually do activities, so haven't met anyone yet. But a few people are interested and we're planning a meet-up in early August with at least myself and 2 local SL bloggers. From these two blogs: http://www.raptitude.com/ http://www.freetopursue.com/ which I recommend.

And not really a group, but an SL alliance - next week I'm heading down to St. Paul, MN to meet up with fidgiegirl, who I met here on the SLF many years ago, but haven't met IRL yet.

7-23-15, 12:27pm
I'd be interested in sitting in on a group but there are no groups around here and I'm to 'simple' to do the work to get a group going. I'm sure there are a few groups north of me but I'm not going to drive 40 minutes to attend. That would just defeat the purpose of simplifying my life.

I'm sure you have a few stories from the 2 groups you attend, Jake. Do the hard-core sit on one side and glare at the slackers on the other side? Do the discussions become repetitive? Tell us the dynamics of each. Why do you attend 2 instead of just 1?

Float On:

One of the groups I attend is the local Minimalist group. What I found is that most people that attend are intrigued by the idea of minimalism, so they attend a meeting or two, perhaps after seeing an article on a blog or a little snippet of a local minimalist on the news. But that is as far as it goes. The idea of a "packing party" is daunting too them. Going through all their years of stuff just freezes them. So after a couple meetings I never see them again. There have been a few people who have stuck around though. These folks actively get rid of stuff, but they also buy more stuff. So they break even. The group meets once a month for an hour. I have only found one kindred spirit there. She is moving away though -- to Germany. haha

The other group was folks I met in the Northwest Earth Institute's Voluntary Simplicity class (Great course -- check it out! http://www.nwei.org/discussion-course-books/voluntary-simplicity/). These folks were mostly well-off, in their 50s, and thought of voluntary simplicity as downsizing from a 4000 square foot McMansion with a helicopter pad on the roof and 4 tennis courts in the back yard to a 1800 square foot condo with a jacuzzi in the rec room and a dog bathing service. Don't get me wrong, these are great folks! I consider them friends and we still hang out, which was the best part of taking this course. You make friends with people who think like you do! But I did not feel like I met any "brothers-in-arms." Ultimately, what I felt most frustrated about was after the voluntary simplicity class, none of them simplified their lives in any way any further. Some of them just went back to business as usual after the 8 week class.

My experience is that the "hardcore" were more like a quiet source of info. If the "slackers" had a question or idea, then they would try to answer or be helpful. There was a little tension back and forth: The hardcore were frustrated with the slackers for not practicing what they preach; the slackers were frustrated with the hardcore for "going to the extreme. haha. Typical stuff people do in any situation! haha

7-23-15, 1:44pm
Back around 2007 (before the crash) I invited 3 women in my neighborhood who were into simple living. We met for a few years until one decided to do things a certain way. I didn't want or need to keep up with anyone.. so it ended.

7-23-15, 1:45pm
Long before minimalism was a buzzword, DH and I used to attend a local voluntary simplicity group once a month. We held together for about 3 years as this was before widespread social media and face to face meetings were more prevalent. We would meet at each other's houses and share food while discussing a topic or book chapter. It formed during the last big boom (mid-90s I guess) when big SUVs and houses were everywhere. Ironically, the big house/fancy car stuff is back again almost two decades later but I haven't a clue where all our original members ended up. Except for meetups, everything seems to be online now.

7-23-15, 1:47pm
Back around 2007 (before the crash) I invited 3 women in my neighborhood who were into simple living. We met for a few years until one decided to do things a certain way. I didn't want or need to keep up with anyone.. so it ended.

Can you expand on this? :/