View Full Version : how to post pics in threads?

4-5-11, 3:02pm
I posted this in the practice forum under the "posting avatar & photo" thread. But not sure how many people look there so....

OK the computer dunce (me) finally got a scanner and started scanning some old photos (YAY ME! A digital camera is next). I figured out how to get them from my computer to my profile album here and also in an avatar as Gina suggested. And then on the practice forum I was able to put a photo into a post by clicking on the "go advance" button and then the "manage attachments" button. But none of the other forums have a "manage attachments" button and when I click on the "insert image" icon it just comes up with a place to put in the photos url. I don't know how to do that (Duh! & Doh!) or where to find the url for a particular photo in my profile album. So how do you do this? Isn't there a way to put a photo right from you album into a thread? :help::help:

4-5-11, 3:28pm
I store my photos on one of the online hosting sites, Picasa. I think any will work.

When I want to post it here or on similar forums, if I'm using a Windows machine, I get the URL off the image by right-clicking on the image and copying the "properties", which is the URL. Or by copy-and-pasting the URL the hosting site offers me in a little dialog box on the screen, if I don't just want the standard preview image. On an IoS device, "right-clicking" offers me the option to "copy" the image, which has the effect of stashing the URL in the cut-and-paste buffer.

Once I have the actual URL, I hand-insert the IMG tags in my text.

4-5-11, 4:06pm
I guess I'd have to put the photos on another site right? I'll try and do what you said to my photos here first.

4-5-11, 4:31pm
Your photos have to be somewhere where there is a server that can provide a URL to them, to use the approach I mention above.

If they are sitting on your PC, unless your PC is running a web server, you're out of luck.

4-5-11, 4:36pm
And I've found Picasa to be a pretty simple, trouble-free way to host reasonable numbers of pictures to share with folks. I suspect many of the other free photo hosting sites work well too, I've just not tried them.

4-5-11, 4:37pm
Thanks. I just tried to copy and paste a photo from the profile album to here and it sort of worked - but instead of a pic it came up with the url that had to be clicked on. Oh well, guess I'll just have to put my trip pics in the profile section to share - which is fine. But I will check out Picassa. I really know nothing about computers and this was my first try (EVER) at trying to copy and paste anything. Thanks again.

4-6-11, 12:07am
I guess I'd have to put the photos on another site right? I'll try and do what you said to my photos here first.
No, you don't have to use a second site. Just download the pics into an album here (at your own profile) then click on the image in your album, copy the second line - the one with the image tag , then paste that into your just posted message via the edit feature. It's quite simple once you learn the ropes.


4-6-11, 11:14am
No, you don't have to use a second site. Just download the pics into an album here (at your own profile) then click on the image in your album, copy the second line - the one with the image tag , then paste that into your just posted message via the edit feature. It's quite simple once you learn the ropes.


Alan said the same in the practice forum and it worked - will try it here again....


Didn't work will try again.

4-6-11, 11:31am
trying again...


Yay! It worked (I rock - for a computer dunce :-)!!) Thanks Gina

4-6-11, 11:54am
Congrats Spartana! :) I know the exact feeling of trying something over and over again with no success, then suddenly it's there!

4-6-11, 12:35pm
Congrats Spartana! :) I know the exact feeling of trying something over and over again with no success, then suddenly it's there!

Yeah I'm an idiot when it comes to computers. I've been computer-less for over 10 years and only last year got a laptop. Really only used it to go online so never bothered to learn anything about it. But then people always want you to send pics (old and new) and finally figured out how to do that (so unbelievably easy!!) so am excitedly experimenting now. You guys are my guinea pigs. I know how to delete things here in case I do something embarrassing like accidently post every baby picture of me I scanned! And I AM showing off a bit (a lot :devil:)!! Always talk about things I do/have done and now can post some pics.

Gina - your cat pic cracks me up! Next I'll scan my pet pics (have the cutest/ugliest dogs on the planet!!)

4-7-11, 4:22pm
OK this answers another question I had.... If I delete the photos from my profile album does it delete them from my posts? Apparently yes because all my photos are gone from the posts.

re-added a photo to my album but then I had to re-insert the photo back into the post by copy and paste as it didn't do it automaticly even though the BB img code was still there. learning "geekish" just isn't my thing I guess :-)! I'll go back to the practice boards now..... :treadmill: