View Full Version : 14 days into CycleMonth

9-14-15, 10:14am
In addition to realizing how much money I am saving on gas (this last tank has lasted a long time!) and the feeling of being just a wee bit more physically fit I noticed today two other things:
1. Delays to my gratification.
2. Work-arounds are key!

Last night for instance, I wanted to make a smoothie. But I was out of milk. It was already dark out and I did not want to cycle to the store in the dark. So I decided to simply wait until today to buy some milk. Instead I had a small glass of leftover cider from my sis's wedding on Saturday.

Gratification was delayed.

I work near a Whole Foods grocery, so I can walk over there and get some cold items (like organic milks and such) and fragile items (like soft WW bread and organic eggs) that take a beating on my bike. I can keep these items in the fridge at work then drive them home at the end of the day. Obviously, Whole Foods is too expensive and overpriced for me to do all my shopping there, but these specialty items are about the same costs most anywhere.

All the tougher grocery items I can get at regular store within cycling distance from my house!

Work around.