View Full Version : Bears in our yard

9-20-15, 11:19am
This has been the biggest year of having black bears in our yard. we live on the west coast of Canada.\\

This year there are 5 bears near our house. I just saw a huge one go down the driveway and our compost is busted open again. There is not much in there that a normal bear would want, but they are hungry.

No berries this time of year as everything came so early because of the heat, so they are forced to come into town. This is a sad environmental issue that I only see getting worse each year.

Time to dig that compost stuff right into the garden. hoo boy

Teacher Terry
9-20-15, 12:06pm
That is really sad. When I lived in Northern Wis the only time we saw them was when they were hungry because no berries, etc.

9-21-15, 1:18am
Hope you don't have the issue some friends of mine in Sandpoint had. When they built their cabin, the property had a hunting shack on it before, and the bears tore the new, full propane tank up. Thankfully no boom.

9-21-15, 6:19am
In Alaska, you can be fined $1,000 or more for any improperly stored trash or garbage. Bears are a known hazard and they are a danger to any other animal, think human animal. But they are usually dealing with brown or grizzly bears.

9-21-15, 1:18pm
We also have had black bears around our house last year. They were going after our garbage and once we put it inside, they haven't come back...maybe your compost is the attraction. We got a compost tumbler for this reason and they didn't come around at all..good luck.

9-21-15, 1:21pm
It is sad when this happens to wild animals and their habitats.

9-21-15, 1:32pm
In my neighborhood it isn't all the bears, it is the polecats! They are everywhere! I see them lollygagging in the evenings and all the time at night. I often still see them strutting around in the mornings too.

9-21-15, 6:36pm
what is a polecat ultralite?

9-21-15, 6:37pm
trying to minimize the smell of the compost. I am a vegan so it is always full of kitchen scraps. I am stripping the leaves off last year's branches and putting them in with each load. More brown is what I need.

9-21-15, 7:19pm
what is a polecat ultralite?

9-27-15, 8:17pm
It must be the time of year for bears to be on the move. I live in central Massachusetts and we had several residents report on a black bear at the town forest near a road. I have actually seen a black bear at this time of year in a town not to far away during a lunch hour walk in a rural cemetery. We have abundant water and forest around here. But, it's almost the anniversary date of when I saw the one about four years ago now. I wonder if it's the same one?

9-27-15, 8:51pm
sadly our town had to kill quite a few bears this year.

9-27-15, 8:52pm
That is so sad Kally...

9-27-15, 9:51pm
there must be enough of them that they are allowed to be killed? still sad.

I cannot imagine one on my yard! I was oblivious when I was leaving for work, I would've walked out, got in my car (unless eaten first), looked up, saw the bear and screamed, lol.

the townhouse I lived in had woods in the middle section but it was small. We had a bunch of coyotes, they ate peoples' cats and small dogs. I had an 8 lb dog and a fence but I still stayed with him. It was like the coyotes couldn't find "real" woods and the pack hunkered down in a few acres of suburbia.

9-27-15, 10:58pm
well the salmon are running now, so hopefully they will be diverted to that.
A guy was sat on the other day in town. A bear had cubs and was spooked by his dog. The bear didn't exactly attack the guy, but just sat on him, minor injuries. I would have had a heart attack at that point.

9-27-15, 11:43pm
sat on him??? did he have his blankie and favorite book? that poor (lucky) man, but it sounds so funny!

9-28-15, 9:31am
The bears come down into Santa Fe occasionally, usually just to the fruit trees on the east side of town. There was one close to our neighborhood a few years ago. I always worry about my bee hives near the arroyo that begins in the mountains on the east side of town, but they have not been bothered by bears yet.

Float On
9-28-15, 9:52am
The bears come down into Santa Fe occasionally, usually just to the fruit trees on the east side of town. There was one close to our neighborhood a few years ago. I always worry about my bee hives near the arroyo that begins in the mountains on the east side of town, but they have not been bothered by bears yet.

I've told Weston and his friends to be careful hiking around the college and to watch for bears. Ever have any wander through campus? We've had black bear in our back yard but it's been a couple years since I've seen one. They've moved into our area from AR where they do have a blackbear hunting season.

9-28-15, 11:01am
there must be enough of them that they are allowed to be killed? still sad.

They are allowed to be killed if one is in imminent danger. Sandpoint Idaho (where some friends have a place) made the news a bit back, after a bear got stuck in the door, trying to come through the pet door. It was a momma bear whose cubs were on the porch. My understanding of the story is the bear unstuck itself, but a few days later the homeowners came home to find it in their kitchen (don't think it made it out of that one).