View Full Version : Amtrak ?s

10-12-15, 1:07pm
I have never taken a train as transportation. I am contemplating a move to SC, so my commute to Father's would be to MI. Amtrak has depots in both towns. However as I can see the route takes about 24 hours! Stopping in DC and Chicago for ruffly 6 hours each lay over. Questions: has anyone had to lay over in those stations? Would I wander and feel safe? I am not really bothered as much of the time allowed, since driving would take me 11 hours and I would have to stop and rest probably as I know how traffic and tiredness gets to me.

Float On
10-12-15, 1:26pm
Find out of the DC Metro line runs near the Amtrack depot. I'd hop on that in a heartbeat and go enjoy the city for a few hours. Infact I did that as a junior in high school when we were all dropped off at the airport for our flights and my flight wasn't until 6 hours later. I just went off on the metro and did a few extra things I hadn't had the chance to do before. I'd also see what the options were near the Chicago depot, I'd probably even take a cab if needed and go visit some sights.

I was just looking at Amtrack the other day to see what options my son in NM would have for coming home at christmas. For him he'd have a 6 hour layover in KC before getting to the station closer to us so it looks like I'd be better off driving to KC to pick him up. Seems like they have a lot of 6 hour layovers. Hmmm.

iris lilies
10-12-15, 1:30pm
My friend was raped in the
Kansas City bus station years ago, long before Amtrak existed. Just saying. Be safe, stay with the crowd.

10-12-15, 1:35pm
I really suspect that it is safer to take the train and be in stations etc. than driving. I still fly even though planes have been known to fall out of the sky. 6 hours in DC or Chicago would be interesting. Research to learn where the stations are and what local transportation exists which is probably pretty good. But all depends on when you arrive. Not much safe to do around 2am anywhere. Stations are not as nice as in Europe or Japan but adequate.

10-12-15, 1:37pm
If the Amtrac stops at Union Station it's easy to get into the metro system in DC. Depends on the time of day, though. Do you have to change trains?

10-12-15, 1:50pm
Union Station in Chicago has a lot of traffic from commuter rail, so there are a lot of people around. It's in the west loop and there is plenty to see around there. Just keep your head on a swivel and your electronics tucked away

10-12-15, 2:27pm
DC's Union Station is very nice, and the Metro is right in it. You could easily spend 6 hours in the area without worrying about straying so far you'll miss your connection.

10-12-15, 2:51pm
I think Chicago station is very nice, but I haven't been there in 15 years, I will admit!
My son used to take the train from Chicago/Boston for college.

10-12-15, 3:06pm
My family uses Amtrak a lot. The 6 hour layovers seem to be insurance for late trains. They often are a few hours off schedule so your layovers might be shorter/longer than predicted.

10-12-15, 3:15pm
Thanks all. I drove the long drive to MI from TN and back all the time when mom was ill. Now if we go south again I will not let that crazy train drive control me for my wanting to visit Dad. SO I am really looking at Amtrak. I am telling myself that 24 in the train and stations is better then the long car ride by myself. I guess I was very surprised how long the lay overs were, now Tammy thinks they may be longer then scheduled:0!

10-12-15, 4:11pm
I would also look at the cost of amtrak vs the cost of flying. My only experience with amtrak was years ago and only between nyc and boston and nyc and washington dc. I preferred the train since it was a much nicer experience and didnt take any longer door to door, but there was no cost savings and sometimes even a slightly higher price than flying.

10-12-15, 8:44pm
Ok the trip equals out with transfers/layovers 47 hours and 59 minutes. I guess that is not even an option sadly.