View Full Version : Simple Songs That are Simply Good

10-13-15, 8:37pm
I don't know what thread it was that a few of us discussed the loss our our pets, mine being my buddy, my pal, my friend Mela, a golden retriever of special quality......

Well, of course everyone who has a tv has probably seen the Subaru commercial about dogs with the accompanying music of Willie Nelson. Well it is a really simple song but a simply good one.

it is called ....I've loved You all Over the World.

10-13-15, 9:09pm
haven't see that but my dog is named Buddy, too!

10-14-15, 10:00pm
I have lost all of my dogs over a twenty-eight year period. I loved them so deeply, I don't think I could listen to this song....I am very sorry for the loss of your Buddy...and for you also fresh start...

10-14-15, 11:10pm
Thanks Tussiemussies and back at you for all the little guys you lost. Ok, I watched, it's a tear jerker but Willie makes it all better

This is my forgetful time of the day, I may have said this already. I had a mini-dachshund named Mitch. The breeder could not get rid of him because the mother dog was run over by a Caddy while pregnant, she weighed 9 lbs and lived and Mitch was the only surviving puppy. I said I'll take him, before the 100 reasons this would not be a good dog to adopt took hold. He was brain damaged but not badly, he could not learn much. And he was incontinent of urine for 11 freaking years. But I loved him, so sweet. I sleep on my side with my knees bent. For 11 years he slept behind my knees.

Anyway, in the middle of the night, I am confused. The way my room is set up is exactly the same in my old house. So I wake up, think I am there and open the closet door because that is where my BR was in the old house. So clothes stare back at me, not a toilet. I start to realize something is wrong, I have no clue where I am, but I do remember that we combined households. I see a light on at the other end of the house, it's my night owl mom. She gets me re-oriented, that I live here, everything is ok and she makes the Herculean effort to walk me to my room. She'll chat, meanwhile no Mitch anywhere, I ask for help to find him and she tells me he has been gone for a few years now. Then she is stuck with me crying. How can I not remember that he is gone but remember the day I took him in to be put down? Dogs- they get me every time.

After a few nights of this crap, I pop my head in to say goodnight. My dad says, "Do not pee in your closet, there is a post-it with directions to the BR on your dresser. Also, your closet does not lead to Narnia. I'm not doing this every night so I'm gonna give it to you straight- Mitch is dead and has been for 3 years. But you have Buddy and Bernice. Any questions? No? Then get the **** outta here!"

It's the weirdest thing to be grieving a dog after so many years. I think it's Groundhog Day, everyday is the same, so I expect Mitch, get upset about this, then I'm fine, only to do it the next 4 nights.

10-15-15, 11:31am
That Subaru commercial with a man, his dog, and a bucket list is sublime.

10-15-15, 12:12pm
That Subaru commercial with a man, his dog, and a bucket list is sublime.

Oh man.........I got a knot in my chest. I've loved and lost so many pets. They are just so special.
Tussiemussies.......you're probably right not to watch it.

10-16-15, 8:55pm
You are right Cathy A, sometimes it is just too hard to watch things like that...

Fresh start, I am so sorry for what you go through during the night being confused about your dog. It sounds like you deeply loved him and that love and memory is always there even when you wake at night. They sure leave a lot of love in our hearts...chris

10-16-15, 9:23pm
Tying a couple of threads together, it's hard for me to believe that so much love could come to nothing. I know I scoff at some of the more practical belief systems but, spiritually, I'm sorry UA, but for all that I can't get behind organized religion I don't think I can believe that this much love is, in the end, nothing. I have no idea what the answer is, but this much love ... has weight. maybe it only has weight like light has weight, but ... I believe it does. I believe it's not only perceived, but real in some tangible way.

An aside, thank you Freshstart, for reporting so honestly back from the land of not-quite-there. I fear the things you speak of, and I find great reassurance in your ability to move between a place that is memory and a place that is now, a live reporter from the land of what is possibly ahead for any of us. I am so sorry for your suffering, and yet you give me peace somehow. I hope that you come back forever from that place, but thank you so much for your pioneering efforts to show us.

10-17-15, 7:31pm
thanks, guys, you've all been very kind. I appreciate it. It certainly is a strange way to be and I hope they can reverse it. If they can't, I hope it just stays at this level.

I'm a terrible atheist and a terrible Catholic, I take what I want from both, I flip/flop depending on the day. I agree that all that love cannot be nothing in the end. For all I believe in science and proof, in randomness and things do not happen for a reason, it all flies out the window when I am with my dogs. When one of their faces looks back at me with trust and love, how can I believe everything is random or there is nothing more?

When I was 9, I had a very much loved dog. We went to church for the blessing of the animals and it felt meaningful. I asked my priest if dogs have souls. He said only humans have souls. I don't believe that for a second, you can even throw in cats. That was my first turning away from the Church. They really need better PR with children, lol

10-17-15, 7:43pm
When I was 9, I had a very much loved dog. We went to church for the blessing of the animals and it felt meaningful. I asked my priest if dogs have souls. He said only humans have souls. I don't believe that for a second, you can even throw in cats. That was my first turning away from the Church. They really need better PR with children, lol

I was curious if this was still a widespread Catholic belief and came across this very interesting article:


Too bad your encounter back then wasn't with the current Pope!

10-17-15, 9:02pm
I was curious if this was still a widespread Catholic belief and came across this very interesting article:


Too bad your encounter back then wasn't with the current Pope!

I was named for Pope Francis, and for my grandfather, and I have always been interested in St Francis' teachings. So it's kind of cool there is another Pope Francis and that he said this. Thank you for posting it.

"While that 'dominion' means use for human benefit, it also requires stewardship — humane care and feeding — something all farmers who raise animals practice every day of every year," Warner added.
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/pope-francis-says-theres-a-place-for-pets-in-heaven-while-conservative-catholics-preach-animals-have-no-souls-131124/#PeUvK7hToCZpS6dh.99

"While that 'dominion' means use for human benefit, it also requires stewardship — humane care and feeding — something all farmers who raise animals practice every day of every year," Warner (Head of the National Pork Producers council) added. Um, what? Yeah, maybe local small farmers but most meat is not from animals on a nice little farm, allowed to run free. Irony, anyone? Guess he hasn't seen Food, Inc or this hellacious clip from a doc called Samsara:


I cannot get past 56 seconds.

The National Pork Councils vs the Pope. Unfortunately, I think they will win