View Full Version : Couch spring fix

4-7-11, 6:15pm
We have a reasonably nice sofa and loveseat. Cheaply made but I'm serviceable. The cusions and such are fine but the springs in the couch have gone - it still works but it's liked getting sucked into a vortex when sitting and getting out of the couch often requires assistance (just kidding about that last part.

I had previously tried put some particle board shelves under the cusions. This worked for awhile but I think they were too rigid because it less comfortable. They've since disintegrated and I'm looking for a better, easy, frugal thing to try and save this couch!


4-7-11, 8:11pm
I don't know Matt - sounds to me like it's time for a new couch!

4-7-11, 9:15pm
I don't know Matt - sounds to me like it's time for a new couch!

My wife likes that idea! I do too but we're just trying to make it do until we tackle a few other priorities.

4-7-11, 10:18pm
They don't make couches like they used to. I've been very frustrated by how soon they wear out these days. A furniture salesman said to me recently that you are lucky if they last even 5 years and never beyond 7 years. I remember my Grandma's having the same couches all of my life. They had them recovered a couple times, but the basic structure of the couch held up, and held up well for years and years....

My neighbor stuffed large flatter type bedroom pillows under her couch cushions. It was an easy fix until she was able to buy a new one.

4-8-11, 10:26am
My neighbor stuffed large flatter type bedroom pillows under her couch cushions. It was an easy fix until she was able to buy a new one.

Thanks! I've been goofing around w/ this this morning and think I can get it to work well enough to get a bit more life out of it.

4-8-11, 12:22pm
Can you shore up the springs from the bottom instead of putting the particle board on top?

early morning
4-8-11, 11:14pm
our [free] old beat-up couch has had a lot of modifications. For that vortex, we attached pieces of wood to the bottom of the couch and screwed them into the frame. We stuffed the worst holes with old pillows, wrapped the cushions with an old comforter, and found a [NEW] slipcover at a yard sale. Looks fine, and is quite comfortable again. We keep looking at new sofas, but they are all ugly and expensive. When this one dies with no hope of reincarnation, we may sit on the floor! Good luck with the sofa mattj!

4-9-11, 4:51am
I have a couch story--about 6 years ago we bought a very expensive leather couch. I loved it but about 3 years in, the middle cushion sagged, looked terrible, and made the whole couch uncomfortable. We moved 3 years ago and I bought a new couch for the family room (kept the old one for the TV room). I was telling the saleswoman about my disappointment with my older couch and she told DH to turn it over and check to see that all the wires connecting the springs were secure and in place as sometimes this causes cushion sagging. DH never did as she suggested. Fast foward to last week. I was cleaning and told DH that after vacation I was thinking of replacing the leather couch. Ten minutes later the couch was upside down and the bottom fabric removed. Guess what? Two support boards were cracked and hanging together by threads. DH replaced those boards with 2 x 4s and my couch is as good as new and comfortable. I guess it sometimes pays to threaten to buy new expensive stuff!!