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4-8-11, 9:44am
GIRL! The doctor says we are having a girl. She is fiesty but healthy; we couldn't be more thrilled. Now I just need some cute ideas for a nursery. Any ideas?

4-8-11, 10:03am
How exciting! Little girls are so much fun! I can't wait to see pictures of her! I know, that part is a while off still.

Cheyenne and Bella had a really cute nursery when they were babies. It was painted lilac with white accents. My sister painted sweet little fairies in unexpected corners all over the room. Over the crib she painted a little red-headed fairy and a dark haired fairy looking down into the crib. It was supposed to be me and Auntie watching over them. On the door she painted two little elves making mischief that were supposed to be their toddler/preschooler cousins. On the door she painted a fairy castle with a poem she had written for them. It was very cute and personal.

4-8-11, 10:19am
Congrats to you Kat. I know you'll have tons of fun decorating the nursery.

domestic goddess
4-8-11, 11:49am
Oh, I love little girls. When dd was born, we only had a girl name picked out. If she had been a boy, we were out of luck!
Her dad's mother made drapes with animals on them, and they were really cute. We bought a crib from someone dh worked with, which way yellow. We painted it white and painted everyother vertical bar red, kind of like a circus train car. Go for something bright, and try an interest of yours and dh's that you can see yourselves pursuing with your daughter.

4-8-11, 1:05pm
Congrats, Kat!! My 2 girls have been much more 'work' than my son, with all
the drama, there is never a dull moment!! Enjoy this preparation time!

4-8-11, 2:32pm
What have always wanted to have that is fun and cheerful, do that. Enjoy the prep time!

4-8-11, 2:38pm
First of all - CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Now...

Read The Female Brain, by Louann Brizendine. It's truly amazing! No decoration help, sorry... I have always thought nurseries were way too cutsey, and once the baby is a kid, you have to paint it all again...

Float On
4-8-11, 3:43pm
With my first one I did a themed nursery and my parents spent $500 on a beautiful crib.....with the 2nd one 11.5 mts later he was lucky to get anything at all including a borrowed crib.

If I can think of it there is a blog I visit and she is expecting and filled a few pages with beautiful nursery pictures.

early morning
4-8-11, 10:50pm
Oh, congrats, enjoy! I'm not big on themes but back in the dark ages I did put up one wall of wall paper of violets and dancing mice in the nursery, and my friends all chipped in for a large (I had an OLD crib...) crib set in the same colors. It was the same for kid 2. It was fun, but the kids don't really remember it at all. Babies don't care about decor, lol.

4-10-11, 8:27am
Congratulations! Such an exciting time....although be forewarned someday that girl will talk and call you "Mother". :).....love her to pieces!

4-10-11, 8:54am
Thanks, everyone, for the well wishes and the decorating. Fairies, gardens, the circus, dancing mice? Oh my. Those ideas are seriously cute! What a bunch of creative people you are (and how lucky your little girls have been)! I'm not overly creative, I'm afraid. I am horrible at choosing colors and can't seem to envision things large scale or completed. So what I usually do with decorating is gather inspiration from others and then shamelessly copy LOL

Here is the direction we are taking the nursery (found on the Dear Lillie blog):


It is basically toffee, cream, and white with pink accents (The woman who runs this blog is so talented! I think her home is just beautiful!). I think DH and I might even do the branch project and include my old baptismal gown and teddy bear. I know it isn't very colorful, but it is sort of vintage-y, which I like, and I think it will transition nicely into older childhood (which is something redfox's comment made me think about). I shouldn't have to buy much to complete it, which is good, since, as some of you pointed out, the baby could care less and it's really just for my benefit LOL

P.S. @redfox--I am going to see if the library has that book you mentioned. I love, love, LOVE physiological psychology, so an entire book about the female brain sounds absolutely fascinating. :-)

4-10-11, 9:21am
Kat that is so pretty! I love it! You are right that will transition well when she's older. My girls would love that. Actually, I would love that.

I know the babies don't care about the nursery, but it is so much fun putting them together. At least I enjoy it.

4-12-11, 8:05pm
I'm so happy for you Kat! My first baby was a girl too. I still reflect on that fact and count my blessings that I was able to ease my way into motherhood with a girl first! Probably sounds silly I know, but that's just how I felt... (Being a woman and all I knew what I was getting into- kind of/sort of). I wasn't ready for peeing little boys so soon! :) Contended with that with my nephews! :laff:

I love the pictures of the pretty baby nursery. I went with traditional. Typical white crib, white six drawer dresser, and an old wooden chair I lovingly adopted from a neighbour that I sanded, repainted, and decorated with a padded seat cushion.