View Full Version : Can anyone giveme some information about ovarian cancer?

4-8-11, 10:04am
First of all, this contains details that not everyone will want to read so be warned-please.

I spoke to my mother last night and she is being tested for ovarian cancer. She is 60+, has had a hysterectomy in her 30's and is experiencing vaginal bleeding. She had one ovary removed, her uterus and cervix.

She was given a pap smear and it was so bad that they immediately did an ultra sound. Two hours later they called and scheduled her to come back monday for additional testing.

I looked on line and everything seems to lead back to ovarian cancer no matter how I research it. And ovarian cancer has very bleak statics when it comes to survival rates.

So, does anyone out there know more than me? I'm not trying to over react but I do want to be prepared if necessary. Obviously she's going to need me to be strong and help her if its bad news.

What else could it be? Its not an infection.

I feel like this test on monday is to see how advanced the cancer is not to see if it is cancer.

I can handle any thoughts you might want to share no matter what they may be so don't hold back if it sounds bad. So if this is familiar territory to anyone please share what you know.


Float On
4-8-11, 10:08am
I don't know any more than you do but hugs, prayers, and good thoughts sent to you and your mom.

4-8-11, 10:19am
It seems odd that they didn't give you any information from the ultrasound before scheduling more testing.

Best wishes to you and your mom - I hope they find the answer, and that it's something that can be cured.

4-8-11, 10:25am
That was my thought too, Rosemary. And part of the reason I feel like this is really bad-like they want to figure out how far its spread and determine method of treatment before the freak my mom out with any news.

4-9-11, 5:32pm
Nobody knows anything? Ok, only two more days until I get some information about test results. I hope I'm over-reacting to a bunch of nothing.

5-3-11, 4:30pm
Hi bke,
Just checking in to see how things are going with your mom--

I hope that she (and you are doing okay).

Sending positive thoughts and hugs your way!

5-3-11, 5:06pm
Thanks baybay.

It turns out mom is ok for now. The general practioner that she saw determined that it wasn't cancer. She kind of took a guess at things and said it was some old scar tissue that was bleeding. Apparently they sew the vagina shut when they do a hysterectomy and they think that is the source of the problem. Mom is supposed to have an appt. with a gynecologist as a follow up but I don't know if she has made arrangements yet.

5-3-11, 6:39pm
Thanks for sharing the good news.

Please make sure she follows up in case there is more to it than scar tissue. Best of luck!

5-3-11, 7:44pm
They sew the vagina shut? Do they do this as prep for the procedure and then un-sew after the procedure is over?

5-3-11, 9:24pm
i think she means they sew it shut at the top, where the cervix is removed.

5-3-11, 10:11pm
Glad you have good news bke....

5-3-11, 10:28pm
Do you know the reason for sewing at the top? I am curious as my wife is having a hysterectomy this summer. The OB didn't say anything about sewing anything shut:-)

5-3-11, 10:40pm
"Do you know the reason for sewing at the top? I am curious as my wife is having a hysterectomy this summer. The OB didn't say anything about sewing anything shut:-) " (Reyes)

Not to worry.......when they do the hysterectomy, the vagina no longer leads into the uterus, because the uterus is no longer there. So they close the opening at the top of the vagina that would ordinarily lead into the uterus, so as to provide the same sort of separation from the outside world that the uterus provided the other organs in the abdomen when it was present.

Imagine you had some kind of mental picture of no longer having access? Nope, it's all cool.......

5-4-11, 8:32am
Oh gosh, sorry for not being more specific. Loosechickens explained it perfectly.

My mother had her hysterectomy in the early 80's and the speculation is that the old scar tissue is deteriorating.