View Full Version : First snowfall traditions?

10-30-15, 2:53pm
Here in Ohio it is turning cold, gray, gloomy, and it drizzles all day nearly every day.

Snow will be here soon.

I have this tradition of making a giant stack of pancakes on the day of the first snowfall each year.

If it is a weekend then its usually as a brunch. If it is on a weekday then I make them for dinner. :)

I make a ton and offer them to housemates or whoever is around.

Does anyone else do anything to mark the first snowfall? It'll be here soon!

10-30-15, 2:59pm
I simply get giddy with glee:cool:

10-30-15, 3:10pm
I simply get giddy with glee:cool:

Far fewer calories!

10-30-15, 3:55pm
As I've mentioned, my DS got married the weekend before last, up in central VT, in the valley. It was a bittersweet event for DDIL, whose mother died of cancer a few years back. They got married in the same place her mother and father met and married in 1981. UA, this is going to be an eye-roller for you, but I swear to God, it was a magical weekend in the sense that a) we saw THREE rainbows--one on Friday and two on Saturday, b) it rained but the sun came out for 15 minutes when the bridal party pictures were supposed to be taken (outside) and c) the snow came down during the ceremony, and it was the first snowfall of the season, which supposedly is a big deal in VT. Sorry, hate to get all irrational on you, but it was hard not to feel that DDIL's mother was sending signs of approval.

That's how I celebrated the first snowfall this year.

10-30-15, 3:57pm
That is quite an occasion, to say the least! Thanks for sharing. :)

10-30-15, 3:59pm
It's our tradition to get out the snow boots, shovels, and all that "stuff", and remove it from the drive. :laff: I, too, get "giddy with glee" because I love snow.

I make high-protein pancakes. Add pumpkin seeds and you really increase the protein level. We have pancakes for breakfast every Monday morning - why wait for it to snow....

10-30-15, 4:02pm
It's our tradition to get out the snow boots, shovels, and all that "stuff", and remove it from the drive. :laff: I, too, get "giddy with glee" because I love snow.

I make high-protein pancakes. Add pumpkin seeds and you really increase the protein level. We have pancakes for breakfast every Monday morning - why wait for it to snow....

Ha! I do my share of snow shoveling too. But that is not my favorite part.

I like to put on my boots and take a walk around a nearby lake though. The heavy snow, the iced over lake, so quiet.

10-30-15, 4:24pm
Generally I scream, cry, and go back to bed. But your pancake stack sounds a lot better.

10-30-15, 5:51pm
Mine is....OH YAY YAY YAY YAY YAYA IT'S *SNOWING*!!!!! Yippeeee!!! Then I'll go dancing all over the house, look out the window, put on my coat and run outside and stand in the middle of the all the flakes enjoying them falling on me, and perhaps trying to catch a few, until I get too cold. Then I'll go back in the house, dance around it again, look out the window numerous times to check that it's still snowing. Go back outside to stand in it when I'm warmed up enough, and this will go on for quite a while. I'll even send messages to friends on the internet that say things like, SNOW!!!!!!!

10-30-15, 6:13pm
I have never had the pleasure of a first snowfall:(

10-30-15, 6:16pm
It is really just making the best out of a bad situation. I'd like to move to Florida! haha

10-30-15, 6:27pm
Does anyone else do anything to mark the first snowfall? It'll be here soon!
Cuss a lot? :devil:

Seriously, it's time for the checklist: winter tires on both cars, a fresh gallon of gasoline for the snowblower and one of those packets of oil/stabilizer to put in it, moving a snow shovel to just by the back door, and moving the ground-up corn cobs to a container in the front closet for use as traction grit. I'm afraid we don't celebrate the first snowflakes at all.

10-30-15, 6:28pm
I don't celebrate either. Its more resignation of "we have 6 more months of THIS". <sigh>

10-30-15, 9:10pm
I write it on the calendar. For the last 25 years the first snow represented the first inch of over 100 inches of snow I would be shoveling, snow blowing, plowing and roof raking off a huge driveway and back deck. No celebration just somber resignation.

10-31-15, 2:18am
This will (I hope) be our first year with snow!
No traditions...I'll have to invent something. Maybe pumpkin pie? Or possibly a hike...

10-31-15, 1:13pm
Get the blues... winter is OFFICIALLY here. Nothing to celebrate. It represents work in shoveling, dreary days, possible ice and COLD. Can't wait until I can go where it is warm for the winter.

10-31-15, 8:53pm
I typically get a fire going in the woodstove, pour a little toddy in the evening, and read something I didn't have the patience to read in good weather.

Mary B.
11-1-15, 1:12am
I'm listening to our second pineapple express rain tonight -- the heavy, soaking rains that come up to the west coast of Canada from Hawaii, bringing warm temperatures (it was +17 yesterday) and lots and lots of water. I think of this as the equivalent of celebrating the first snowfall. (I was not able to celebrate that quite so happily; hence the move to the west coast.)

11-1-15, 9:27am
It is really just making the best out of a bad situation. I'd like to move to Florida! haha

I went to college in Miami. Apparently when I, and my classmates, were in fourth grade it snowed there. They all had pictures of themselves getting snowed on. Everyone, that is, but one friend. He was in Ohio visiting relatives at the time and missed it. (And it didn't snow while he was in Ohio so as far as I know he is the only person I have ever met who hasn't seen it snow.)

Zoe Girl
11-1-15, 10:24am
I think in Colorado the weather is so changeable that I don't see the first snowfall the same way. It can snow in September and be 70 in December so the seasons are just not what you expect in other places. Now the aspens turning are a big deal, and gorgeous. So I celebrate the changing of the leaves by getting out my tall boots and sweaters (I don't actually have enough clothes to put any in storage but that is the idea)

6-7-16, 1:13pm
Going out and walking in it and make snow ice cream while enjoying my woodstove burning away.:)