View Full Version : Soy milk.

1-2-11, 5:54pm
In keeping with my new direction as to improving my existing well balanced and healthy diet, I've now included/incorporated Soy Milk to the list. Delicious! So far it's a real winner in our home.

Anyone else a soy milk/beverage drinker? Any notable health improvements worthy of mentioning since starting on it?

1-2-11, 6:42pm
I don't drink it regularly. It does taste wonderful when fresh made and still warm. Very sweet without anything added.

1-2-11, 6:48pm
I drink Almond milk, because it has very few carbs. Soy milk has alot more.

1-2-11, 6:54pm
NetTurtle. Going to have to attempt some fresh homemade soy milk in my home! Drinking it warm sounds delightful!

CathyA. I'm going to check into almond milk tomorrow while out shopping. I appreciate the additional insight.

1-2-11, 7:20pm
I love soy milk too. On the other board I posted a soymilk pudding recipe that was really good. I put soy creamer in my coffee too. I tried to get used to the unsweetened version, but find I like the sweetened "light" soymilk the best. I don't know if it makes me healthier, but it is much easier on my stomach than regular milk, and I like the added plus of not funding modern dairy factory-farming practices,which I find repugnant.

1-2-11, 7:27pm
I enjoy using almond milk, I like that it has as much if not more calcium than cow's milk, and fewer calories. I put some sweetener in the plain version and use it on my oatmeal and tea as well as drinking it by the glass. I'm pretty healthy anyway, so can't tell if it has had any effect there.

iris lily
1-2-11, 8:01pm
I like the tasteo f soy milk. I drank it for a while, then stopped when Weight Watchers plan insisted that you drink real milk. I still believe that was due to lobbying by the Dairy industry. But now even Weight Watchers allows soy milk to count.

1-2-11, 8:14pm
I limit soy due to concerns about its effect on health and the environment, but I enjoy unsweetened Almond Breeze and So Delicious coconut beverage--both unsweetened. My morning latte-like drink usually consists of both plus coffee and cream, and sometimes canned coconut milk.

1-2-11, 8:56pm
This is great hearing from everyone. I've never heard of the coconut version before, but I'm going to try that one too! :cool:

So far everyone I've asked in our house says the soy milk doesn't make them feel as heavy and full afterwards as regular milk does.

1-3-11, 5:14pm
I use the flavored soy milk - usually vanilla - to make smoothies with. Tastes great alone too.

1-3-11, 5:17pm
Hi Spartana. I love the sounds of smoothies using soy! A banana, a small handful of berries, yum! Looking forward to trying.

1-3-11, 5:22pm
I prefer the soy, rice, almond milks to regular milk. I think almond breeze is my favorite. but a little more expensive. I haven't noticed any health benefits, but I believe that many people have undiagnosed sensitivities to dairy products that can cause a variety of health problems that are thought of as coming from another sources or causes.

I should do a comparison of them some day to see how they stack up against each other for health and nutrition. I also like the chocolate varieties and have had some Holiday varieties like chocolate/peppermint and egg nog flavor that were great, but probably pumped up with sugar.

1-3-11, 5:31pm
Cow's milk makes my throat feel gummed up, so I prefer any alternative.

1-3-11, 5:32pm
Hi Rogar. So far all I've bought (tried) is the original soy (So Good brand) and it's cane sugar content is 8 grams per serving. I'd like to see a reduced cane sugar version made available.

Shame on me, I went out shopping this morning just as I had planned and forgot to look for rice, almond, and coconut milk! Next time... :)

1-3-11, 5:34pm
Hi Maralaluna. Indeed, when I take in a glass of chilled soy milk it seems my body sucks it up instantly. No after taste, no thick clogged up feeling in my throat afterwards, no nothing.

1-3-11, 5:38pm
I still have Soy Milk in the pantry and use the sweetened flavored version when guests aboard. I can get short date code Soy Milks for .25 so hard to turn that deal down. I have found that unsweetened Almond Milk was tastier for me compared to unsweetened soy and feels better on my system. Since then I have come to really like Hemp milk but it is high in fat content... good for you oil but still hefty calorie by comp.
Have a kind of Vita Mix, now so next time away will probably make our own almond or coconut milk in that vs truck all that weight in the hold. Have very fine filter bag to run it through, separates quicker but no real problem to slosh before pouring, like fresh squeezed OJ. Means we can make it with raw soaked almonds vs cooked "milk" process.
We make Coconut milk with young coconuts and that is a definite fav. Older coconuts make cream and while fine in moderation, it becomes a medicinal "purge" when ingested in any quantity.

1-3-11, 5:43pm
Hi Brian. Nice to hear from you. Great insight and info. Have to say this thread is making me thirsty! :) Such delicious nutritional goodness. I'm really looking forward to trying a few of the other choices like almond milk and rice milk.

1-3-11, 5:49pm
DD and DW both have lactose intolerance issues so drink soy milk. DW also likes the vanilla coffee creamer. I'm not crazy about the taste so stick with good old (organic) cow juice.

1-3-11, 6:05pm
Hi Gregg. I have yet to try soy in my coffee but am looking forward to it! Something new, something different. New things at my age never fail to get me all giddy! :) Silly me...

1-3-11, 6:31pm
There is also a rice milk. I am a soy milk drinker though - love the vanilla flavored version.

1-3-11, 7:34pm
Hi Yppej. I'm going to have to give the vanilla flavoured one a try! :)

1-4-11, 12:00am
I am an almond breeze girl........

1-4-11, 5:59pm
And I may be right behind you Simplemind! :)

1-4-11, 6:08pm
I don't usually drink any "milks", I like coconut milk when I do (I like fatty things :~)). I've just used the canned kind, I'm sure it is better if you make it yourself.

1-5-11, 12:01am
I've just discovered the joy of soy! Especially in my coffee. I am cutting down on saturated fat in my diet for health reasons and was trying to transition to skim milk in my coffee, which I really didn't enjoy. Now I can have soy milk which is nice and creamy and very low in saturated fat. Also had soy nog over the holidays which totally satisfied my need for nog.

1-5-11, 8:27am
ApatheticNoMore. I agree, homemade is the best!

Winterberry. I'm easing myself into this slowly, the soy milk thing and all, but my day is coming in regards to adding a little soy milk to my morning coffee!

1-5-11, 9:32am
We are trying to reduce dairy in our diets so I have been looking at alternatives. Still a little leery of soy products though expecially if not organic. I think there might be some hormonal effects too for some women.

1-5-11, 11:34am
That's a good point about buying organic if you buy soy. If you don't buy organic for soy you are almost certainly consuming a genetically modified (GMO) product. Soy is one of the biggest genetically modified products on the planet.

1-5-11, 1:21pm
I'm milk sensitive and generally don't use milk directly. After a long break, recently I've been using cow's milk in homemade blender ice cream. I used to use almond milk and coconut milks but had forgotten about them. Thanks to this thread, I just made some almond milk. :~) It's very easy. I also used to make coconut milk from unsweetened dry coconut from the health food store.

Next time I go shopping, I'm going to investigate what else currently is out there. Sounds as if there is more choice now than a few years ago.

1-5-11, 4:17pm
I have been drinking rice or almond milk in my coffee lately. I started because I had a bad cold and realized that I go through a lot less of the expensive straight-from-the-microdairy, yummy to a fault milk we get if I don't use it in my coffee. I had been going through probably a half gallon of milk in a week just by myself and that dairy milk is about $7 a gallon. I've been using less than a package of rice or almond milk per week at $1.69. Native Wisconsinite that I am, I'm not giving up milk anytime soon, but this saves me some money and I like it just fine.

1-5-11, 8:09pm
As a brand new vegan (health reasons) I use only soy milk for all milk-type purposes. I even skipped the little half-and-half (cow's milk) container on the plane the other day for my morning cup of tea. Don't like almond milk (the taste just doesn't appeal) and haven't tried coconut milk. I have drunk soy milk for years though - I prefer it in tea and use it to cook my rolled oats/multigrain cereal. The only thing you have to watch is that it does tend to get kind of chalky near the bottom of the container - shake it very well every time you use it to minimize the chalkiness and it's fine (with the cap ON - yes, I've done it without - no it wasn't pretty).

As an aside, having a Big Weakness for choc chip cookie dough ice-cream, and although I haven't tried coconut milk, I was ecstatic to discover that I can buy a coconut milk cookie dough "ice-cream" from the Whole Foods up the road from here, and it is awesome! Absolutely to die for.

Oh, and the only thing I've found that soy milk does not do well at is custard (as in the English Bird's Eye powder version). It just doesn't taste right at all . . . Other than that, go for it!

1-5-11, 10:59pm
Hi Mrs. M., We usually drink Silk Soy Milk and I just love it, I use it for everything from smoothies to cooking. Recently we switched to Almond Milk since it has less carbs in it but still have soy milk around since I love both.

Good for you that you are on the healthy bandwagon -- glad to hear it!

: ) Christine

1-5-11, 11:11pm
Really nice hearing from you all! :)

Gina. Could you be so kind as to share your method of making homemade almond milk with me? I'd like to try. (If my memory serves me correctly, Fern, an old SL member laid out the basics on the old forum as to how to make it, but think I can remember)???... :|(

Anyhow I'm encouraged by everyone's posts. I gain a lot of comfort by it. Thanks. :D

1-6-11, 9:46am
I tried a little soy in my coffee this morning but it's too thin. Coffee doesn't agree with me unless I use something thick and creamy. (Evaporated canned milk, whipping cream, half and half). And lots!!! LMAO!

1-12-11, 8:55am

Have you tried the soy creamers or just the soy milk? I don't know the nutritional content of the creamer but I'm sure more thick and creamy. I do know they have vanilla and hazelnut flavored creamer if you like that sort of thing.

1-12-11, 9:13am
Hi Bke. Didn't know they had soy creamers. Oh boy! I'll be looking for them the next time I'm out shopping. :) I'm so old-fashioned Bke, I use evaporated canned milk in my coffee/tea.

1-12-11, 11:03am
I have not had cows milk in over 15 years. I started with rice milk, then found that too sweet. My family has been drinking soy milk for close to 15 years now. My younger kids (12 & 15) have only ever had soy milk.

1-13-11, 1:16am
Hi Reyes. The only thing I worry about is what Pinkytoe and ApatheticNoMore mentioned about soy being modified. I don't (at all) understand all that scientific stuff.