View Full Version : Mrs. M

4-11-11, 11:03pm
I have noticed that Mrs M has not been on the boards for a few days. Has anyone heard from her? I hope all is well with her....

Float On
4-12-11, 7:30am
I hope all is well too.

domestic goddess
4-12-11, 9:58am
I hope all is well with her and her family, too. She does seem to stay pretty busy, and if I followed her example, I wouldn't have so much time to kill around here,either. Just let us know you're ok, Mrs. M, and we'll leave you alone for awhile to do what you have to. We may even get some things done, too! (Well, probably not me, but you know what I mean.)

Float On
4-12-11, 10:31am
Maybe she is spring cleaning???

4-12-11, 6:29pm
You guys are angels. Heavy sigh..., I apologize for being away for a bit. :( I get sad when a day or two passes and leads into a handful of days, like it did this time. Knowing I'm thought of and cared about makes me feel so appreciated and I thank you all for that. (It really does humble me).

Not to dump on anyone here, but I've been in a bit of a funk for the past week or so. Don't know where it came from or how it all started, but it's there, and it's really tired me out. Sometimes (I think) it's my bodies way of telling me- "slow down Margaret, catch your breath", yet I never seem to listen. I go till I drop (most days) and although there are times my body thanks me for all the hard work, effort, and drive, but sometimes it doesn't, like this time around, where it's knocked me back a step or two. (I'm surprised I never get sick).

Sorry to dump on you like this, but I'd be a liar if I told you I was busy with other things because nothing in my life is so important that I can't drop by here at least once each day to say hello and share a part of my life with you while allowing you to share a part of your lives with me.

Good news is- I'm back, and hopefully with the warm spring weather now in full-swing, maybe I can shake this funk and find my old-self again. (You guys mean so much to me). Thanks.

4-12-11, 6:40pm
Do slow down and take a deep breath! Give yourself a little treat - a special tea, chocolate, new ball of yarn, listen to some beautiful music, check a favorite book out of the library, take a walk, whatever you love! That always gives me a little boost. Hope you feel better soon.

4-12-11, 7:32pm
(((hugs))) I hope you feel better soon.

4-12-11, 7:37pm
Everyone has ups and downs, so don't worry too much about it. Just take good care of yourself, and make sure to arrange some quiet time just for yourself each and every day. :)

4-12-11, 7:42pm
I missed you, too, Mrs. M! I was in a bit of a funk at the end of the week, myself. It happens... and I suspect it will happen to me again this Friday when it SNOWS on top of my newly-germinated vegetable garden. Sigh. Anyway, hope you feel better! (I was thinking of you today because we've had the first days of the season for line drying!)

4-12-11, 7:42pm
Mrs-M, I wish I could drive up to British Columbia and have a cup of tea and a chat with you.

4-12-11, 8:21pm
Glad you're back. Pajama Party at Mrs. M's. We'll get you out of that funk!!!!!

domestic goddess
4-12-11, 8:50pm
Maybe we should all get together for an on-line chat and a cup of tea and some cookies! Yes, especially the cookies. Yummy, yummy cookies.
I'm glad that there is nothing seriously wrong, Mrs-M. I have had Spring Fever in a major way this week. I really don't want to do anything but sleep. Now that isn't really too unusual for me, but it has been worse than usual. Sore knees because of all the rain, etc. Sore neck, just because. Ugh! I didn't mean to start complaining, but just saying I can understand. One day we'll all be feeling better!

Sad Eyed Lady
4-12-11, 9:02pm
Did someone say pajama party at Mrs. M's? Count me in! I'll bring my blankie though, so don't laugh.

Seriously, those steadily depressing, low down mind messing blues can hit anyone at anytime - glad you are feeling better now Mrs. M - you have been missed.

Float On
4-12-11, 10:48pm
Glad you are ok Mrs M. This crazy weather, warm one day then cold the next is enough to put anyone in a funk.

4-13-11, 1:10am
Yay! Glad you're back. Know about that funk myself. Feel better in jiffy! Missed you! :D

4-13-11, 1:26am
well I am on the coast of BC so I will wave to you.

4-13-11, 2:45am
I get that funk with the weather. Every one is talking about spring and gardens and it's been nothing but rain and snow even where I am. We had one nice day last week and I got more done that day than in a week's worth of time. Supposed to rain all the next week, so I find myself lazy and mopey again.

4-13-11, 9:19am
You guys are the best. You really know how to pull someone out of the dumps. Sometimes I dream of what it would be like to have us all in one little area (place) so we could all get-together from time to time. That would be nice.

I'm sorry for bringing my problems to the board and to all of you. That's something I try and avoid at all costs, dragging my woes and problems and things to others here for presentation.

Anyhow, that funk is still with me this morning, I can still feel it, but it is lessening. Going to sort out a few odd and ends in the next hour or two (home-front stuff), then I'll be back again to visit.

Thanks again everybody.

4-16-11, 12:32am
Margaret. Another little piece falls into place. Now you are not Mrs M to me, you are...Mrs. Margaret!! :))) It happens to all of us (the funk, not the silliness!)

4-16-11, 12:39am
Hi Darfield. Mrs. Margaret is good too! :) A pleasant switch it is. I've made some serious headway in shaking that funk that set in. It's almost all gone now and I'm sleeping and feeling better. (Many big thanks to all of you). Oh, and on the topic of silliness, that too is also good! :)

4-16-11, 3:53am
Hugs to you, Mrs-M. I've been in a bit of a funk lately too. The cold, rainy weather isn't helping either.... Thinking of you.

4-16-11, 6:19am
Glad you are feeling a little better Mrs. M. I think a lot of people get in a funk this time of year. We sure can become weary from a long winter!

4-16-11, 8:47am
It SNOWED this morning. Sigh. Talk about funk-inducing weather!

4-16-11, 11:18am
Major funk happening here today. It's snowing yet again. I am so done with this lousy weather.

domestic goddess
4-16-11, 1:08pm
Seems like it doesn nothing but rain here. Actually, we had some beautiful weather last weekend, but that seems like weeks ago now. It is just rain, rain, rain. My knees ache to the point I don't even want to walk on them (well, I actually walk on my feet, but I wish my knees were out of the picture!), I have a cold (again! really!!) I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I want the rain to stop so I can get outside and do some work there.
Sorry, I didn't mean to get on here and start complaining. Really, my life isn't all that bad. I'm just "under the weather" today.

4-16-11, 4:57pm
Hi everybody! I'm taking everyone here today (on this thread topic as of right now) in my arms and giving you all a great big warm and happy hug! It's my way of helping chase away old miserable Mr. Funk, and in turn I'm hoping it will help brighten everyone's day.

Domestic Goddess. Sending you a piping hot cup of tea to help put the run on that nasty cold you have and to help get you back on your feet again. (Above the weather is our motto for the day)!

4-16-11, 6:08pm
Hope you feel better soon, Mrs. M. Spring really truly is on its way! Glad you're back!

domestic goddess
4-16-11, 6:42pm
Well, I did run out and do a bit of shopping today. DD and the kiddos are going to the movies tonight, so I will try to bake something then, or get a breakfast casserole ready for the morning. Bought a bunch of candy for Easter baskets, and the little ones will be quite happy, I think. Now I'm ready for a nap!
DGD1 is reading a book called Stolen Children by Peg Keheret, and she says it is getting scary. I wish someone would supervise her book selections a little more. Just because she can read at a more advanced level doesn't mean that every book written at that level is good for her. We will see how this plays out, and maybe we'll have to ask her teacher or librarian to guide her choices a bit.
On the plus side, we think dd has a job. One just sort of fell out of the sky and whacked her in the head. Maybe that is a sign.
ETA: Today would have been my parents' 62nd wedding anniversary. My dad died 6 years ago, so they got 56 good years in.

4-16-11, 9:02pm
life does have its ups and downs, doesn't it? Part of being older is the ability to realize what kind of mood we're in and hopefully take some steps to move on to better days. Here, in TN we are in our usual pattern of spring weather, hot and humid in the 80s for a few days, then all of a sudden, rainy and back to windy highs in the 60s.....we have been cold for the past 3 days. Heard tomorrow will be a sunny day with temps in the low 70s. Better for the Easter egg hunt at church. Hope you are feeling much better soon!

domestic goddess
4-17-11, 12:05am
While I was out today, we had freezing rain! C'mon, it's April, for Pete's sake! I would love to see the sun, even for a few minutes, although that will make me want more! When I'm complaining that it is August, and 100 degrees out, whomp me upside the head, and remind me that I am just never happy!
I did buy potato chips today, and have really enjoyed them. They have been worth the price! DD bought me some diet Pepsi (my drug of choice) and I got up in the middle of the night to have some. It was such a relief when it dissolved that post-nasal drip right out of my throat...aaahhhhhh!
Spring really will come. It will last about 3 minutes, then go straight into summer.

Float On
4-17-11, 8:46am
Spring really will come. It will last about 3 minutes, then go straight into summer.

Ha! That's what I always say! Seems I get only one day between running heat and running air!

Sad Eyed Lady
4-17-11, 9:28am
life does have its ups and downs, doesn't it? Part of being older is the ability to realize what kind of mood we're in and hopefully take some steps to move on to better days. Here, in TN we are in our usual pattern of spring weather, hot and humid in the 80s for a few days, then all of a sudden, rainy and back to windy highs in the 60s.....we have been cold for the past 3 days. Heard tomorrow will be a sunny day with temps in the low 70s. Better for the Easter egg hunt at church. Hope you are feeling much better soon!

Tenngal we're in the same weather pattern I think. I am you neighbor just to the north (Kentucky) and all day yesterday I COMPLAINED - it was so cold. Where were those nice warm 80 degree days we had had recently? Then today it is sunny and supposed to be back in the 70's! Love that! I am going to wash and hang laundry outside in the sunshine - no bad funk today. Here's wishing happy weather to everyone on this thread!

4-17-11, 11:19am
Snow This Morning!!! Do your 'NO MORE SNOW' dance for me Mrs. M.

4-17-11, 1:21pm
Just wanted to chime in with "Count me among those who are relieved." When I read subject lines like this one, I hold my breath as I scroll down looking for a response from the person being asked about. I don't post much, but I still feel like I've gotten to know some members through their posts. Glad you're still here, Mrs. M.

4-17-11, 6:13pm
I am so humbled by all of your kindness and caring words. (Thank you so much everyone for being such great online friends)! I feel back to normal just reading through all your posts!

We've had snow three nights in a row, it isn't amounting to anything, but still, snow, and, lots of rain!!! Supposedly were due for cooler than normal temperatures right through till June. I'm OK with the cooler temps, in fact I welcome it, but the snow and the rain can end now. (I am missing using my clothesline sooo much)! I stare outside at it daily!!!

Anyhow, this thread has been a real energy booster for me. You guys will never know how much it made all the difference in the world as to me feeling better and being happy again. Thanks again. (Hugs all around)!

P.S. Going to do a "no more snow and rain dance" for everyone here. Can someone do a clothesline dance for me? :)

4-18-11, 9:26am
P.S. Going to do a "no more snow and rain dance" for everyone here. Can someone do a clothesline dance for me? :)

Sure, now where did I put my tap shoes......hmmmm.

4-18-11, 5:37pm
Originally posted by Goldensmom.
Sure, now where did I put my tap shoes......hmmmm.Just shake your magic wand! :)