View Full Version : Welcome from an old-timer

1-2-11, 7:29pm
Hi All!

Glad to be back and looking around. Looks like a real good job was done by all. :+1:


1-2-11, 9:40pm
Hi, Jonathan, good to see you here, I miss your posts from back in 2005 and 2006. This place I think is going to work and be cool and perhaps even bring in new people with new viewpoints to offer, I feel only good about it. Rob of the Valley once more (used to be Rob in Phoenix)

1-3-11, 9:43am
Hi Jonathan, good to have you back. Have missed your posts!!!

1-3-11, 12:38pm
Hi Jonathan - Glad to see you back. I wondered where you dissapeared too - maybe caught in a Minnesota snow bank don't cha know!

(formerly She-Rah)

1-3-11, 12:43pm
Jonathan, so glad to see you back. Still have my copy of Simple Living in the City!

1-3-11, 1:06pm
Ditto what gail_d said (I really do still have your book) :) So good to see you here!

1-3-11, 1:52pm
Jonathan! We'd all been hoping you'd wander in and say hi! Hope life is treating you well and that you will have a little extra time to poke around here.

1-3-11, 5:00pm
Nice to hear from you again and hoping that life is fun for you.
razz aka Danny

1-3-11, 9:45pm
Hi Jonathan - Glad to see you back. I wondered where you dissapeared too - maybe caught in a Minnesota snow bank don't cha know!)
Heh! Almost! The snow pile in the boulevard was approaching 4 feet over the holidays! It's melted a bit now. But you can sure get your car stuck in a hurry! :0

I'm involved more in theatre at the moment. I'm a volunteer actor for a Sexual Abuse awareness program in conjunction with the county Victim's Services org and the local middle schools. I've also been on stage for a paying audience (scary thought that) in a few minor roles (I can't memorize fast enough for major roles, even if I looked like a leading character, which I don't). Besides, it's the minor roles that "steal the show", not the main characters. ;) And with few lines, all I have to remember is blocking... There's lots of fun roles if you don't have the ego-need to be Fudly Stuckwell (reverse the initial sounds). Also doing stuff around the stage - run spots, build set pieces, strike shows, move scenery, make/repair pros, keep the stage manager happy (often my wife), and whatnot.

I took time off from the forums to write, but the project fell through (keep those copies of LSITC nice, there will not be a second edition). I've got a few ideas perking, but nothing I want to put into print badly enough to do it yet. Moving didn't help this.

Work is work; those of you with day jobs understand. Not a HSSJ, but still 10 hours a day shot...

As the song says: It's good to be back.

1-4-11, 3:29pm
(keep those copies of LSITC nice, there will not be a second edition)

Oh No!!!! Unfortunately I didn't get to read the first one (was I in that one???) but am at the library now and will see if they have a copy. If not, maybe someone here can direct me towards one. You sound WAY to busy to write at this time - what with hamming it up on stage and all :-)! I, as usual, am doing nothing!! Ah, life is sweet. Lazy Lindi (formally She-Rah and changing my new name to Lazy Lindi instead of Spartana soon)