View Full Version : Feelings about upcoming trip
I'm rather excited about a trip to London, England, that I have planned for late spring.
However, I'm also somewhat scared. I have not been there since 1987. I'm afraid I will be lonely and homesick (it's a solo trip). I'm also afraid of the unknown-ness of the trip. I do have acquaintances in England but I don't know if I will be meeting up with any of them. There are three of them so maybe the odds are good that we will get together.
I've been there three times and I never experienced nervousness before. I'm a lot older now, of course.
Do you think this is typical? Normal?
My experience of getting older is that just about every venture becomes anxiety-inducing. So I'd say it's both typical and normal, unfortunately.
1-7-16, 11:14am
Sure, anxiety is very typical for this kind of thing, completely normal, and definitely something you can overcome by doing it.
I think it sounds wonderful!
Just keep telling yourself, "it's only anxiety. It's perfectly normal to be anxious."
This helps a lot! It got me through presenting at a national conference last year, when I had never done anything like that. It keeps you from escalating the anxiety, by realizing it as a normal feeling.
Yeah ... I'm surprised to find myself less than 100% enthused about getting out of town, I've always loved traveling, but I'm definitely saddled with some apprehension these days. My "What If's" get more out of control when I'm not in my comfort zone, for sure. Don't like or want this attitude but it seems to be with me anyway. I try to remind myself that part of the excitement of traveling can be having some hurdles and getting over them, because that feels amazing.
Maybe it's the travel itself and not the destination so much. Its just such a hassle anymore.
Just got back a couple of weeks ago from a trip to Spain and Portugal that I have wished to do for decades. Was I nervous ahead of time? Absolutely. It is one's way of checking that one has considered everything that ought to be done. I wished that I had packed my little umbrella for the one rainy day. I planned on doing so but thought that I would pick it up later so bought one in Portugal.
I travelled with just a carry-on so was very fussy on what was packed and kept checking that I had enough but no excess.
You will do fine and have a wonderful adventure. Part of the anxiety is also excitement and anticipation which is good for any trip.
I think it's very natural for people to fear the downside more as they get older. Look at kids -- they think nothing of stumbling around until they learn to walk even at the cost of abrasions and bruises. But ask an adult to take ski lessons and many of them immediately launch in their mind to a hospital room and a cast for their broken bone. As adults we've tasted failure or things going wrong. Most times it's not pleasant; unpleasant enough to hang around in our minds despite the good which can come out of our chosen activity.
ETA: That said, it sounds like there's far more upside than downside here. Personally, I like not having to accommodate someone else's schedule when I travel. It makes chasing shiny objects there easier. It's also a great opportunity to get away from the people and hubbub if you need/want to.
Thanks for the reassurance, folks. I absolutely never worried about anything back in my youth. Never took out travel insurance. My mom used to worry about terrorists, but I don't worry about that too much, actually. I think I'm more concerned about the personal aspects. I do agree with SteveinMN about being able to do what I want, when i want. I did have offers by two people to go with me but decided to go alone. I'm sure everything will be OK in the end!
Teacher Terry
1-7-16, 1:35pm
I admire people that travel alone. I would not enjoy it but I can see when others do. I am always anxious before a big trip. I think that is normal.
Thinking about it, bar none the most stressful part of travel for me has been pre-planned things that include other people. We missed a connecting flight and couldn't get in touch with my inlaws who waited 5 hours at the airport and even called the police. What a stressful waste of a day for all involved. Whenever I travel to my own parents it's a stress fest because they want to know Exactly when I will be arriving, anything other than the estimated time becomes a catastrophe and a personal disappointment. >8) So yeah, I totally agree that traveling alone without other people's expectations weighing on you can be really nice, although sometimes I forget to notice that at the time.
I have traveled all over the world since 1982 and now am finding more anxiety about things that never were a problem before. It is sort of like when I learned to drive it was exciting and a lot of fun. Then I was hit a couple of times and slowly realized how dangerous it really was to drive. Now I am very anxious about driving and it seems to be getting worse.
When I look back and think about the trips I am amazed that we even thought it would be possible. Maybe the media makes the bad news seem so much closer and more important than it really is???
1-8-16, 2:34am
I usually an anxious about leaving home because I prefer routines that are easily interrupted by trip surprises. But once one my way, I enjoy seeing things I've never seen before and trying to find interesting people.
1-8-16, 2:34pm
You're going on an adventure! It's totally normal to be nervous; if you weren't stretching your boundaries there would probably be little point in going.
Traveling alone can certainly be a bit scary and likely uncomfortable. (I swear they make the airplane seats smaller every time.)
It might be helpful to write down exactly what your fears are, and how you might address them.
I get to experience a hybrid of solo traveling when I travel on business. Obviously I'm there to work with my clients, and I do that, but when I'm not working, usually my time is my own and I LOVE it!! I don't have to answer to anyone--I can go to a museum or a cafe or just walk around aimlessly. I must be a total weirdo because I LOVE airports. I love talking to cab drivers. I love tasting different food.
Try not to stress about it.. work on that carefree attitude of your youth and enjoy!
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