View Full Version : Leo may regret this pledge before long...

4-1-16, 7:37am

Strange line in the sand for Leonardo diCaprio... He has pledged abstinence until the earth quits fossil fuels, which means he may as well become a monk. He said he's doing it to send the message that we all have to sacrifice to correct the environmental devastation we're in the middle of.

Seems like a very strange choice of sacrifice. I can see hunger strikes, or walk-outs, or boycotts, but abstinence? What does one thing have to do with the other? And how would we know if he is/isn't abstinent? Maybe wear a green "A" instead of a red one?

If you were a public figure trying to influence people to care for the environment and end fossil fuel/carbon emissions, what sacrifice would you make?

ETA: Oops! Silly me!!!! It was an April Fool's joke by Inhabitat and I fell for it. So early in the morning, too. It's going to be a long day.

4-1-16, 7:55am
April Fools' Day is the worst day. I wish I could just stay in bed. People always fool me and it gives me anxiety.

4-1-16, 8:06am
I totally bought it. You should have left it play out Catherine.

I was going to pledge to eat a pizza once a week for world hunger.

Just curious, assuming the whole world got together in one big cosmic hug, how do you know the exact point in time when the environmental devastation ends?

Oh I get, perpetual April Fool's!!