View Full Version : Like Frontier House? You'll Like These Too.....

4-18-11, 3:00pm
For anyone who loves the "house" shows on PBS - 1900 House, Frontier House, Colonial House, et al, you'll LOVE these documentaries I found from BBC!

The problem with those other shows was that the producers took their cue from reality TV and focused on the petty drama amongst everyone, and focused on the "modern-person-in-a-fish-out-of-water-situation" that just showed everyone moaning about how hard the work was and how oppressed they felt - especially the women.

These two documentaries are what those other shows SHOULD have been. They are educational and shows the people "living" in the Edwardian and Victorian eras going about their daily lives, learning the skills and trades from back then, trying to master them. Two archaeologists and a historian live for one calendar year in each era with cameras rolling.

They're fascinating, with no snarky drama! If you love the past and would love to see the closest thing to 'a day in the life' back then, these are it!

Victorian Farm can be seen episode by episode on Youtube here: Victorian Farm (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ts0Rwnn2yg)

Edwardian Farm can be seen episode by episode here: Edwardian Farm (http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/edwardian-farm/)

4-18-11, 5:33pm
Oh this is great Gingerella72! Thanks for these. I see there are many offered in the Victorian Farm series. Going to work on watching them all! This sort of thing is right up my alley, I'd waste not a minute in plunging myself into such a challenge and I know I'd enjoy it immensely. I don't know where my love of farming and country living comes from, but as far back as I can remember I've always longed for such a lifestyle.

4-18-11, 6:22pm
Thanks for the recommendations. I did enjoy parts of those PBS/BBC series you mentioned, and parts of them annoyed me, like you said. Some series were better than others. My absolute favorite was 1940s House, which followed a British family recreating life in England during WWII. Just watching them trying to deal with ever-increasing rationing was eye opening. And they really did very little complaining.

The first one I ever watched was 1900 House, and yes, there was some moaning by the mom and oldest daughter about the lack of rights for women, but honestly that didn't bother me. I think it was entirely appropriate for the show to address that, considering these were modern women trying to live with those restrictions. I thought it didn't hurt to educate the father (and the viewer) that he had it relatively easy going off to work every day rather than staying home and taking apart the beds for a thorough cleaning or boiling laundry. I also remember finding the side story of the maid they hired interesting.

All of that said, I am definitely looking forward to checking out the two Farm series you mentioned. Thanks!


4-18-11, 11:44pm
Oooh, thanks for these links!

4-19-11, 5:57am
Thanks, Gingerella! I disliked the PBS shows for precisely the reasons you outlined. I look forward to viewing these.

4-19-11, 8:38am
OH this is great! Thanks! I'm looking forward to watching these.

4-19-11, 9:20am
Upon further digging I found out they did a couple more of them too. One of them isn't available online except for one brief 8 minute teaser piece: Tales from the Green Valley (http://www.ovguide.com/tv/tales_from_the_green_valley.htm), where they live for a year on a Welsh farm in the 1600's. I hope this one is someday available in full!

Victorian Pharmacy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoF5vCZcS6U) was a shorter special they did focusing on medical and home remedies of the era in a recreated apothecary. This one is viewable in full on Youtube at the link.

Oh, and one more thing I discovered: I was trying to finish watching Edwardian Farm last night on the original link I provided above, and on part 4 of episode 11 the streaming cut out entirely. I was able to finish watching it on youtube, so if this happens to anyone else on that link just find it on youtube.

4-19-11, 11:45pm
The Victorian Pharmacy link is awesome! Check out the pharmacies collection of apothecary jars and things! The interior of the pharmacy is so warm and homey and inviting. The wooden bookcases, and check out the clock built right in to the heavy door-surround mill-work. I've got some serious watching to do.

4-20-11, 10:20pm
On Episode 4, metering them out to make them last and keep balance with getting work done. Thank you Gingerella

4-21-11, 6:47am
Great links. Although I like the 'olden days', because we are in the agriculture business, the Victorian Farm and Edwardian Farm sure makes me glad I live now. Guess I never thought about not being able to walk into a pharmacy with a prescription from my physician to get specific drug for a specific diagnosis. Always something out there to make me thankful for what I have and where I am. Thanks for the links.

4-21-11, 12:08pm
Thanks for the links. I loved 1940's House and Frontier House. I remember that Frontier House was on, I was working nights and had to tape it. The final episode started late on my local PBS station and the end was cut off. It didn't get shown again for several weeks.

4-25-11, 10:49pm
Thanks! I'm right to watching it and loving it.