View Full Version : Happy Cinco De Mayo!

5-5-16, 8:58am
Hey everyone! Celebrate Cinco De Mayo while you still can!

The Donald will certainly ban it!

5-5-16, 9:15am
Cultural appropriator!

5-5-16, 9:30am
Cultural appropriator!

My genetic testing shows I am 2% Latino!

5-5-16, 11:02am
My genetic testing shows I am 2% Latino!

So you're allowed to celebrate for 29 minutes.

iris lily
5-5-16, 11:03am

Here are two flower artangements I made for a Cinco De Mayo fundraiser luncheon today.

5-5-16, 11:21am
I like the one on the left. And the color is delicious.
Unfortunately, I have no Cinco de Mayo plans. :(

iris lilies
5-5-16, 11:50am
I like the one on the left. And the color is delicious.
Unfortunately, I have no Cinco de Mayo plans. :(
These roses are fabulous. They are orange with tones of hot pink and peach. Ive got to find put the names of theme so that I can order them in the future

Float On
5-5-16, 11:51am
I have a free meal coupon for Qdoba....that may be as exciting as it gets for me today.

IL - those roses are beautiful and I love that you complemented them with turquoise vessels.

5-5-16, 12:37pm
Cultural appropriator!

The whole holiday as celebrated in the US strikes me as cultural appropriation/mockery, akin to St. Patrick's Day.

5-5-16, 12:45pm
Cultural appropriation vs. melting pot: let the debate begin. :D
As far as I know, the average Mexican-American is about as outraged as the average Irish-American by this kind of "cultural appropriation."
Certainly this is true of my 100 percent Mexican-American SO and his family.

5-5-16, 1:14pm
Cultural appropriation vs. melting pot: let the debate begin. :D
As far as I know, the average Mexican-American is about as outraged as the average Irish-American by this kind of "cultural appropriation."
Certainly this is true of my 100 percent Mexican-American SO and his family.

I guess my main issue with it is when non-Hispanics put on Mexican "blackface" and trot out the usual stereotypes.


5-5-16, 1:48pm
Bad taste abounds, unfortunately.
It's OK though, President Trump will probably outlaw Cinco de Mayo celebrations. :~)

5-5-16, 1:52pm
Bad taste abounds, unfortunately.
It's OK though, President Trump will probably outlaw Cinco de Mayo celebrations. :~)

That'd be tricky, as he'd just be the President, and can't pass laws.

5-5-16, 2:19pm
That'd be tricky, as he'd just be the President, and can't pass laws.

Don't tell him that--he's looking forward to being Supreme Potentate!

Teacher Terry
5-5-16, 2:30pm
Isn't that the truth!!!

5-5-16, 2:33pm
Maybe we should just have an American Mongrel day. "We may be mutts, but we're the meanest dog on the porch".

I mean, who really cares if the Mexicans won a battle against the French, who invaded Mexico because the US was too distracted by the Civil War to enforce the Monroe Doctrine?

5-5-16, 3:33pm

5-5-16, 5:52pm
This whole thread is a joke!

5-5-16, 7:43pm
Many in my community celebrated by going to dinner at the local Mexican restaurant. Ironic, since the employees are temporary workers who smuggle cocaine into our community when they show up for work and take back tens of thousands of dollars to Mexico with them when they leave. Their restaraunt is simply a front for their illegal drug money laundering enterprise. I guess people don't read the police blotter much.

5-5-16, 8:03pm
Going out for Mexican food and a Margarita tonight. Yes, it's a silly holiday but what the heck, and we are stimulating the economy ...