View Full Version : Interview as Office Manager Theater & Dance Program

5-20-16, 11:11am
I have an upcoming interview at a prestigious small college in the Theater & Dance Program. What on earth do I wear! It's an office manager position in a small department. I'll wear a lot of hats on the job.

Also, I am trying not to stereotype but I wonder what the office atmosphere will be? People in the arts have a different set of skills and personalities to be attracted to performing arts. I just wonder how to fit in. My style is pragmatic, get it done, hard worker but a great love of the arts. I love to write and attend live opera when I can. We have some things in common but I wonder, day to day, what sort of folks will I be around.

5-20-16, 11:28am

I graduated from a small college with a degree in theatre--my fellow actors were all really interesting and different from one another, so it's hard to make a blanket statement. The faculty was wonderful, warm, caring, intelligent. Not all college theatre majors wind up acting or in theatre. In fact, I'd bet that a lot of them wind up like I did--in completely different fields. Being a "star" in a small college is a lot different from having to go out into the real world and prove yourself as an actor and there is a whole different skill set involved, like passionate belief in yourself. So many people get the acting bug out of their system in college and then do something else when they graduate, either right after graduation, or after they've gotten enough hard knocks in the real world.

I don't think you have to dress differently than you would for any other job interview, but I would say that among theatre folk, you can't go wrong with black.

Good luck!

5-20-16, 11:34am

I don't think you have to dress differently than you would for any other job interview, but I would say that among theatre folk, you can't go wrong with black.

Good luck!

I was thinking black leotard, tights, and a huge scarf. Talk about fashion stereotypes. :D

Teacher Terry
5-20-16, 3:35pm
Congrats on the interview! I would wear the standard nice clothes. You will get a feel for things as you start to meet the people working there.

5-20-16, 4:15pm
I've worked at several colleges and every one had an entirely different culture. One was very old-fashioned, in a cozy kind of way. Most of the faculty had been there a long time and there was a sort of family atmosphere.
One was very egalitarian - the administration really wanted to hear everyone's point of view. There were a lot of young people, it was very casual (California) and very straight-forward; little in the way of office politics.
Another is quite uptight. It seems like they are competing with the Ivy League or something. There is a lot of tension, people dress to impress, and it seems like no one really speaks what is on their mind.

You certainly don't need to dress as you would for an interview in a bank. A suit is fine (either with a skirt or trousers) but make it individual - where a pink t-shirt instead a white button down, or an unusual piece of jewelry. Stocking are optional, you can wear flat shoes. Have fun!

5-20-16, 4:44pm
I would dress for any usual type of interview and then see how they dress in the office and maybe get some new things once there for a while. Good luck!