View Full Version : DD got a job!

domestic goddess
4-21-11, 8:52pm
Maybe this belongs in the Workplace forum, but it feels more like a family matter to me, so I put it here. Don't hesitate to move it, if it seems best.
DD has been talking about getting a job for some time, but hasn't made a move. In some ways, she still hasn't, as this job just fell into her lap.
DSIL has been doing some work on the home of a couple in a 'burb not too far from where they live. He found out from the homeowner's wife, who owns a tanning salon, that her manager had quit, and she is going to have to find someone to fill that position. So, of course, he pipes up and tells her that DD managed a tanning salon for several years, and the woman said "She's hired! Have her call me." DD hemmed and hawed about calling for awhile, then she did it. Met with the woman early this week, and took the job. She just wanted part-time at first, until she got all the things iwth the girls figured out, and it turns out they only wanted to hire part time at first. They were willing to accomodate all of DD's requests, so she ran out of excuses to take it.
I think it will really be good for DD to take this job. She is a person who really needs a lot of stimulation and contact with other people. She must have gotten that from me, because I don't have any of that. But, anyway, I think it will be good for her, since most of her friends work, and that leaves her with too much alone time. She also needs to understand that she can work and parent, and do both well, because I've seen her do it. She also needs to feel that she has some options, as life with DSIL gets very challenging at times.
So, I'm happy to see this event in her life. And there's more: The couple has hired DSIL to do more work for them, and some work at their salon. A painter is also needed, so DSIL called the painter who lives across the street and who hasn't had enough work during the winter due to economic woes. He bid on the job, and got it! So 3 people on this block now have jobs with the same people.
Things have worked out pretty well, I think.

4-21-11, 9:22pm
That's great news, plus I love how your SIL looks out for the neighbor to get him some work too. Right place, right time.

4-21-11, 11:47pm
I am so happy for you and your DD and DSIL Domestic Goddess! Yippee! I'm thinking an evening out together in the next short while to celebrate over a great meal and a glass of wine is in order!

Float On
4-22-11, 8:58am
That is really good news!

4-22-11, 10:55am
That really is good news; I like hearing about people finding work in this dismal job climate.

"She must have gotten that from me, because I don't have any of that." That made me laugh as my mother always used to say "You got your father's looks--I still have mine."

domestic goddess
4-22-11, 1:21pm
Well, of course things have gotten complicated! Got a call from my mom saying that she has to have laser surgery on her eyes and not sure how she will manage, since she will need eyedrops every 2 hours afterward. Told her that of course, I'll come down and take care of her, but she wasn't sure of the date. So I called the dr's office this morning, and it is on Tuesday! Not sure when dd is starting this job, but I possibly won't be there to help for the first few days. Well, they will just have to figure it out for themselves. I hope the house is still standing when I get back!

domestic goddess
4-23-11, 4:23pm
Hurt my back and left hip. How, I don't know. I can sit without too much trouble, but getting out of the car and walking will be a challenge. I have a cane around here and that should help. Guess I'll just look pathetic when I get to a gas station, and see if I can get help.

4-23-11, 4:36pm
Not good Domestic Goddess. DH and I we're just talking about injures the other day and how (as one ages) aches and pains seem to set in and how the body doesn't bounce back like it used to. I hope you've just tweaked a muscle and it will be better in a day or two. (Sending healing wishes your way).