View Full Version : Watermelon reviews?

7-12-16, 4:02pm
Hey all, since it is still watermelon season I wanna know: How are the watermelons you've gotten?

Last year I got a dozen or so -- none of them were any good. I eventually quit buying them.

This year I have had probably 10, only one was bad. The rest have so far been really good!

iris lilies
7-12-16, 4:55pm
I sincerely believe that a good cantalope beats a good watermelon any day.

7-12-16, 5:24pm
Now I know you are just trying to tick me off!:moon:

7-12-16, 5:32pm
Now I know you are just trying to tick me off!:moon:
I think this may be the first and only time I've agreed with you. In the absence of watermelon, a cantaloupe is fine but nothing beats a good watermelon.

7-12-16, 5:43pm
....nothing beats a good watermelon.

Yup! About to have a slice now.

7-12-16, 7:18pm
My mother was a fan of cantaloupe; I always think of her when I see it, but it's pretty far down my list of favorite melons.

7-12-16, 8:25pm
I've bought a few this year. They have been pretty good, but not as sweet and delicious as I had hoped for and remember. (from other years.)

I find that you can get the best melons in August and September around here. I love all types of melons.

7-12-16, 8:45pm
We get watermelons from other areas but always wait for the ones from Hermiston Oregon. Nothing compares and they are worth the wait. Great flavor and the perfect mouth feel (not mushy/mealy).

7-12-16, 8:51pm
Yup! About to have a slice now.

Try cutting a slice into a triangle and freezing for a few hours. Wonderful... watermelon popsicles! They are really refreshing!

7-13-16, 12:49pm
I always prefer seeded to seedless, though they're getting harder to find. The seedless ones don't have the same flavor and texture that I like.

7-13-16, 1:14pm
Yep, Hermiston watermelons are the best. I don't even try any til those come over.

7-14-16, 2:21am
I love all types of melon. I have bought a couple of watermelon last week and its pretty good. Best when its cold.

7-14-16, 7:35am
I just got another watermelon and the dang thing is mediocre! haha

Float On
7-14-16, 9:36am
My first watermelons every season are wonderful. The last two...have gone right to the compost. I don't like watermelon to taste fuzzy.
I know to look for a dark dull melon with good yellow spot and brown lines but that still resulted in fibrous, fuzzy texture the last two.

7-14-16, 11:45am
I haven't been very impressed with the ones I've bought so far. Hopefully the next one will be better. I'm thinking August will be the best time for them?
I can't believe how small the seedless ones have become.....for the same price. I think the "personal" watermelons are silly. In summer, we have watermelon after dinner almost every night.
I put salt on my watermelon and cantaloupe. DH thinks that's crazy.....but it's really good. It can actually make an under-sweet melon taste sweeter.
I thought I figured out the secret to picking a good one.......very dark green with a very light yellow end.......but that's not always right. I thump a few, just to look like I know what I'm doing. :~)

Float On
7-14-16, 11:54am
I put salt on my watermelon and cantaloupe.

I sometimes salt the watermelon, my kids think that's strange. My dad taught me to put black pepper on cantaloupe. I do that on occasion...

7-14-16, 5:22pm
Yep, salt on watermelon...mmm...funny, my dad taught ME that, too, along with salting grapefruit, AND pepper on cantaloupe. Was your dad from Illinois or Colorado?

7-14-16, 5:25pm
LOL........my dad salted his watermelon and grapefruit too! that's where I picked it up. Don't think he put pepper on cantaloupe though, just the salt. He was from PA.

7-14-16, 6:09pm
I salt my watermelon too, but have never heard of pepper on cantaloupe. I'll have to give that a try.

7-14-16, 6:25pm
My great-aunt always salted her cantaloupe and I thought that was really weird. She said it brought the sweetness out, but I didn't get it. Give me sugar and ice cream on top of cantaloupe any day! I LOVE a good cantaloupe (with or without sugar)

DH is a watermelon fanatic. The best thing I ever did for him (according to him) was when he was driving up to VT with the dog. I packed him a ziplock bag full of watermelon chunks and they both ate that all the way up. He still talks about it as if it were the greatest thing in the world.

7-14-16, 7:25pm
Oh yeah, I forgot about having ice cream with cantaloupe. I don't think it's done much anymore though.

7-17-16, 8:41am
Watermelon rind pickles...yum!